-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 [ Please reply on -publicity list ]
Hi all, We have unfrozen the new issue of DPN to include the sad news about Ian Murdock's passing, and we expect to release the issue today Friday January 1, around 23:00 UTC. We would very much appreciate reviews and translations of the new paragraph and slight change of the "Welcome" paragraph (diff attached). We're very sorry to break the existing translations and give so short window for your work, but we hope you understand the particular situatio n. Instructions are available on the wiki: http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews The last updated version is available on the publicity Git repository, even via HTTP: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/publicity/dpn.git/tree/en/2015/09/index.w ml Best regards, - -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQGcBAEBCAAGBQJWhsqLAAoJEEw4Yb3McGt0SXML/0ZTI+VwIT4pkA5NtqhI02qy ekVL+ZhQv0NtFQJZ4WV5NlFbAvktDXhHIWOoSYAoNWzhHC8GYeDnH8KmeVDWD/GS 4R48yPall8l/aVLGHaZMjgEZUEhhRm0ouguenA9Pbkh3PPqWXkZyItScYVnRdEsp Upa2ZHGuwDPxJk0+R97swjsMpyMqpmATLB+V89fdj7zk6waoE5tP4OGjMKM1qGcr 9VEhP9KYS0ooemzBGb+RHZkK6ollFDrzIICbSwi5Kud2l5JbsTyGQ/1v7ERaQYR1 SfWeD4kqyZrICNautfqLThDbXniQ4bbVITFKDe0eJauKf8aSG4jvai86/xYZhCAT dQN9KIlM+6+u88tdcU+jxY042J5a2RhTbGNclNrCOUyU7Jpc+gBAxR5pigpGN0cA gP2EtEAOzKsQ2iZwIMqiPKZkB05m7RQLEK7XCbkEV880/K/E29+FxxrKigJexPp1 vG9nqVm84d2pJTrWc53yJBi/F9eRRUvq5+BXIkJWcA== =qzo5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
[1;33mdiff --git a/en/2015/09/index.wml b/en/2015/09/index.wml[m [1;33mindex d133c2f..44859ec 100644[m [1;33m--- a/en/2015/09/index.wml[m [1;33m+++ b/en/2015/09/index.wml[m [1;35m@@ -17,9 +17,31 @@[m <intro issue="ninth" />[m <toc-display/>[m [m [1;31m-<toc-add-entry name="newdpn">Welcome to the <q>New</q> Debian Project News!</toc-add-entry>[m [1;32m+[m[1;32m<toc-add-entry name="mourningian">Mourning Ian Murdock</toc-add-entry>[m [m [1;31m-<p>We hope that you enjoy our second newly revised issue of the DPN. We have shifted[m [1;32m+[m[1;32m<p>[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mDebian is saddened to <a[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mhref="https://bits.debian.org/2015/12/mourning-ian-murdock.html">share[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mthe news</a> of the passing of Ian Murdock. Ian was not only the founder[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mof Debian, but friend and mentor to many. We will miss him dearly.[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32m</p>[m [1;32m+[m [1;32m+[m[1;32m<p>[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mThe publication of this DPN issue has been delayed with this sad[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mnews, along with the preparation of a dedicated announcement[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mthat will be published soon (debian-announcement mailing list and the[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mwebsite).[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32m### include URLs?[m [1;32m+[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mThen, what should have been the last DPN issue of 2015,[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mbecomes the first one of 2016. In any case, we[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32mhope that you find the news you find here useful.[m[7;31m [m [1;32m+[m[1;32m</p>[m [1;32m+[m [1;32m+[m[1;32m<toc-add-entry name="newdpn">The <q>New</q> Debian Project[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mNews</toc-add-entry>[m [1;32m+[m [1;32m+[m[1;32m<p>This is our second newly revised issue of the DPN. We have shifted[m some of the content around, introduced new sections, and moved some content[m onto the <a href="https://bits.debian.org/">Bits from Debian</a> blog.</p>[m [m