I wish the start menu would work the same way, in such case (create a
standard for those chevron thingeys)... if you use certain groups more
often, move them to the top. It'd be somewhat irritating until it
figured out your patterns of usage (and if different people use your
computer for different things).

Can you turn off the icon "moving" thing? I'd imagine if it were truly
customizable you would be able to... but you never know, sometimes
microsoft (and other software vendors) thinks things are "intuitive" but
they are just plain annoying (i.e. the paper clip).

In office 2K...the "office assistant" is much better than in 97.  He just 
takes some getting used to.

In Win2K...the Start menu is the same as in Office....it adapts.  It is 
really kinda neat.  Makes the OS much more user friendly, and much less 
cluttered.  The apps you use most are right there...but if you need another, 
click and up they pop.

M$ has finally started listening to the SysAdmins and the Users, and is 
implementing some of our suggestions and fixing some of our gripes

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