Hi all!

as some of you might have noticed the DDTSS is down (actually all of
ddtp.debian.net looks down).

At the same time the "Arf, Arf, Arf, bad guys, wrong files, arf, arf,
arf" messages reappeared in the debian-l10n-devel mailing list so I
suspect the 2 things might be correlated.

Since that error message does not give away too much information and
since I was the last one doing a commit (Italian wordlist) on the
debian-l10n repo on Alioth on Friday night, I sure hope this 3rd fact is
not correlated too and it is not what is causing the down time.

Although I dont expect a wordlist -as badly formatted as it can be- to
cause this kind of problems, I am of course ready to take care of
reverting the commit if it is necessary.

I hope someone will be able to look into the DDTSS current problem.



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