-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Dear all I see the machines i18n.debian.org and l10n.debian.org now serve pages under https (thanks DSA!), so I've updated the links that appear in the Debian website (www.debian.org) to https too.
The cron scripts used to build the www.debian.org website also have a part that download files from i18n.debian.org or l10n.debian.org I've updated that script, including --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian as DSA recommended. Review of the attached patch is appreciated. If I don't see any objections in some days, nor other person applied the patch, I would try to apply myself (not sure if I have permissions on that repo, and once committed, if somebody has to deploy to some Debian machine or it gets automatically deployed). Best regards - -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQGcBAEBCAAGBQJWt4r7AAoJEEw4Yb3McGt0c2YMAKatejprjHtoIbXMT0tn48Tt sNKguX9tf+ghE0VbX/eKBRThs/YD13mpAtGpWysoDj+WzIXOI236/ywLNgWwFVhG rpQPS2CzV+a2COSWP37O9cZarwMB0CjTSaGo8g4WYsk1euCYS1S05oPlIue8YaQT OMv0x2KG3txPWnAuBw3KxSqIwZFga2tsHB74OgU6WdLd72pEPzFG75aNz4L3edlN kvOEE91a0ohG5oJCn9fmEK+ITmAVGz6yUgL0Hosf+44MQupba0XM4+d8Ozth0kc3 F+cohtsOp7RiDc0EfYKhpjaKjbNkJkyf/BaPWfS43/qTUypkrW6TA6SvGPbEfPea YZ6r7uzVw4CYzTIplohLoak2GKkZYRwF3nkym19LHYKupg4iC1xGQahd/5eEUqQJ nkk8V1BzU6iUqvYFhhEyLpUXCVzD3jkp3ZOYRLljxrK2SPB7+4+QpHkSSTrXQAtM 24U9+nBD68+GXB+gzTIqn+gS1+AurqAfe9kLe2w4Cw== =VaRC -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
[1;33mdiff --git a/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data b/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data[m [1;33mindex 1f95c51..7e1960a 100755[m [1;33m--- a/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data[m [1;33m+++ b/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data[m [1;35m@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@[m [mumask 002[m [ -d $crondir/datafiles ] || mkdir -p $crondir/datafiles[m cd $crondir/datafiles[m echo "updating the database file used to display l10n stats..." >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log[m [1;31m-wget --timeout=60 -q -N http://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz || { echo "couldn't fetch data/unstable!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mwget --timeout=60 -q -N --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz || { echo "couldn't fetch data/unstable!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }[m gunzip -c -f unstable.gz > unstable[m ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/unstable $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/unstable[m wget --timeout=60 -q -N http://popcon.debian.org/source/by_inst && ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/by_inst $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/popcon[m [1;35m@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@[m [mcd $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n[m [m echo "updating the status files used to build l10n stats..." >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log[m cd $crondir/datafiles[m [1;31m-wget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q -N -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A"status.*" http://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ || { echo "couldn't fetch status.*!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }[m [1;32m+[m[1;32mwget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian -N -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A"status.*" https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ || { echo "couldn't fetch status.*!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }[m for status_file in status.*; do[m ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/$status_file $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/$status_file[m done[m