Kristena Wrote.... Plus, we don't really have control over our bodies beyond a certain point so seeing people judged on the basis of ONLY their physical beauty or lack thereof makes people believe that they, as people, have worth based solely on that beauty. If you *do* have that beauty, then it seems like anything else you might have doesn't matter either, and that can be hurtful too. Again, I don't know it's sexist, but it's certainly short-sighted at the very least. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Very true, physical beauty fades, but being a good person never does. But, I disagree that judging someone simply by their physical beauty is a sexist is a shallow thing. There are many people out there, both male and female that judge others (both male and female) simply by the way that they look. This is uncalled for and is extremely shallow. Strange as it may seem, I have yet to meet a transgendered person that was guilty of it. All of the trans I have known have been able to see a person for what they really are and able to accept that, no matter what that is. To bad "Biff and Buffy" could not or would not learn a thing or two from them... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]