Frankly, I find talk about the quality of some dude's butt just as
offensive as the talk about some woman's breasts. I don't bother. I might
say someone is cute or good-looking, but in most cases I think the PERSON
is cute. Their body really isn't a primary concern for me.

What about a "person makes them cute if it is not their body and bearing?  
It is hard to see personaltiy from across the room...(as someone said 
previously).  Why is it sexist for a man to say that a woman has a nice body 
or a woman to say that a man has a nice butt? (or aby other variations of 
gender and sex saying basically the same thing)...

By the way....the act of being "politically correct" is speaking in such a 
manner as to be sure that you do not run the risk of offending anybody.  
This has become a major problem (IMHO) in the US.  And it WILL lead to the 
downfall of our society (once again...IMHO).

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