>the idiginous tribes also didn't live in the environs - socially,
>chemically, psychologically - that most of us do today.
very true
>chemically saturated, media-driven urban or suburban environment
This may be the key..
>I'm really tired of people blasting antidepressant drugs however.
There are numerous cases when the drugs are ppescribed and they are not
>is a phenomenon of modern industrialized society more than anything.
Yes....perhaps we need to slow down??
>are overwhelmingly more depressed than men (more women are than men >i
>which is also in the nature of living in modern industrialized >society -
>conflicting societal expectations, organizational sexism, blablabla. >Of
>course i'm sure there was depression in past ages or >nonindustrialized
>societies. Nothing like now.
Do not know...never heard of studies on this...may be true...wil not argue
that it is not.
>But don't ever tell me that I'd be fine if only i walked in the
>park and listened to some whale sounds every day. I need my high >doses of
>Effexor and Trazedone or else i die.
Would never imply that...if the drugs are needed, then it is wonderful that
they are avialable. It is the cases where they are not that I have a
problem with...(most cases of ADHD....)
"We can be no more nor no less than what we are." -Mother Confessor Kahlan
Amnell, from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series
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