Some background for people who don't read userfriendly:
Miranda is an supergeek... very knowledgable, and female...
now before I get lambbasted(baaaa) I'll admit that they may be picking on
her because a>she's newist or b>she isn't there to defend herself...
(btw the thing that confuses me the most about the cartoon is they don't
seem to want to work a graveyard shift.. but I digress :) )
I really think you are missing the point here....I do not think they want to
dish the graveyard off on Miranda because she is a woman, I think it is
because she is not there to make a stand. And I am sure the author has some
hilarity in mind for what follows.....I guess we shall see. (wanna put odds
on the graveyard shift including extra pay or some such, and the guys
deciding they ALL want it?)
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