
I have been following this thread out of interest regarding Fine Reader Pro. I 
have not yet purchased it, but I believe from all of the current posts and 
other discussions in the past that this app for the Mac is the most friendly 
user with voiceover. Would like to suggest a solution for wanting to quickly 
scan an envelope, which I do and then use another scan and read on the PC side 
to OCR an item that needs more attention. I use my iPhone and Text Detector app 
to sort my mail. The other app on the iPhone would be Prizmo that doesn't save 
the image if you rescan immediately. If the mail needs more attention, I use 
the scan and read OCR on my PC, but you could interchange it by using your 
scanner and Fine Reader Pro on the Mac side. JMO and an alternative. HTH.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 17, 2014, at 7:01 AM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use a compatible scanner, there are lots of them, and after scanning, FR 
> Pro recognizes the scanned pages and then opens a save dialog. I save the 
> pages using the default file name “untitled”, and then the document opens in 
> textedit where I can read the doc. I have the format set to RTF and that 
> triggers Textedit as the default app. I suppose if i set the format to .docx, 
> it would open in pages. 
> There is no viewing facility in FR Pro, but quickly saving it in a throw-away 
> file will open it in an app were you can view/edit the file.
>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 1:12 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> Thanks. I was really hoping that I could just look at the text, not save it. 
>> As I said, I usually don't need to keep a copy, I just want to see what it 
>> says.
>>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Andrew Lamanche <ioani...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> I’m not sure you can view text of a document you have just scanned in 
>>> FineReader.
>>> The way I use this app is as follows:
>>> I either add new pages via the add new pages dialogue - there’s a button 
>>> there, or better still, I vo+shift+m on the name of the scanned file and 
>>> choose open with FineReader.  I guess I do this because I use Vuescan to 
>>> scan my documents first and use FineReader for recognition only as my 
>>> scanner is not compatible with FineReader.
>>> 2. After FineReader has recognised the document, in the toolbar I find the 
>>> button export all pages. A dialogue appears which gives me a choice of the 
>>> various file extensions I can choose from. Remember that the last extension 
>>> used will already be highlighted.
>>> 3. If I want .rtf, for example, I vo + arrow keys to it, and then route my 
>>> mouse cursor to vo and perform a click with vo+shift+spacebar to choose the 
>>> extension.
>>> 4. I jump to the very right of the screen where you will find “next” 
>>> button. This will now actually create a file for you which you will be able 
>>> to read. Press this button
>>> 5. A dialogue will open up with untitled file and extension. Call it what 
>>> you wish, and save it where you want.
>>> 6. After you press the save button, the file will open in the appropriate 
>>> application for the file extension you have chosen.
>>> I don’t know of any other way of reading what you have scanned, not in 
>>> FineReader itself.
>>> Caution: if you want to scan another document without simply appending it 
>>> to the one you’ve previously scanned, you need to choose a new task by 
>>> pressing new task button in the toolbar - I think there’s a shortcut key 
>>> under “file’ menu.  Otherwise, your new scan will be attached to the end of 
>>> the previous one.  I’ve learnt by mistakes about this.
>>> I’m sure there’s much more about FineReader that others know more about  
>>> Hope somebody will comment if I’m wrong in what I’ve said.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Andrew .
>>>> On 16 Apr 2014, at 15:44, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I just scanned an envelope. Unsure how to simply view a window with text 
>>>> in it, I selected the Word file option. I'm now in a window with a bunch 
>>>> of formatting options, two empty scroll areas, and no recognized text 
>>>> anywhere. How do I simply see what is on the envelope I scanned? I don't 
>>>> usually need to save text, just scan it to see what it is. Is there a way 
>>>> to basically OCR a scan and view the results? Thanks.
>>>> --
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex Hall
>>>> mehg...@icloud.com
>>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> mehg...@icloud.com
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