In short, I'm not coming down on anyone who wants to keep their chapter
female-only. However, I think it's a shame to exclude people on the basis of
their sex and I wouldn't want to see that happen locally. If it were me (and
it isn't), I would let anyone in, regardless of their gender, and if they
caused problems (like trying to hit on people, being outright obnoxious,
etc) I would ask them not to come back. I know that the men at the Ottawa
linuxchix meeting were definately an asset to our meeting. I don't believe
many people
looked at them and said 'they're male' or looked at me and said 'she's
female'. Of course, we all knew each other's genders, but that didn't seem
to factor in to our coversations.
I, as a male must agree with this. How are we supposed to forward the
women's issues if there are you men allowed? Would this not be
discrimination of the sort that women and minorties have been fighting for
years, and screaming about? Does that make it right just because the
genders are different? If the person, male or female wants to be involved,
and has a reasonable voice, why exclude them?
Another point...have you ever noticed that most of the persons who are
extremely vocal about banning abortion are men? Is it a medical issue, or a
control issue?
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