There are a few recruiters down here in Houston that ave a clue. Most of
them do not. I kinda got an idea of how clueless they are when I was told
that my three years experience with NT, Exchange, Novell, and SCO SysV were
not worth anything because I have been working for a small company
If the formatting is that much of a cconcern to them, then why can they not
format it...i mean, let them earn that 25% of annual somehow
>Of course, they may also feel that a
>nicely-formatted resume reflects better on them...
>>The question is this: To what degree should society as a whole a) take
>>responsibility for and b) be allowed to interfere in the raising of
>>peoples children.
When did it become society's responsibility to take care of everybodies
childrens. IMHO (and yes, I know it is callous), but if pare
Someone actually did a webpage not to long ago that was RTFM. They spoofed
it as a Microsoft Knowledgebase page. It was humourous, but extraordinarily
rude. It has since been removed from the web. (Although Google may have a
copy cached somewhere). I will look for the address, see if I sti
Yes, and as I said, it was extremely rude
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>yes, guys just blunder ahead more...
>i tend to need things step-by-step in
>idiot terms(like i forget how to unpack
>a tar every five seconds). ive read man pages. i think they
>were written by and for men. i cant even begin to make sense out of
Ok, I know some people are going t
>But should it be the first thing on your mind when you meet a woman, any
>woman. Some men have told me it's inevitable that I get sized up as a
>sexual partner everytime I meet a heterosexual man. I don't like this.
>And I don't like people condoning it terribly much, it's put me in some
>awful s
Agreedbasically he should seperate the essays. Have one be a guide for
casual sex and the other be a guide for relationshipsthink that would
>His latter few essays in that set
>are .. sort of ok for a beginner's guide to lasting relationships.
>But you'd never know they were ther
men = male chauvinist pigs
All male chauvinist pigs are men, but not all men are male chauvinist
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God, I can't stand people who just want to pretend they're as PC as
possible. We need more nekkid men to even things up. No problem here.
SCREW PC.we are debilitating our society with the wishy-washy, no stand
taking, no issue addressing BULLSHIT!
Weekly World News is a SuperMarket Tabliodnot a source of valid media
storiesbased in sensationalism, and to wierd to be be true
stories(ie-Aliens Fathered my Baby, Who Was Born With Two Heads and
Looks like Satan)
People keep saying that as if I should recognize
the name or someth
Frankly, I find talk about the quality of some dude's butt just as
offensive as the talk about some woman's breasts. I don't bother. I might
say someone is cute or good-looking, but in most cases I think the PERSON
is cute. Their body really isn't a primary concern for me.
Kristena Wrote
Plus, we don't really have control over our bodies beyond a certain
point so seeing people judged on the basis of ONLY their physical beauty or
lack thereof makes people believe that they, as people, have worth based
solely on that beauty. If you *do* have that beauty, then
But does it seem overblown when somebody is freaked out about something and
articulates it clearly and why, and wonders: "Well do we want this kind of
atmosphere for this thing?" Is that a valid question, yeah it is. Should we
talk about without shouting...Well at least I think so. Am I bemuse
I think one of the reasons housework came up is that women are still
expected, by and large, to do the most of it.
Not in my house
My SO and I share housework equallyor I do it while she is off running
with the kids.
I was always taught that a woman's place was wherever she wanted to beof
course my mother was one of the first feministshe had the picture of the
woman peeing in the urinal on her bathroom wall in the mid 70's
The point is t
I think the problem is that many people are given Prozac who do not
need it. Like most psychoactives, Prozac works wonderfully when
appropriate, and causes problems when not.
If we wanted to open the whole "unneeded psychoactives" can of worms, we
could discuss the necessity, use and abuse o
Noone will force anybody who does not agree with these types of apps to use
them. And if it is obvious that these are adult oriented, anyone who wishes
to avoid them, will be able to. I believe the problem lies in misplaced
adult content.(ie-Hard core pron on a children's cartoon video t
And before anyone thinks I'm flaming people who seek a hearty dose
of western medicine, I'm not
The herbal route actually is western medicine, though more in the
traditional way, rather than the modern one
It is rather sad that we have become so dependent on artificial cures, when
the n
I guess I should append my statements...if the drug is really needed, then
it is a good thing, but, as someone else saidjusst prescribing
medication because it is the "in" thing is idiotic. There is a time and a
place for everything.
Also, have to wonder how many "cures" are actually psy
>the idiginous tribes also didn't live in the environs - socially,
>chemically, psychologically - that most of us do today.
very true
>chemically saturated, media-driven urban or suburban environment
This may be the key..
>I'm really tired of people blasting antidepressant drugs howev
In short, I'm not coming down on anyone who wants to keep their chapter
female-only. However, I think it's a shame to exclude people on the basis of
their sex and I wouldn't want to see that happen locally. If it were me (and
it isn't), I would let anyone in, regardless of their gender, and if
>I'm new to this list, and have been lurking for a week or so. This >is my
>first post, though. I'm not a native English speaker (I'm a >Swedish
>speaking Finn, just like Linus :-) so please forgive me if I >abuse your
>language ;-)
Welcome! Don't worry about abusing the language...there ar
Some background for people who don't read userfriendly:
Miranda is an supergeek... very knowledgable, and female...
now before I get lambbasted(b) I'll admit that they may be picking on
her because a>she's newist or b>she isn't there to defend herself...
(btw the thing that confuses me the mo
Perhaps for Pitr, but I believe that the rest of the guys are accepting of
her. (This may be my imagination, but it is what I would like to believe).
in part -- but pitr specifically says 'she is evil and belongs to the
night' (now if memory serves, he says the same thing when he meets her,
>Plus I'm sure Illiad has
>some really funny joke coming up in the next few days... :)
If you noticed todaythe boss promoted Miranda (big cheer), but it looks
like the raveyard shift comes with the promotion.
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My take is that judge Jackson completely ignored the open source movement by
his wording. He said that there is no commercial alternative to a microsoft
operating system.
Hi, everyone,
Is anybody as happy about the finding of facts as I am? I really hope that
this will limit Microsoft's abi
>Actually, they paid Apple for source code and the right to create a
> derivative work. In fact, Windows is a derivative work of the MacOS.
hm... i'm not going to say that that's incorrect because i don't know for
sure, but i've never heard this before... i suppose it's possible.
Outlook, to me, isn't very intuitive, *especially* some of the stuff
they've done in the office 2000 version (speaking windows now)... click
on "file" and you only get about half of the menu items, then when you
hit the little "down arrow" at the bottom of the menu, things start
appearing. They d
Call me a stupid man, but what is a CMOTW?
suppose you ran MS and you had a choice of being ethical and get 85% of
the OS market or else,NOT being ethical and getting 95% of the market
and the lawsuit,which one would you choose ??
What is that 10%about $10 Billion?
if you wer
J B wrote:
> Also, all you M$ bashers for OS/2did not M$ have the right to kill
> since they WROTE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, under agreement from IBM?
>By that argument, an architect has the right to bomb a building he
>designed, no?
Nobut it would have died anywa
Maybe what we really need (and I'm being serious) is to find a nice,
supportive, pro-feminist mens list to send the confused ones to :)
Is there such a thing? Most of the men who are really interested in the
issues will find a list such as this. (personally I came cuz of the Linux
I wish the start menu would work the same way, in such case (create a
standard for those chevron thingeys)... if you use certain groups more
often, move them to the top. It'd be somewhat irritating until it
figured out your patterns of usage (and if different people use your
computer for different
I am an ID-10-T. I guess I should learn to not believe the hype!...
oh wellbeat me with a wet noodle.
> Nobut it would have died anyway...M$ would never have agreed to
> to update it, and IBM did not have the programming resources to support
This is flat out wron
I have already beaten myself profusely with an old IDE cable...wrote a
script 100 times on the chalkboard and revoked my superuser
priviledges...what else do you want from me?
J B wrote:
> Nobut it would have died anyway...M$ would never have agreed to
> to upd
I have to ask...what would youy say about the healthcare industry?
The increased costs in the United States for healthcare are becuase of the
insanely high cost of malpractice insurance, which has been driven there by
moneyt hungry lawyers. For mother is an advanced practice
I see comments like these and I worry. Note that there is no question of
whether folks at home should use it, this is simply a foregone conclusion.
I've watched Linux advocates argue that Linux should be pushed into every
conceivable niche of computing and that open source is the only way
to wri
Okthe rumor mill is speculating that Red Hat is making moves to buy Be.
Any word on this?
How do you think this would affect BeOS?
Had a chance to play with a demo of BeOS 4.5looks really smooth and
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This would open them up to a libel/slander suit SO fast that no manager can
*afford* to give a negative review in the US these days even when it is
warranted. It is generally the practice to confirm only the dates of
Furthermore, most of the things employees get blackballed *for
>>And the law and jurisdiction this was passed in? Be specific. :)
I am not positive about specifics...I saw this in an article on labor law
changes (my stepfather is Personnel Manager for a large company in Houston).
But it is federal...and it has not been very highly publicized yet
>- - Mary; aka Babe, Sweethart, Darlin', Doll, Little Lady,
>Tootsie, Hey Lady, ...
Are you perchance somewhere in the Southern United States?
It is a common practice in the South for older persons to refer to anyone
and everyone as Sugar, Babe, or Darling...and they consider it gender
On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> of homophobic earshot). By their very nature, these terms are
> female. From my 32-year-old, Detroit raised vantage point ...
> Male to Female: is by far the most common use I see and virtually
> always comes off as sexist or with sexual overtones
>You have the cart/horse wrong: IF there were more women in my field, >it
>would be a demonstration that there is less sexism. Less sexism >is good,
>ergo more women in underrepresented fields is a good thing.
But isn't the whole point that the fields have to be attractive to more
women? Cur
Maybe not at that particular company, and granted, that is a problem, but,
honsetly, would you want to work under those conditions? I know that I
would not. And yes, those issues need to be addressedthat is what I
mean by making the field more part making the pointy-haired
Tell me when a suitable candidate has run for president?
If a female ran for president, and was either the most qualified or had the
best stand on the issues, I would vote for her. Is rascism the reason we
have never had a black president? Or an oriental president?
Okay...calm down, there is
>I'd really like to believe that is a general trend, and as more >women get
>opportunities in IT there will be less and less sexism.
It is sad that the state of affairs is as it is currently. But, it does
appear to be changing. There are several major companies here in Houston
with almost e
>It has a lot to do with it. I suspect one of the reasons Colin >Powell
>never ran was because of the fact that it would have made him >a huge
>target. I also suspect he could have been elected.
To quote CarlinColin Powell is openly white, but he happens to be black.
General Powell woul
>but i've certainly noticed that my male coworker/supervisor has to >repeat
>my ideas to a group full of men before they're taken >seriously
This is not just a sexist thing...I have, several times, made a suggestion
that was shot down or denegrated, then a few weeks later, the exact same
>"Skeletons in the closet" have nothing to do with ability to serve,
>though. The fact that they reflect on ability to be elected is a
>strong condemnation of the American electoral process.
I must strongly disagreeskeletons are an indication of true morals and
ideals of a candidate. Wo
>It depends on the skeleton. A lot of the time, the "skeletons" are
>matters that are quite irrelevant to the individual's ability to >lead.
True...there are certain levels of indescretion that have absolutely no
bearing...but certain things DO have a bearing. Drug use, unless it is
so, does anyone out there have recommendations on how to find out whether
a company/employer is MS-centric, *before* the interviews? and how to ask
a question more diplomatic than, "you don't actually use
[MS-Exchange|NT|IIS], do you?"
I know that I, as a geek boy, prefer geek chix to "norms". It is so hard to
have an intelligent conversation with your average, stereotypical female,
whereas the geeks can and will talk about everything. Includung, but not
limited to computers, movies, books, etc.
**The geeks shall inher
Personally, (and the person that I am dating feels the same way) sexual
frustration builds up if it is not relieved on occasion. And sexual
frustration tends to be distracting...can sometimes keep me from thinking
>This is completely incorrect and expresses a serious lack of
>understanding of what UCITA would actually do.
So, pls explain exactly what UCITA would do.
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>I know, I know, there is truth to the matter that most such killers
>are wussys who only go for lone females. But still, I'm just
>saying ... more food for thought.
Actually, I must say that most criminals are cowards, and the travel in
"packs" advice is good, common sense, for both genders an
On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> i agree that geekiness is becoming attractive. however, it's
> becoming attractive because of _money_.
I must disagree here. It may often be because of money, but in most of the
cases I know of, the guy is attracted to the strong independent wo
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