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Messages by Thread
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] now live
Thomas Vincent
Re: now live
Thomas Vincent
Re: now live
Re: now live
Re: now live
Andrey Skvortsov unreachable
Thomas Vincent
Re: unreachable
Julien Cristau
Re: unreachable
Thomas Vincent
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] unreachable
Thomas Vincent
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] unreachable
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: unreachable
Thomas Vincent
Pressage cd dvd promo distribution numérique !!!
google-android-m2repository-installer 35: Please translate debconf PO for the package google-android-m2repository-installer
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: google-android-m2repository-installer 35: Please translate debconf PO for the package google-android-m2repository-installer
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: google-android-m2repository-installer 35: Please translate debconf PO for the package google-android-m2repository-installer
Hans-Christoph Steiner
DDTSS: login is not working
Andrey Skvortsov
Re: DDTSS: login is not working
Martijn van Oosterhout
DPN 2016/03 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
funny stuff
Aline Michel
Adonthell looking for translators (Italian, Dutch, others)
Kai Sterker
Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Jaime Robles
Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Jaime Robles
Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Jaime Robles
Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)
Antti Järvinen
Danish Sublevel 1 translation deleted
Joe Dalton
Re: Danish Sublevel 1 translation deleted
Re: Danish Sublevel 1 translation deleted
Christian PERRIER
Re: Danish Sublevel 1 translation deleted
Holger Wansing
DebConf16 closes announcement: please review and translate
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: DebConf16 closes announcement: please review and translate
Holger Wansing
Re: DebConf16 closes announcement: please review and translate
Laura Arjona Reina
Bug#829092: use https for links in l10n-pkg-status/pkglist file
Paul Wise
Bug#829092: use https for links in l10n-pkg-status/pkglist file
Laura Arjona Reina
Bug#829092: marked as done ( use https for links in l10n-pkg-status/pkglist file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Debian Edu Jessie release announcement
Wolfgang Schweer
adduser 3.115: Please translate debconf PO for the package adduser
Helge Kreutzmann
adduser: Please translate the package adduser (man pages)
Helge Kreutzmann
adduser 3.115: Please translate the package adduser
Helge Kreutzmann
stuff we discussed
Experiences with Weblate and po4a for Sonic Pi OSS development
Hanno Zulla
DPN 2016/02 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
30 Años cuidando de su salud y su bolsillo
Farmacias Beethoven
DDTSS down
Re: DDTSS down
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: DDTSS down
Re: DDTSS down
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: DDTSS down
Joe Dalton
Re: DDTSS down
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: DDTSS down
Joe Dalton
Re: DDTSS down
Re: DDTSS down
David Prévot
Re: DDTSS down
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: DDTSS down
David Prévot
Re: DDTSS down
debian-security-support 2016.05.11: Please translate debconf PO for the package debian-security-support
Santiago R.R.
Mythic Beasts Press Release. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
pluxml 5.5-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package pluxml
Tanguy Ortolo
Ultimas Plantas Eléctricas disponibles para la Venta
Departamento Venta de Equipos
Re: mariadb-10.0 10.0.25-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package mariadb-10.0
Christian PERRIER
mariadb-10.0 10.0.25-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package mariadb-10.0
Otto Kek??l??inen
using whiptail and translated strings from arbitrary scripts
Daniel Pocock
Announcing the start of Wheezy LTS
Markus Koschany
Bug#821467: Withdrawal of bug report
Processed: unblock 821772 with 821467, block 821772 with 821464
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: block 821772 with 821467
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#821467: debian-i18n: man displays (english) manpages with incorrect hyphenation: `�<80><90>'
Bug#821467: marked as done (debian-i18n: man displays (english) manpages with incorrect hyphenation: `�<80><90>')
Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Pending translation is being filled up from
Joe Dalton
Re: Pending translation is being filled up
Joe Dalton
Re: Pending translation is being filled up from
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Pending translation is being filled up from
Martijn van Oosterhout
Pending translation is being filled up from
Joe Dalton
Re: Pending translation is being filled up
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: Pending translation is being filled up
Andreas Tille
Re: Bug#818991: uses self-signed certificate
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: Bug#818991: uses self-signed certificate
Martijn van Oosterhout
Reminder for eviacam translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Please review and translate: DebConf16 Call for Proposal (bits blogpost)
Laura Arjona Reina
Somos mas baratos... compruebelo!!
Farmacias Beethoven
eviacam 2.0.3-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package eviacam
Christian Perrier
403 Forbidden -
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] 403 Forbidden -
Laura Arjona Reina
Medicinas mas baratas desde hace 30 años
Farmacias Beethoven
Review in progress: eviacam debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Adelgace sin sacrificios...
Farmacias Beethoven
DPN 2016/01 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
Soon to come: review for eviacam debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
[Fwd: Preparing to announce Squeeze LTS end-of-life]
https for and
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: https for and
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: https for and
Paul Wise
Medicinas mas baratas
Farmacias Beethoven
403 Forbidden -
Adriano Rafael Gomes
Re: 403 Forbidden -
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Re: 403 Forbidden -
Adriano Rafael Gomes
Re: Draft announcement for 8.3
Laura Arjona Reina
[DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Re: [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Christian PERRIER
Re: [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Re: [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Christian PERRIER
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] [DDTSS] missing information about previous translation with Iceweasel and https
Thomas Vincent
Announcement 2016/20160105 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
DPN 2015/09 modified. Please review and translate the changes.
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: DPN 2015/09 modified. Please review and translate the changes.
Mohamed Sedki
DPN 2015/09 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
Re: DPN 2015/09 frozen. Please review and translate.
Holger Wansing
Re: DPN 2015/09 frozen. Please review and translate.
Paul Wise
Re: DPN 2015/09 frozen. Please review and translate.
jean-pierre giraud
packaging-tutorial 0.16: Please translate the package packaging-tutorial
Lucas Nussbaum
Review in progress: debci debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for debci debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
xsp 4.2-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package xsp
Debian Mono Group
Re: xsp 4.2-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package xsp
Helge Kreutzmann
Translation of Debian Progeny Guide aka kow to translate documentation with no localization structure available
Beatrice Torracca
Reminder for unattended-upgrades translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Bug#804948: manila: Please re-use debconf translations from <insert_your_favourite_OpenStack_package_name_here>
Christian Perrier
DDTSS down and "arf arf" messages
Beatrice Torracca
Email interface to the DDTP: please move default encoding for Dutch to UTF-8.
Frans Spiesschaert
Bug#804126: magnum: Please re-use debconf translations from another OpenStack-related package
Christian Perrier
kismet 2013.03.R1b-4: Please translate debconf PO for the package kismet
Nikos Andrikos
unattended-upgrades 0.86.6: Please translate debconf PO for the package unattended-upgrades
Christian Perrier
Reminder for dyfi translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Translation of Denemo
Joe Dalton
Re: Translation of Denemo
Justin B Rye
Re: Translation of Denemo
Joe Dalton
Re: Translation of Denemo
Anders Jonsson
Package descriptions, short description, begin with uppercase or lowercase?
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: Package descriptions, short description, begin with uppercase or lowercase?
Justin B Rye
SV: Package descriptions, short description, begin with uppercase or lowercase?
Joe Dalton
Bug#802891: mistral: Please re-use debconf translations from <insert_your_favourite_OpenStack_package_name_here>
Christian Perrier
DPN 2015/08 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
My resume
christianne drye
Bug#802183: aodh: Should recycle Debconf translation from <insert_your_favourite_Openstack_package_here>
Christian Perrier
dyfi 1.2.0-3: Please translate debconf PO for the package dyfi
Christian Perrier
Bug#801920: zaqar: Should re-use translations from (insert your favourite Openstack package name here)
Christian Perrier
Reminder for postsrsd translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for open-iscsi translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: unattended-upgrades debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for xringd translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Bug#801462: POT templates compressed twice
Bug#801462: POT templates compressed twice
Christian PERRIER
Bug#801462: POT templates compressed twice
Soon to come: review for unattended-upgrades debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for virtualbox-ext-pack translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Re: Reminder for virtualbox-ext-pack translation updates
Helge Kreutzmann
classified-ads 0.08-1: Please translate the package classified-ads
Antti Järvinen
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Holger Wansing
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Holger Levsen
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Brian May
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Holger Levsen
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Holger Levsen
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Holger Wansing
Re: Bug#786980: heimdahl: german package translation misleading
Don Armstrong
Reminder for libdvd-pkg translation updates
Christian PERRIER
open-iscsi 2.0.873+git0.3b4b4500-12: Please translate debconf PO for the package open-iscsi
Christian Perrier
postsrsd 1.2-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package postsrsd
Christian Perrier
Bug#800430: debian-i18n: Glitch in Sans Serif font with Polish diacritic sign
Jan Stolarek
Bug#800430: debian-i18n: Glitch in Sans Serif font with Polish diacritic sign
Christian PERRIER
Bug#800430: debian-i18n: Glitch in Sans Serif font with Polish diacritic sign
Christian PERRIER
webwml /blends translations
Iain R. Learmonth
xringd 1.20-27: Please translate debconf PO for the package xringd
Christian Perrier
Review in progress: dyfi debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for publicfile-installer translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for openstreetmap-carto translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Re: Reminder for openstreetmap-carto translation updates
Beatrice Torracca
Soon to come: review for dyfi debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
virtualbox-ext-pack 5.0.2-3: Please translate debconf PO for the package virtualbox-ext-pack
Christian Perrier
proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)
Beatrice Torracca
Re: proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)
Laura Arjona Reina
Re: proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)
Frans Spiesschaert
libdvd-pkg 1.3.99-1-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package libdvd-pkg
Christian Perrier
publicfile-installer 0.10-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package publicfile-installer
Christian Perrier
openstreetmap-carto 2.29.1-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package openstreetmap-carto
Christian Perrier
Review in progress: postsrsd debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: open-iscsi debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#384287: reportbug: please internationalize the software
Re: Bug#384287: reportbug: please internationalize the software
Christian PERRIER
Don't translate debconf templates for the numad package
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for postsrsd debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for open-iscsi debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: xringd debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
DPN 2015/07 frozen. Please review and translate.
Donald Norwood
Re: DPN 2015/07 frozen. Please review and translate.
Holger Wansing
Re: DPN 2015/07 frozen. Please review and translate.
Re: DPN 2015/07 frozen. Please review and translate.
Holger Wansing
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