Hi Jamie, 

I was successful in adding a heading 1 level in a doc, but what is missing is 
having VO announce what type of style one has used. This is obtained with JAWS 
on the PC side. The only way I knew it was applied was using the speak 
attribute VO keystroke of VO-T. I know the font size of heading 1 style is 16 
ptc. So, I’m not sure if obtaining more description of attributes in a Word doc 
is a MS or Apple glitch. Hence, I guess I will place this on my running bug 
list to MS. Hopefully, MS will improve their Mac keystrokes inorder for more 
advance users of Word will think about making the switch. so far, even with a 
learning curve, I am not convinced to use Word on the Mac. To me, it’s very 
labor intensive, which would slow down productivity. 


> On Apr 20, 2015, at 6:37 AM, Jamie Pauls <jamiepa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Place your cursor in the paragraph where you want to apply the style. Then, 
> go to format and choose styles. I had to choose all styles before I could see 
> the different heading levels. I am doing this from memory, so please forgive 
> any errors.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 7:51 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Ok I have installed the preview of office. I have looked a little at word. 
>> How do you make a heading on a level e.g. level 2.
>> I have never liked office on windows, but i like it on the mac.
>> Best regards Annie.
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