I think the problem is that many people are given Prozac who do not need it. Like most psychoactives, Prozac works wonderfully when appropriate, and causes problems when not. If we wanted to open the whole "unneeded psychoactives" can of worms, we could discuss the necessity, use and abuse of Ritalin, et al in todays children. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [issues] Depression & geeks Blackjax
- Re: [issues] Depression & geeks Steve Kudlak
- RE: [issues] Depression & geeks J B
- RE: [issues] Depression & geeks Rikki McGinty
- RE: [issues] Depression & geeks lilith
- Re: [issues] Depression & geeks Steve Kudlak
- Re: [issues] Depression & geeks jenn