Hi Martin
I know it is difficult to see the ip address
but if you start translating one of the pending translations you can see the ip 
address in the history.


I have done that on the above

1458939172 fetched by
1458939173 processed from todo
1458986401 updated text by (ii)
1458988148 updated text by (MM)

its my ip address ( and it says fetched by

(the same address is on the rest if you start translating them).

The Danish problem seems related to Pure Data package descriptions.

Can you confirm you have the same ip address on one of the german package 


Den lør 26/3/16 skrev Martin Eberhard Schauer <martin.e.scha...@gmx.de>:

 Emne: Re: Pending translation is being filled up
 Til: debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org, debian-i18n@lists.debian.org
 Dato: lørdag 26. marts 2016 11.42
 Joe Dalton wrote:
 Hi the Danish page
  > http://ddtp.debian.net/ddtss/index.cgi/da
  > is being filled up
 with pending translations from the above IP 
 address (in Austria).
  > is that address part of Debian (and a
 script is on the loose) or is 
 it some
 suspicious activity.
 > Can I somewhere ban ip addresses for the Danish
 How did you get the IP address?
 The German page has the same problem. At the time of writing there are  389 
pending descriptions. As the "German team" actually is a one man  show this is 
very demotivating and I would love to see the pending queue  flushed as well.
 The descriptions are mostly from the bioinformatics, multimedia and 
 science fields. I'm afraid that there is an interested group within 
 Debian behind this »DoS attack«.

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