Okay. I wasn't going to pipe in, but I purchased my Mac Air last Labor Day 
weekend and got an 11?. You must have big, fat fingers because the keys are 
just fine for me. As far as battery life concerns, the 13 inch does have the 11 
inch beat, but my decision was to put the money into the SSSD to 512. To me, 
this was more important especially when I knew I would need some of this 
precious disk space for Win 8 installed in bootcamp. 

When thinking about either using bootcamp with Windows or VM Ware decide which 
programs need to be install and how much power you will need to run it all. I 
took the bootcamp route and I'm glad I did after reading the threads others 
have posted in the past related to a program that wouldn't install, problems 
with JAWS, or just other silly stuff. I wanted to have full power on the Win 
side. HTH.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 7, 2014, at 7:17 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
> My business has an elve-inch, but if I ever have the money, I'd do the 
> thirteen. The battery is indeed better, but I'd want the SD slot. There is a 
> device called a Nifty Mini Drive, which is a micro SD card holder that sits 
> flush with the MBA's body. It gives you up to 64gb of storage on the card, 
> but is flush so you never even know it's there. Also, the function keys 
> across the top are larger on the bigger model, and I use them enough that I'd 
> like them to be big instead of tiny.
>> On May 7, 2014, at 10:10 AM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I went for the 13 inch Air as well when I bought back in July last. Battery 
>> life was a consideration but I also like the feel of the 13 inch better than 
>> the 11 inch. Ergonomics matter too.
>>> On May 7, 2014, at 10:03 AM, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I got the 13 inch for the battery life. 11 inch has 9 hours, compared
>>> to the 13 inch which has 12. While using a virtual machine -- or --
>>> Windows in general, it's important to have as much battery life as
>>> possible, as Windows lacks the excellent power management that OSX
>>> has. That three hours could mean a large difference in terms of how
>>> much battery life is taken off from virtual machines.
>>>> On 5/7/14, Kayaker <sea...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> You should be all set. But I have to admit I’m puzzled why you went for the
>>>> 13 inch instead of the 11 inch Air? The screen seems like a silly place to
>>>> invest dollars if you can’t see it.
>>>> Regardless, the specs will serve you well for quite some time for what your
>>>> stated needs are. Think hard about using bootcamp or VMware Fusion as your
>>>> Windows solution. Pros and cons both ways. Check the archives here for lots
>>>> of tips.
>>>> Best,
>>>> —k
>>>> Faith doesn’t give you the answers, it merely stops you from asking the
>>>> questions.
>>>>> On May 6, 2014, at 7:45 PM, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I opted with the 13 inch MacBook Air early 2014 model. 1.7 GHZ
>>>>> (turboboost up to 3.3 GHz), 256 GB SSD and 8 GB RAM. I think from what
>>>>> I've heard so far I should be more than set for either VM or bootcamp.
>>>>>> On 5/6/14, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Do you only get 32 RAM on an iMac? As this is what I have!
>>>>>>> On 6 May 2014, at 09:41 pm, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
>>>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> The main constraint I've noticed when running virtual machines is
>>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>>> beats on the hard drive. So my CPU will be taking a nap while Windows
>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>> who-knows-what on the hard drive. In other words, Windows is an I/O
>>>>>>> bound
>>>>>>> not CPU bound process. Sure, if you're doing something CPU intensive on
>>>>>>> there like encoding audio or calculating 10K digits of pi the CPU might
>>>>>>> matter but generally spinning disks have not kept up with the leaps in
>>>>>>> CPU
>>>>>>> performance. So I would drop more money on SSD than CPU. Of course,
>>>>>>> then,
>>>>>>> there's RAM. If you don't have enough the system will swap least used
>>>>>>> chunks of memory to disk to make room for stuff you actually need. This
>>>>>>> swap to disk process can turn any fast drive and CPU to sludge. Now
>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>> machines ship with 4GB of RAM or more and that seems to work pretty
>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>> in most cases. If you're running Windows in a virtual machine that is
>>>>>>> going to suck up a good chunk of RAM and keep it as long as it is
>>>>>>> running.
>>>>>>> So for virtual machine users I'd bump up the RAM to avoid going into
>>>>>>> swaps-a-lot mode. I just upgraded a Mac Mini from 4 to 16GB. Cost was
>>>>>>> about $160 which, as an old computer geezer, is just crazy cheap.
>>>>>>> CB
>>>>>>>> On 5/4/14, 12:46 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>>>>>>>> It's plenty. My MBA runs faster with a VM than any Windows machine I
>>>>>>>> ever
>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>> On 4 May 2014, at 17:31, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Would the 1.7 GHZ processor in a MacBook Air be enough for a virtual
>>>>>>>>> machine though? Or does most of the dependency rely on RAM.
>>>>>>>>> I don't have much experience with the whole virtual machine front, so
>>>>>>>>> clarification would definitely be welcome. I originally only opted
>>>>>>>>> with the MacBook Pro because of the higher processor statistics, and
>>>>>>>>> glancing at a fully decked out MacBook Air 13 inch and a MacBook Pro
>>>>>>>>> 13 inch retina, they come out to roughly the same price.
>>>>>>>>>> On 5/4/14, David Taylor <e.david.tay...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Many externals just work, even if they don't say they are
>>>>>>>>>> compattible,
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> we are needing such drives less and less often now anyway.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 4 May 2014, at 14:31, Eileen Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> I will ditto what David said. The way I handle a DVD/CD ROM drive
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>> an external one. There are plenty out there that shouldn't cost
>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>> $20. The one I have is from my PC netbook days that didn't have an
>>>>>>>>>>> internal DVD drive. Just make sure that the drive is compatible for
>>>>>>>>>>> Macs.
>>>>>>>>>>> HTH. Oh by the way, I purchased an 11 inch MBA with all specs max
>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> it's well worth the cost if you can do it. I'm in the process of
>>>>>>>>>>> loading
>>>>>>>>>>> all the software that I can't run on the Mac on the PC side through
>>>>>>>>>>> bootcamp and it's doing a terrific job, barring the user's mistakes
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> learning Win 8. Good luck and I know you will enjoy the MBA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Take care.
>>>>>>>>>>> Eileen
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 4, 2014, at 5:31 AM, David Taylor
>>>>>>>>>>>> <e.david.tay...@icloud.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've gone for the 11 inch myself. I maxed everything out on it and
>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is plenty good enough for me. If you don't need a built in SD
>>>>>>>>>>>> slot, it
>>>>>>>>>>>> has everything the 13 inch does, and easy enough to get any
>>>>>>>>>>>> adaptors
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> need for connections it doesn't have, such as Ethanet if you want
>>>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The portability is just awesome, performance perfectly good enough
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> almost every conceivable use, and I get hours of battery even when
>>>>>>>>>>>> sat
>>>>>>>>>>>> outside, streaming, tweeting, downloading and all sorts. I have a
>>>>>>>>>>>> USB
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>>>>>>> hub I plug in for connecting and charging everything. Works for
>>>>>>>>>>>> me,
>>>>>>>>>>>> anyway.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 4 May 2014, at 07:31, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This was a great post. It really reopens the door to potentially
>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting a Mac Air -- thanks Kayaker. I'd even maybe go for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13-incher, as it offers a longer battery life; though I may be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unnecessarily attempting to over compensate in terms of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> statistics.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd be happy to discuss this further with you offlist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5/3/14, Kayaker <sea...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There have been a lot of unsupported and non objective replies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All Macs you can buy today are solid performers. We have reached
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in CPU performance that there's little difference between bottom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and top of the line machines for us who can't see, what's the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> difference
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between 500 frames per second in some game vs. 450 frames per
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your eye can't tell the difference. I promise you the average
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac barely breaks 30% cpu day to day. This part of the reason
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> market is declining--people don't need to upgrade as often as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is absolutely no reason to buy the Macbook Pro if you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cost is mainly in the retina screen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The single most important factor is internal memory. That will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> significant real world speed boost for you and will help you in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bootcamp and or a virtual PC situation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't bother paying for the processor upgrade. Do max out your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The internal hard drive SSD is the other place to put your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sweet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spot in price seems to be 256G.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people will argue that using VM to run Windows needs every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ounce
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor speed. I'll again argue the real world throughput for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be negligible. I suggest you test it out for yourself at an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> store.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been using Macs since the beginning. They last. I still use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PowerMac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G 5 that's 10 years old. Part of it works better than my MacBook
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Air
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running the latest version of Mavericks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For a blind person, the 11 inch  MacBook Air is a steal.  Max
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAM on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the entry level version and pick a HD size that fits your needs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doubt my suggestions? Go to an apple store and see if you notice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> difference between the two models. You won't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take the lightness, portability and power of the current 11 inch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Air,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put the extra dollars towards apps. And if you don't want a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> laptop,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> save
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even more and get the MacMini.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --k
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Faith doesn't give you the answers, it merely stops you from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 2, 2014, at 7:13 PM, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been a part of this group for some time now, and have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoyed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wealth of information that I've gleaned from observing. I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> come to the decision on switching from Windows to Mac. I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> either
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting a MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One of the big things for me, however, is virtual machines (or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bootcamp). I still want to be able to virtualize a copy of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case I have programs that will only work on the Windows side.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now, the main things I do on Windows are word processing,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> browsing, Skype which would be possible on the Mac side, music
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occasional game (mostly MUDs using a low memory client). I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get a steady balance between battery power and processing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without having to deal with busyness and lag.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have my eye on the MacBook Air 13 inch (with both processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or the MacBook Pro.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MacBook Air configuration - 13 inch (256GB SSD HD):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8GB 1600MHz LPDDR3 memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or the MacBook pro (without Retina, 13 inch):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.9GHz Dual-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM -- 2x4GB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm really stuck at this point -- what will work the bes? It's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort of nerve-racking putting a large amount of money into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's already two years old. In all, I'm looking for something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will last, has updated hardware, and can handle an OS running
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alongside the Mac environment without any hiccups. I'm on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> budget
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about 1,550 dollars.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I warmly welcome any advice. And yes, I know this list is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mainly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> voiceover users -- but I thought, as a visually impaired user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that it would be appropriate to ask here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Tristan
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> mehg...@icloud.com
> -- 
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