Messages by Thread
[nexa] The Environmental Impacts of AI -- Policy Primer
[nexa] Incontro (online) con Marco Calamari il 25 settembre 2024 ore 21
Andrea Trentini
[nexa] altro governo che vuole impedire comunicazioni crittografate... brutta tendenza?
Andrea Trentini
[nexa] 165° Mercoledì di Nexa | 11 settembre 2024, ore 17.00
Nexa - Media
[nexa] Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
Daniela Tafani
[nexa] No smartphone e "poco" registro elettronico: nota ufficiale del Ministero
Damiano Verzulli
[nexa] ACM e SocialCoder
Norberto Patrignani
[nexa] La mobilitazione sui social. In Afghanistan zittite le donne: le resistenti senza voce
don Luca Peyron
[nexa] CERN Student Opportunity: Measuring Open-Source Impact with Software Heritage
Giacomo Tenaglia
[nexa] mio articolo sul Manifesto
Re: [nexa] Informatica: cosa "insegnare"? [Era: <C'e' cascato pure...>]
alessandro marzocchi
[nexa] Manifesto critica IA
[nexa] Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance: Deadline Approaching
Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
[nexa] C'e' cascato pure Benanti...
Marco Fioretti
[nexa] Dell'odore della carta, era: Esiste solo ciò che è su smartphone?
Marco Fioretti
[nexa] Quando il "cloud" viene adottato, senza "controllo" o, peggio, senza saperlo...
Damiano Verzulli
[nexa] Esiste solo ciò che è su smartphone?
Diego Giorio
[nexa] Prezzi variabile a seguito di riconoscimento
Diego Giorio
[nexa] Theory Is All You Need: AI, Human Cognition, and Decision Making
don Luca Peyron
[nexa] The AI’s Tom Cruise problem
Benedetto Ponti via nexa
Re: [nexa] organizziamo un incontro online sul tema "chatcontrol" e simili? (Andrea Trentini) (alessandro marzocchi)
Re: [nexa] organizziamo un incontro online sul tema "chatcontrol" e simili? (Andrea Trentini)
alessandro marzocchi
[nexa] What are the risks from Artificial Intelligence?
don Luca Peyron
[nexa] organizziamo un incontro online sul tema "chatcontrol" e simili?
Andrea Trentini
[nexa] Google Agrees to Delete Users’ ‘Incognito’ Browsing Data in Lawsuit Settlement
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa
[nexa] il rischio digitale [was: Large Language Models … & la nuova sfera pubblica digitale (Habermas)]
alessandro marzocchi
[nexa] cervello elettronico, si diceva una volta
alessandro marzocchi
[nexa] AI as a tool to locate document for Foia request
Benedetto Ponti via nexa
[nexa] “One day they might come for you”
[nexa] bill to protect individuals’ voices and likenesses from AI-generated replicas
don Luca Peyron
[nexa] Elena Basile: Bellicisti a reti (Internet compresa, n.d.r.) unificate e censura per il dissenso.
380° via nexa
[nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Guido Vetere
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Fabio Alemagna
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Stefano Quintarelli via nexa
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Guido Vetere
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Giacomo Tesio
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Guido Vetere
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Giacomo Tesio
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Guido Vetere
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Marco Fioretti
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Giacomo Tesio
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Fabio Alemagna
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Gianluca Fasano
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Giacomo Tesio
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
alessandro marzocchi
Re: [nexa] Large Language Models pose a risk to society and need tighter regulation, say Oxford researchers
Giacomo Tesio
[nexa] "BOOM: Judge Rules Google Is a Monopolist"
[nexa] Federal Judge: Google Is a Monopol
Daniela Tafani
[nexa] "social networks" a la 1984: Meta vs. Turchia e Malesia (et multi alii).
380° via nexa
[nexa] riveder le stelle, o nasconderle?
Marco Fioretti
[nexa] la nuova sfera pubblica digitale (Habermas)
alessandro marzocchi