Hello All,

I finally opened this thread only to discover the initial post so inflammatory. 
However, I am not personalizing the fowl language at all. Yesterday, when out 
and about I was having problems with my Voyager Plus BT headset. it frequently  
bots its connection. and I needed to pair it back to my iFhone 6. The funny 
thing is that I didn't realize that it could be a conflict between iOS 8.2 and 
VO. I did stop in at the Apple store and the rep that helped me gave solutions, 
but didn't have a clue that it might be a bug that hasn't been fixed yet. I 
haven't tried any other BT devices to see if there is an issue with them. I did 
turn off/on my phone, and a hard reset, but I haven't tested the earpiece again 
with the phone. Just thought I would chime in with my most recent experience. 
Thanks for listening.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 28, 2015, at 2:12 PM, Devin Prater <d.pra...@me.com> wrote:
> My only problem with Apple at this point is that they're just a little too 
> excited. They rush on and trip over their own releases. They just gotta slow 
> down a little and put in a good automated quality control.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 28, 2015, at 3:23 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Totally agree.  Actually, it works quite well.
>> Chris.
>> ---
>> Check out my web site at:
>> http://www.clgproductions.net
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "The Believer" <ancient.ali...@icloud.com>
>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 1:11 AM
>> Subject: Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8
>>  It ain't broke now. iOS 8.2 is on both my iPhone and iPad.
>> From The Believer. . .
>>  By way of the Chariots of the
>> Gods cameth the Aliens who
>> dwelt amongst the humans,
>> and bringeth much knowledge.
>>> On 3/27/2015 7:48 PM, Pamela Francis wrote:
>>> I too have an Ipad 2. No way would I put IOS 8 on it. I am a firm believer
>>> in if it isn't broken don't fix it. Apple broke it.
>>>> On Mar 27, 2015 12:53 PM, "Jon Solitro" <jon.soli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I still haven't upgraded to iOs 8 on my iPad 2. I'm still running iOs 7. I
>>>> found a handwriting recognition app that needs iOs 8 to install. Should I
>>>> update, or can I expect slower operation?
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 3:38:48 PM UTC-4, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I don’t know about yall, but I have an iphone 6 with IOS 8 and I have to
>>>>> say that the experience is less than stellar. Bugs everywhere, slower than
>>>>> on my iphone 5s, siri cut off midway then voice over not working, hang 
>>>>> like
>>>>> slowness when getting out of an app. I have to say that I have started
>>>>> looking for alternatives as I feel like apple is trying to nudge things 
>>>>> too
>>>>> much into the “let big brother figure out for you what you should like and
>>>>> do”. Point in case, that U2 debacle. Last weekend I was camping with some
>>>>> mates and I was going through some tracks after lunch, and those damn U2
>>>>> tracks kept popping up like annoying ads. Really don’t want some band
>>>>> pushing their crap on my life experience when I shelled out 1200 dollars
>>>>> for a phone that is supposed to do things for me. Not the other way 
>>>>> around.
>>>>> Sure, U2 has some great songs. But their current 50’s midlife crisis moans
>>>>> aren’t my style, nor inspire me. I can listen to that when I go into an
>>>>> apple store and wait for a genius to tell me my future.
>>>>> Seriously folks, I’m not just going off on a rant, and for those of you
>>>>> who want to reply by being defensive for apple, just remember a few basic
>>>>> things:
>>>>> 1-You are customer. Customer is king, you are not serving apple. Apple
>>>>> makes money off you, take 30 percent of the cut on your music production 
>>>>> or
>>>>> app developement with their platform. They serve you. Not the other way
>>>>> around.
>>>>> 2-Apple is not god almighty. Apple has great people that collectively
>>>>> create experiences. At the helm, a few individuals decide on the direction
>>>>> of that experience. Personally, I don’t trust Tim Cook that much in giving
>>>>> us a good experience. That Johnny Ive sounds like a pompous marketing guy
>>>>> with design skills I cannot trust as head of human interface, a software
>>>>> division, coming from someone who used to make toilet seats. The only one
>>>>> or ones I can trust in this are frederici and some of the younger 
>>>>> engineers
>>>>> presented at the last apple showcase. but they don’t have enough say yet,
>>>>> so we’re stuck with all that flash graphical transition animation style
>>>>> crap instead of truly clean, efficient and snappy interfaces.
>>>>> 3-There are other choices out there, but I have no idea what. Sometimes I
>>>>> wish I was sighted again so that I can really be part of the process of
>>>>> creating real interfaces for everyone. It’s frustrating to know that most
>>>>> companies follow what is standard and forget that standards are meant to 
>>>>> be
>>>>> broken and updated. Not broken at the cost of the buyer, no. If it’s
>>>>> broken, it should be free, such as what google offers. Buying a 3000 
>>>>> dollar
>>>>> piece of hardware to get clunky experiences and moments where you want to
>>>>> throw that damn thing out the window and never touch it again is clearly
>>>>> not what I call good experience on a computer. More and more of my 
>>>>> friends,
>>>>> mac users, both sighted and visually impaired, agree with me that apple is
>>>>> starting to rot in terms of presenting it’s image. It’s not an underdog 
>>>>> but
>>>>> a huge bulky oil tanker that can now only manuver slowly with a battalion
>>>>> of lawyers behind murmuring at the chief’s ears, the latter being probably
>>>>> more complacent than should be, thus giving us this weird awkward show 
>>>>> each
>>>>> year now with a barely straight talking TIm Cook who sounds like he never
>>>>> had a girl friend chill time or something seems amiss in him. Some soul?
>>>>> Something. Whatever the case, I don’t really dig the style apple is
>>>>> portraying. It’s becoming a disney world presentation with oooohs and 
>>>>> aaahs
>>>>> when the tech behind is quite literally lagging. No visionary stuff, when
>>>>> this qualification should by now, from all the sci fi, the research and 
>>>>> the
>>>>> graduations of bright people, should lead us much farther in terms of
>>>>> actual interaction with a computer, and let’s not forget screen readers.
>>>>> Anyway, off for my morning coffee. Have a great day yall
>>>>> Yuma Antoine Decaux
>>>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>>>> Mob: +612102277190
>>>>> Skype: Shainobi1
>>>>> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triple7
>>>>> --
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