Joe Dalton wrote:
> Hi all, Denemo is looking for translators. Version 2.0 has just been released 
> with the following stats:
> Even with an active translator, it could be a good idea to contact that 
> person and ask to help out with the translation, Denemo is a lot of hard work 
> getting translated.
> The work is done on The Translation project: 
> Please join your languages team and register the Disclaimer (can be done 
> online):
> If for some reason your language team is no responding/active, then contact 
> us directly.

Unfortunately (as so often happens) this procedure skips the stage of
proofreading the original en(_US) text.  I can see quite a few minor
errors (and en_GBisms), but I can't see how I'd go about getting them
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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