thanks for the info
My skills on this less than zero, so I can't help out on this issue.
Should we contact the dev list for help?
Or is Ivan, you have cc:, the right person?

Den tirs 12/7/16 skrev Martijn van Oosterhout <>:

 Emne: Re: DDTSS down
 Til: "Joe Dalton" <>
 Cc: "Ivan Masár" <>, "Debian I18n" 
 Dato: tirsdag 12. juli 2016 08.00
 As far as 
 I know we're still waiting o. The DNS. I have no idea
 how to fix that.
 I can create a new DNS entry, but that
 doesn't fix the connection to dak...
 On 10 Jul 2016 10:09 AM,
 "Joe Dalton" <>
 Hi any
 news? we have been down for a very long period now.
 Den man 23/5/16 skrev Martijn van Oosterhout <>:
  Emne: Re: DDTSS down
  Til: "Ivan Masár" <>
  Cc: "Debian Internationalization" <>
  Dato: mandag 23. maj 2016 22.42
  I've been in
  communication with Andreas and Thomas the last few days.
  IP address changed because the host moved. So some
  needed to be updated.
  The machine is up again at the new IP address The DNS however still needs to be
  Not sure what is required to fix that, but what we tried
  far hasn't worked yet.
  Nearly there though..
  Have a nice day,
  On 23 May 2016 at 19:13, helix84 <>
  Just a
  friendly poke for a status update... :)
  On Fri, May 20, 2016
  at 7:49 PM, Martijn van Oosterhout <>
  Hmm, weird, it's not reachable from
  I'll see what I can find out.
  Martijn van
  Oosterhout <>

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