
Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sb, 10 oct 15, 10:22:27, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > 
> > I don't wanna translate. I have seen a severe bug in a package description 
> > translation which I would like to report (so that it get's tracked and 
> > fixed 
> > eventually), as it's misleading to the users. So I filed the bug against 
> > the 
> > package, which was closed as the description translation is not part of the 
> > package.
> > 
> > The translation of that package description  is still buggy, now what to do?
> The DDTP wiki page acknowledges that it is missing bug tracking, but 
> considering that it hasn't seen much development in recent years and 
> what other infrastructure is available *now* the best thing I can think 
> of are pseudo-packages for each language team, e.g.

+1 for pseudo-packages

Even if it's a better workflow to just fix the issues you find in a
package description, instead of filing a bug, there will still be the 
possibility that people, who are not active in the Debian project, 
find issues in a package description. 
Having a proper place for them to report such issues would be good.

Of course, if has to be documented at some prominent place, so that normal 
users know, where to report issues in package descriptions.


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