Hi David,
If I understand what you have explained with GMAIL, if I go to gmail.com, and
to the all-mail folder and delete all the old (thousands of them), then they
shouldn't be downloaded once I think about upgrading to Mavericks. Is that
correct? The master folder is the all mail folder and
Hi David,
Another question about Gmail. Can one create new label folders on the iPhone or
does it need to be created at gmail.com? Also, if you have a folder listed in
the account Gmail area on the phone, can the rule be created on the phone or
again the rule needs to be created in gmail.com?
Hi Daniel,
I think I have the FN key enable because I use it with combinations with the
function keys on the top row. What I have done is use the FN-F2 twice to
bring up the window chooser and select the document that I want to reopen.
I guess I can relate the window chooser on the Air to the
Hi Jessica,
I believe there were others who contacted the developers that were using just
Mac Gourmet to see if they could receive a license for the most current
version. I decided to get the deluxe version because of the nutritional
feature. I'm thinking in the future in creating a specialty
Hello Folks,
To me the interface of the iOS version of Mac Gourmet is easier to navigate and
input the data correctly into the fields. I have been attempting to use Mac
Gourmet Deluxe on my Air, but I find it more confusing and not direct to input
the info for a recipe. Are there any tricks or
> Hope this clears up some of the confusion.
> Jim
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 1:18 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> To me the interface of the iOS version of Mac Gourmet is easier to navigate
>> and input the data correctly into the fields
ommand-5 to
> enter the ingredients and do the sale for directions with command-6. Your
> other options like categories and servings/yield will be in that edit session
> as well.
> Jim
> On Jan 31, 2014, at 7:08 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
It would also be great if those who are posting could also include any settings
in Gmail that they made in order for Gmail to work flawlessly in Maverick. This
is the main reason why I haven't upgraded to Maverick yet, along with the
problem with finder. It would also be nice to put the
>> One other thing, I created a hotspot at the save button and a corresponding
>> keystroke so i don't have to hunt for the save button all the time.
>> Good luck,
>> Jim
>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:22 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
gt; On Feb 6, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hi Jessica,
>> Jim beat me to this, but I'll still post. First, I want to know if in
>> service preferences you have the keyboard shortcut checked there and in
>> TextEdit also. If not, you wil
o go to mariner web site and file a high
>>>> priority ticket with them to help. Let them know that you are using
>>>> voiceover.
>>>> One other thing, I created a hotspot at the save button and a
>>>> corresponding keystroke so i don't
gt; Hope this is helpful.
> Jim
> On Feb 6, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hi Jessica,
>> Jim beat me to this, but I'll still post. First, I want to know if in
>> service preferences you have the keyboard shortcut checked there and
> On Feb 6, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> Thanks. I can't keep up with yu. I can tell I am still a beginner when it
>> comes to navigating around my Mac. *Smile*.
>> Eileen
>> On Feb 6, 2014, at
Hello Mac Gourmet Deluxe Users,
On the iOS version there is a tab or button to select the equipment that one
would use for the recipe. Does such a thing exist in Mac Gourmet Deluxe in the
Mac version? If so, where is it found?
You received this message because y
gt;>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Jim,
>>>>>> This was helpful for me. I've had mac gourmet for a while now and
>>>>>> haven't figur
gt; the import assistant but then it makes me retype all the information. also,
> how do i use the meal planner? i added something, but do not see the recipe
> for that item, i just see the item's name, and i used copy and paste.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb
it out. Worse case you can find the recipe you want to view
> in meal planner and do command-`(accent) to switch windows and read the
> recipe from there.
> Jim
> On Feb 9, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hi Jessica,
>> I am not using
ion. Let me look at it and see
> if I can figure it out. Worse case you can find the recipe you want to view
> in meal planner and do command-`(accent) to switch windows and read the
> recipe from there.
> Jim
> On Feb 9, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
Hi Alex,
Thanks. I guess I forgot to state in the first post that I am running ML, so
I probably will have the limit of 30 seconds. I can work around that because
these are recipes. However, I will be reading the braille with the right
finger and then operating the FN key with the left. Since
Hi Alex,
I actually had your podcast downloaded already from applevis. I just finished
listening to it and made the necessary setting adjustments. With these 2
accessible options, it gets pretty close to Dragon. Not bad and I'm sure I get
the hang of it real quick. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hello All,
I am seeking recommendations for a BT keyboard for my Mac Air that has a page
up/down and home/end keys. I am concerned with the amount of use of the VO
keys, command key, and FN key combinations with the arrow keys that in the
future they will wear out. It would be nice to have ful
Hello Everyone,
I have made the decision to use Bootcamp and need some expert advise. I have
listened to the podcast by Michael Hanson, Applevis editor. I do have some
questions that those who have done this procedure in the past can answer.
1. For the download for the Apple support software,
Even though I can't help you with this, I am in the same predicament, as I want
to install Bootcamp on my MBA with the OS of Mountain Lion. However, I will be
using a Windows 8 disk, so I may have different problems that will arise. I
wish you the best and hope you can resolve this issu
Hello All,
I have a question about Bootcamp and downloading the windows support software.
I am only about 20 '% downloaded of the software on to a external USB thumb
drive. The Internet speed for whatever reason is crawling to a snails pace. I
do have the Windows 8 disk in the DVD external driv
I'm in the process of setting up bootcamp with Win 8. I have a Juliette Pro 60,
which I needed to use a Serial to USB adaptor on my Dell laptop. I am just
wondering if you are using an adaptor to connect the embosser to the Mac. I
needed to set up a new printer as gerneric on my PC. Als
I just used Safari and logged into Bookshare with my user email and password.
It took 2 attempts, but it did work on the second time. I am using a MBA 2013
edition with the OS of Mountain Lion. I only give you my specs to see if there
is a difference in what you are using with your MacB
Hi Jim,
I'm affraid yes. I just tested both my Mac Air running ML and it's not
infected, but my iPhone is. The phone is running 6.1.2. Right now, I am
debating to jailbreak or just do the update to iOS 7 to be secure. HTH.
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 24, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Jim Gatteys
Hi Amy,
The only other thing I may add is the feel of the braille cells under your
fingers. All braille displays have a disstinct feel to them. I have not
investted in a dedicated braille display because I have a Braille Note 32,
which meets my needs as a braille display. With JAWS 15 (latest b
Hi April,
I am only 6 months out of having purchased my Mac Air. I am not sure if I made
the suggestion to your original thread about the web site called
macfortheblind.com. I know you are probably using Mavericks, but the 3 part
series on the finder was extremely helpful to me in getting s
Hello All,
I'll start with TapTapSee first. As others have said, one needs to be a good
picture taker to use the app well without wasting the picture count. I have
used TapTapSee to recognize T-shirts with writing or a motif on it. After it
has been recognized, I use the Looktel Recognizer app
I just used the app a few minutes ago. For the most part, I will turn on the
camera flash in the app located in the upper left corner. The default will say
something like this “Flash” I will double-tap it and VO announces “Flash It,”
and then I double tap it again to make sure the fl
I had the same question when I went for a training at Apple a few months ago.
They explained it that if a message hasn't been read, it would say "image" in
the status field. This is exactly what I find in the native mail app on my Air.
If I arrow down and have the VO cursor read it ag
Hello All,
Dragon is launching a new dictate software for Mac. There is an introductory
price of US $99.99. My question for the list is: With the ability dictate and
navigate the Mac via speech, what would be the avantages in investing in
Dragon? One feature that caught my attention was the abi
Hello There,
This is a separate thread, but a follow up to the Dragon question vs. the
native dictation features on the mac I have a wired headset with a microphone,
which was bundled with Dragon Naturally Speaking for my PC. Since the Mac Air
has a single headphone jack that is duel in nature
Hello Folks,
I am not sure if if I need to report this to accessibility at Apple. I use to
be able to input my appointments in the native calendar app in Mountain Lion. I
am able to select the date and open the inspector to begin the process of
adding an appointment. Here is where I begin to h
Hello Jim & all,
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I was using VO-spacebar to open
up the "Event Details," which was not the correct command to use with this
item. I needed to interact with it, which resolved my problem of not being able
to access the event details area. Although I
Hi Alex,
When you are in Finder, press CMD-2 to set the view to list or CMD-3 for column
view. These are the only 2 I will use. HTH.
On Mar 11, 2014, at 11:36 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> That MBP I was working on is now running fine, at least as fine as a 2010
> machin
Hi Jessica,
When the calendar app is open, you can press CMD-3 and this will change it
to month view. When it states "March, 2014" you will need to interact with
it with the keystrokes VO-Shift-Down Arrow. The other method is to open the
menu with VO-M and then the letter V to open the view menu.
Hello Folks,
I found this in the Mac app store and I was wondering if any one on the list is
using it and if it is accessible with voiceover? Also, if someone is using it,
can you print checks with it like in Quicken?
Thanks in advance for your input.
You received this m
;s computer sometime and let you know. The
> iPhone version is accessible though.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 12:15 AM, Eileen Misrahi
>> wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> I found this in the Mac app store and I was wonderin
> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>>> On Mar 22, 2014, at 8:44 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> I am looking for a Mac equivalent to Quicken. I looked at iBank and it was
I know this response may be off topic to this list, but I want to give you a
possible solution to move your favorites in IE. This is how I have done it in
the past:
1. On the PC, open the run dialog box with the Windows key and the letter R.
2. Type "favorites" in the edit box and press
Hi Don and all,
I guess you can teach an old person new tricks. The reason why I will bring up
my favorites through the run dialog box is to clean out unwanted or old
favorites in the list before migrating them. I then just do a copy and paste
into an external drigve of my choice. I rather ta
Hello Folks,
I am hoping that someone can jog my memory on how to accomplish this tast. I
create a new doc and save it to my documents folder on my Mac Air. I want to
move this file to a subfolder in my docs folder. This is what I do, but I must
be missing a step.
1. Go to my docs folder in m
e folder and you can press command-option-v. You can expand
> folders in list mode, but this is only best for browsing purposes.
> HtH,
> teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too
> dark to read."--Groucho
If you are talking about the Optic Book 3600, you'll be out of luck. When I
first became a proud owner of my Mac Air last August, I attempted to install
the drivers for it, but I had no success. I did contact the company because
there were some drivers offer on the support web page, but
I have been following this thread out of interest regarding Fine Reader Pro. I
have not yet purchased it, but I believe from all of the current posts and
other discussions in the past that this app for the Mac is the most friendly
user with voiceover. Would like to suggest a solution for
I was intrigued with something that Annie said in her post. I have an Opticbook
3600 scanner, which only has an old beta driver offered on their website. Can
you expain what "vuescan" is and where to find it? I would like to know which
Opticbook model you are using with the Mac?
I will ditto what David said. The way I handle a DVD/CD ROM drive is using an
external one. There are plenty out there that shouldn't cost more than $20. The
one I have is from my PC netbook days that didn't have an internal DVD drive.
Just make sure that the drive is compatible for Macs
>>> swaps-a-lot mode. I just upgraded a Mac Mini from 4 to 16GB. Cost was
>>>>>>> about $160 which, as an old computer geezer, is just crazy cheap.
>>>>>>> CB
>>>>>>>> On 5/4/14, 12:
>>>> On 5/8/14, matthew dyer wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I wish there was a way to install windows without sited help using boot
>>>> camp. I don’t even have a thumb drive to uuse at the moment, but just
>>>> saying an
Hello All,
I would like to know if others have experience their MBA or Macbook Pro getting
warm when running Windows 8 in bootcamp. I'm not sure if thisis just normal
because of the Windows side using more resources. I have an external drive and
the Pearl camera plugged into the 2USB ports. Wou
ey didn't, your hub would just drop back to USB2 and still work.
> On May 16, 2014, at 5:13 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I would like to know if others have experience their MBA or Macbook Pro
>> getting warm when running Windows 8 in boo
Thanks Katie for jogging my memory. I got the first part, but not the last.
This app was recommended by another AT trainer here in CA. The app is being
used throughout lower and higher education. I'm glad to hear that a Mac version
will be released soon. The developer previously was employed wit
Hello All,
It was unfortunate that the company that developed MovieReading went belly up.
I was fortunate to have seen Fellamena in the movies. It was such a pleasure to
have in-depth audio description and not to have rely on my husband to perform
that service. He did a great job, but there was
Just food for thought. Unless one purchases a 17 inch PC laptop, a numpad is
not included in the keyboard layout on the PC side either. (Maybe OT).
Hence, I have to use a USB external numpad. Because I have Win8 installed in
bootcamp, I have plugged in a full USB keyboard, with a numpad. W
Hello Folks,
I thought I would venture in using Paprika again, since I have also installed
the ap on my phone. I was looking for a particular recipe and I thought it was
in MacGourmet, but I guess it never was uploaded. On the Mac side, I am getting
an error message that Paprika can't be open
to import the recipe. I'm almost done with the
chocolate chip cookies, so I'll have time to get back in the swing of things.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 5, 2014, at 3:24 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Did you give up on Mac Gourmet?
> jg
>> On
Hi Gigi,
I can commensurate with you. When I was in grad school between 2005-2008, I
did the same thing. Unfortunately, when I always attempted to recreate what
I had deleted, it never came out the way it did the first time. I was using
a PC at the time and all of my problems existed because I
Hi Monitors,
It would be nice to have some clarification on this matter. The one that now
seems to think it's okay to post from MacDailyationews is the one who
complained that this type of spam was cluttering the list. I myself will choose
which of these topics interest me or which ones I need
I recently installedWin8 on a MBA that has 8 GB of RAM using an Intel 7
processor in bootcamp. I'm running ML and it's definitely the fastest PC I have
ever had. I have solved a couple of issues such as sharing files/folders using
One Drive or Dropbox and setting up the default startup o
I am using Win 8 in bootcamp and treating this portion of my MBA as though I
was running a stand-a-lone Windows machine. That said, I have installed Nod-32
antivirus because of the nature of Windows having the potential of catching a
virus. I have been there and done that, so I don’t
Hello All,
I'm about to pull my hair out on downloading the 2013 maps for Navigon. I have
just spent more than 1 hour trying select and get the maps into the map list in
Navigon. There must be some trick to the trade with this or I am just about to
take it off the phone. The maps in the map man
Hello Folks,
After several discussions about using braille, I decided to pair my BrailleNote
Apex with my MacBook Air 2013. Pairing was no problem. I checked my settings in
the voiceover utility to make sure that contracted braille was checked.
However, when I opened a DOCX file with iText Exp
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jason White
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:18 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Using BrailleNoe With Mac AirQuestions
Eileen Misrahi wrote:
I just responded to Jason's post on this matter. When you suggested to look
at the mapping for the Apex in VO, where would I find this? I would assume
in VO utility in braille. Is that correct? When I had either a Text Edit or
iText Express document opened, the 2 inner keys on the Apex int
irl, How to act like a
lady, How to think like a man, And how to work like a dog.
--Author Unknown
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
On 6/24/2014 3:08 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
> Hello,
> I just responded to Jason's post on this matter. When you sugge
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:08 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Using BrailleNoe With Mac AirQuestions
Have you tried a reset of both devices? Kd that does not help, a clean
install of osx may be needed.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 24, 2014, at 6:01 PM, "Eileen Mi
this, and space-g is coming to mind, but I might be thinking
of iOS.
On Jun 24, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Eileen Misrahi
Hi Jason,
Earlier today, I reviewed the support documents from Humanware for the Apex
using it as a braille display with VO, the "getting Started With VO"
Have you tried "TapTapSee" (without the quotes)?
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Baxter
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:06 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: TapTapSee for ipad?
When I go to
I'm sure we will get different opinions on different GPS apps. I started a
long time ago with Navigon and even when I acquired other GPS apps to try, I
always went back to Navigon. I still do have Motion GPS X on my iPhone, but
it's out dated and I would have to pay for it again to have the voice
Hi Eleanor,
This is the first chance I have had to open the app. I hope you have read the
help info that is documented in the app. There are so many settings that you
can select to make the experience of using Blind Square to your liking.
To answer yourquestion about using Google Maps, this ne
On Jun 27, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Eileen Misrahi
Hi Eleanor,
This is the first chance I have had to open the app. I hope you have read
the help info that is documented in the app. There are so many settings that
you can select to make the experience of usin
supposed to say things when you type?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 27, 2014, at 5:21 PM, "Eileen Misrahi" wrote:
If my memory serves me, Blind Square around Thanksgiving time one year was
$6.99.. I didn’t get it at the time, but do have it now. There are just some
apps that I would pa
Hello All,
Unless Sendero has recently included that in their Seeing Eye app for the
iPhone, the only GPS software that has the function to record a route is the
stand-a-lone soffware for the BrailleNote and Braille Sense products. When the
Sendero app came out for the phone, this was one featu
I believe I asked a question about panning with my
BrailleNote and my Mac Air a while back, but it has led to other things. I
have reviewed the voiceover commands for braille, have looked at all the
keystrokes for the BrailleNote and voiceover,, but I haven't been able to
figure this out.
I have a Mac Air 2013, with 8 GB RAM, an Intel 7, and 512 gb drive. I'm running
Win 8.1 in bootcamp. When partitioning the hard drive in bootcamp, it ended up
with 94 on the Windows side. Here is a list of items installed to give one an
idea of the space used. It includes JAWS 15, Kurzwe
I just want to point out that when you connect to a tandum such as in JAWS, one
will know who they are connecting with and the trust of the individual who
needs to get access to your computer is not going to perform any malicious
trojen or malware. The purpose of a tandum session is for
Hello Folks,
I attempted to connect an old multi-card reader in both the bootcamp Win 8.1
and Mac OS ML. On the bootcamp side, it seems like it wants to connect because
I hear the chimes, but no additional drives are listed in windows Explorer. On
the Mac side, this card reader is not recogniz
There is a website called fedoraoutlier.com that offers a Mac Master Series.
You can enroll month-to-month or pay for a year subscription that includes 2
extra months. I’m not sure what the current price structure is, as I enrolled
during the promotion on this. The link to the Mac Maste
This maybe slightly off the thread, but when I have things in the doc that have
similar spellings, I will choose to go to sotlight and access the app from
there. That's what I enjoy about the Mac, there are many ways to get where one
wants to go. HTH.
Sent from my iPhone
> On
Hi Donna,
Are you needing to create a form with edit fields, checkboxes, drop down combo
boxes? I haven't tried this yet, but if you have office running on the Windows
side and saved it as a DOCX file/template, wouldn't it open in TextEdit or in
another processing app on the Mac side and have t
As someone has suggested, place the unit into rice. I needed to do this a while
back with my iPhone4. I got lucky and didn't have any damage. One website
mentioned to leave the device in rice covered for 2-3 days and not to turn it
on. This can short out other components on the mother board.I kn
Hello List,
I have installed the beta Microsoft Office 2016 on my MacBook Air 2013. It
would be nice to be able to disable the “Document” Pane. I believe that the
edit field is under it and the pane is blocking it from voiceover. Hence, this
makes Word not accessible to us. I was attempting to
: Disabling the Document Pane in Office Word 2016 Preview?
>>> any outlook app too?
>>> Christopher-Mark Gilland skrev den 3/10/2015 8:31 PM:
>>>> Here you go, my friend. I hope that this helps. This link should be the
> - Original Message - From: "Eileen Misrahi"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 7:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Disabling the Document Pane in Office Word 2016 Preview?
> Hello,
> I took a look at this again. I interacted with the Document pa
> - Bill & Leader Dog Holland
> - "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
> - US Humorist, Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
> - Original Message - From: "Eileen Misrahi"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 10
Hi John,
I have thought about that logic too because of the ability to obtain
Window-Eyes for free if one has a copy of either Office 2010 or 2013. Let's see
how this will pan out when the full version is release. However, I'm not
holding out that this minor inconvenience of not accessing the e
do it, I would rather have a separate system running the
> Windows program. I still have JAWS, and I could just update it. The Mac and
> Windows computers can read files produced on the other one, so I see no real
> advantage to mixing the systems. Maybe I am wrong about that, but a
I went through an entire distant learning Master’s program from 2005-2008, when
I received my degree. Blackboard was the method of accessing all of the
required assignments and test uploads. The accessibility all depended on how
the professor uploaded the materials. The “Office Chat” in
Hello All,
I decided to bite the bullet and open Numbers on my Mac. I have some experience
with Excel, but I know things must be done differently in Numbers. Here are my
1. I want to sort the date column from oldest to newest. Can this be done in
Numbers and what are the steps to do
formular editor opens
> and starts a formular line. Note! The cursor sometimes seems to be placed
> before the equal sign but it must sit behind it if you want to create a
> functioning formular.
> All the best
> Jürgen
>> Am 24.03.2015 um 02:29 schrie
I'm confused. Is this on the native keyboard on the phone? If so, single finger
triple tap will turn on caps lock. Then you are able to type all the letters in
capitals. HTH.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 26, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> Here is my try. MIDI. Well, it appe
Hello All,
I finally opened this thread only to discover the initial post so inflammatory.
However, I am not personalizing the fowl language at all. Yesterday, when out
and about I was having problems with my Voyager Plus BT headset. it frequently
bots its connection. and I needed to pair it b
Hello All,
I'm in the same boat as Laura, but have applied some of the same principles
that I've used in Excel. What surprised me was that VO announced the header for
each column when in a particular cell. I was wondering how specify the defined
ranges when creating a simple formula. It was di
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the tip on activating all the style selections. However, I haven’t
found a keystroke that will work like on the PC side. I did locate a list of
keystrokes for Word 2016, but the ones for heading styles don’t work for me. It
would be nice if I had a keystroke to evoke the v
Hi Jamie,
I was successful in adding a heading 1 level in a doc, but what is missing is
having VO announce what type of style one has used. This is obtained with JAWS
on the PC side. The only way I knew it was applied was using the speak
attribute VO keystroke of VO-T. I know the font size of
Hi Jamie,
I was successful in adding a heading 1 level in a doc, but what is missing is
having VO announce what type of style one has used. This is obtained with JAWS
on the PC side. The only way I knew it was applied was using the speak
attribute VO keystroke of VO-T. I know the font size of
My question regarding Checkbook is: Can you print checks from it? I thought a
while back that on one of these list serves that that feature was not
supported. I believe at the time that there wasn’t any Mac app that had that
feature. That’s one reason why I have BootCamp installed on my Ma
Hi Alex,
This is the first time I have had a chance to rescan the computer with Clamxav.
I just want to confirm if I’m doing this correctly. I get a table of 21
infected files in a table. I interact with it and press Control-A to select
all. I open the contextual menu with VO-Shift-M and arrow
1 - 100 of 253 matches
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