On 25/08/2016 10:30, Michael Bramer wrote:
> On 24.08.2016 23:51, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
>> Changing the domain is a solution. We'll have to get the DSA to update a
>> few of their scripts but other than that it should be fairly painless.
>> I can't however think of a good alternate name, DDTP has been around for
>> a long time. Maybe something as simple as ddtp2?
> can't we get a ddtp.debian._org_ address?

I believe that we would have to host the service on a Debian machine to
get a .org subdomain. That's what I understand by reading the first
sentence of [1].
Am I wrong? Because ddtp.debian.org would be super cool. :)

If we go for the .net subdomain option, ddtp2 seems a good choice to me.


[1] https://dsa.debian.org/doc/subdomains/

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