Messages by Thread
[ccp4bb] Postdoc position in structural enzymology in Cambridge, UK
Stephen Graham
[ccp4bb] Posts in advancing fragments: biophysics, informatics
Frank von Delft
[ccp4bb] Structural Biology Software Curator position at SBGrid
Jason Key
[ccp4bb] Doctoral researcher positions - Oulu, Finland
Lari Lehtiö
[ccp4bb] Structure Meets Function Webinar #28 - Instruct-FI
[ccp4bb] Opening for Postdoctoral Fellow / Habilitant in Structural Biology at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Eckhard Hofmann
[ccp4bb] Faculty Position, Structural Biology, University at Buffalo
Andrew Gulick
[ccp4bb] A postdoctoral fellow position in Bethesda, MD
Pazgier, Marzena
[ccp4bb] wwPDB NEWS: Announcing Kyle Morris as EMDB's New Team Leader
Deborah Harrus
Re: [ccp4bb] naturally obsessed - the movie
Chris Ulens
[ccp4bb] Permanent position on the cryo-electron microscopy facility at Université Paris-Saclay
[ccp4bb] Postdoc at eBIC: cryoEM of bacterial warfare system
Bragginton, Eilis (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] Open faculty position in structural biology, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (New York City)
Daniel Keedy
[ccp4bb] Northwestern FSM - Protein purification and crystallization
Karla J. F. Satchell
[ccp4bb] Autoinduction Medium
Dong, Jinhui
[ccp4bb] Announcement: Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities, 2024 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany
Ivanka Fernandes Araujo
[ccp4bb] PhD Position Available at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
Schertler Gebhard
[ccp4bb] Open call for Principal Researcher to be Leader of the Research Team of Horizon Europe ERA Chair project CryoEM@NOVA (deadline to apply: Oct 6, 2023)
Ana Luísa Moreira de Carvalho
[ccp4bb] Canceled: [ccp4bb] Webinar - ENaCt - HT NS xtallization for small organic mols
Dima Chirgadze
[ccp4bb] Webinar - ENaCt - HT NS xtallization for small organic mols
Dima Chirgadze
[ccp4bb] cryoEM positions at Diamond Light Source
Chaban, Yuriy (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] Metals in Structural Biology workshop at SSRL/LCLS User Meeting - tomorrow
Sarah Bowman
[ccp4bb] Three Laboratory Manager Positions, Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dean Myles
[ccp4bb] Postdoc in Structural Biology of Membrane Transporters at New York University School of Medicine
Wang, Da-Neng
[ccp4bb] Two postdoctoral positions available at Centre for Medicines Discovery, University of Oxford
[ccp4bb] CCPBioSim and CCP-QC Industry Talk
Sarah Fegan - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] DLS/CCP4 data analysis workshop 2023
David Waterman
[ccp4bb] Register Now: Protein Structure Determination in Industry (PSDI) (November 12th to 14th)
Jim Thorpe
[ccp4bb] Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in AMR drug discovery at Newcastle University
Wyatt W. Yue
Re: [ccp4bb] Register now: Stanford Electron Microscopy-X (EM-X) Symposium October 2, 2023
Polizzi, JoAnn
[ccp4bb] Intractable outliers in wwPDB validation report
Nitin Kulhar
[ccp4bb] Opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher
John Kirkpatrick
[ccp4bb] Regarding RNA AMBER OL3 Force field
Abhilasha Thakur
[ccp4bb] Forthcoming RSC meeting
Jon Cooper
[ccp4bb] Outlawed PDB files, what should a muggle do
Winter, Graeme (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] postdoc position in protein design - industry/academia collaboration in Vancouver
Filip Van Petegem
[ccp4bb] RCSB PDB: Take the Tabular Reports Survey and Win
Rachel Kramer Green
Re: [ccp4bb] wwPDB NEWS - Coming Soon: PDB Entries with Novel Ligands Distributed Only in PDBx/mmCIF and PDBML File Formats
Paul Emsley
[ccp4bb] The Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Open Science Forum virtual meeting is Wed 20 September 11.00A ET
Lizbé Koekemoer
[ccp4bb] Regarding RNA str Prediction and its str
Abhilasha Thakur
[ccp4bb] Regarding mRNA 3D structure Prediction
Abhilasha Thakur
[ccp4bb] the structures of Nucleic acid
[ccp4bb] Call for MX beamtime proposals at Diamond Light Source. Deadline 1700 27th September 2023
Hall, Dave (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] Biological Chemistry Position at UWA (Perth, Australia) - Brian Metcalf Chair
Charlie Bond
[ccp4bb] Two Tenure-Track Assistant Prof. in Biochemistry Positions Open
Scott Horowitz
[ccp4bb] CBMS Lecture Series - September 20 - 1:30 pm - Amir Khan
Stojanoff, Vivian
[ccp4bb] "pandda.analyse ground_state_datasets=" fails with "Error: No shell partitions generated"
Christian Becke
[ccp4bb] 2 Postdoctoral positions availibe in Huber group at CMD Oxford
Lizbé Koekemoer
[ccp4bb] Research Topic on Breakthroughs in Cryo-EM with ML & AI in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences - Call for contributions
Ed Eng
[ccp4bb] PHD & Postdoc positions in Singapore (NUS)
min luo
Re: [ccp4bb] Output from AUSPEX
Garib Murshudov
[ccp4bb] Oxford Cryostream to give away
Karl Harlos
[ccp4bb] SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting
Sarah Bowman
[ccp4bb] PhD position in structural biology / biophysical chemistry
Magnus Andersson
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position - Cryo-EM and Biochemistry of Molecular Motors
Krishna Chinthalapudi
[ccp4bb] RCSB PDB file downloads DNS changes
Jose Duarte
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral positions - cryo-EM and biochemistry of bacterial secretion systems
Gabriel Waksman
Re: [ccp4bb] Unknown density in Trypsin
a . perrakis
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position(s) - Mechanisms of Assemblies Formation Essential to Muscle Function
Kristina Djinovic Carugo
[ccp4bb] Two 2-year post-doc positions in membrane protein structural biology available at Lund University
Pontus Gourdon
[ccp4bb] PNCC Screening Access Mechanism - Sept 2023
Kjirsten Wheeler
[ccp4bb] Postdoc position in biochemistry and TEM, AFMB lab, Marseille, France
[ccp4bb] 2 Postdoc and 1 Research assistant positions, Structural analysis of trypanosome kinetochores, University of Edinburgh, UK
Bungo Akiyoshi
[ccp4bb] Call for proposals at MAX IV
Ana Gonzalez
[ccp4bb] Conference in Structural Bioinformatics, Prague, November 15-17, 2023
Bohdan Schneider
[ccp4bb] EMBO workshop on sample preparation
[ccp4bb] Downloading individual chains from the PDB
Whitley, Matthew (NIH/NCI) [C]
[ccp4bb] Newly funded Postdoctoral position — Rogala Lab @ Stanford
Kacper Rogala
[ccp4bb] Density at a short distance near Tyrosine
Lumbini Yadav
[ccp4bb] Occupancy Refinement limitation
Matt McLeod
[ccp4bb] Software Developer opening position at RCSB PDB (Rutgers)
Jasmine Young
[ccp4bb] ccp4i2 refmac: results interface not responding
Marian Oliva
[ccp4bb] Call for proposals SOLEIL - AP33 deadline 15 Sep 2023
[ccp4bb] Post-Doctoral opportunity in Pavia, Italy
Marco Lolicato
[ccp4bb] Industrial crystallographer position in Lund, Sweden
Derek Logan
[ccp4bb] Integrated structural biology conference in Marseille: abstract submission deadline coming soon
Valérie Biou
[ccp4bb] iNEXT-Discovery "Master Your Proteins" 2023: Biophysical Characterisation of Macromolecular interactions
a . perrakis
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position in Structural Biology of Dynamic Membrane Pores
Tobias Raisch
[ccp4bb] NCCAT 2024 CryoEM short course - NYC, USA
Ed Eng
Re: [ccp4bb] New density quiz
Eleanor Dodson
[ccp4bb] New Facilities IT post - University of Glasgow
Mads Gabrielsen
[ccp4bb] Registration open for the SSRL/LCLS User Meeting
Mooers, Blaine H.M. (HSC)
[ccp4bb] Determining Second Lattice
Matt McLeod
[ccp4bb] mmciif pdb file editor.
Krishnan Raman
[ccp4bb] 3 Year Structural Biologist Position in Australia
Wai Hong Tham
[ccp4bb] Cloud workshop IGBMC, Illkirch, France
Maria Fando - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] postdoctoral position - time-resolved serial crystallography
Przemysław Nogły
[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar This Thursday, 08/31/2023
Christina Zimanyi
[ccp4bb] How to make covalent bond for modified nucleic acid
[ccp4bb] 3-yr postdoctoral position in cryo-EM sample preparation
Arjen Jakobi
[ccp4bb] Laser pointers for diffraction grating experiments
Bernhard Rupp
[ccp4bb] Postdoc position, University of Oxford
Anthony Roberts
[ccp4bb] Rigid ligand docking
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] Univ. of Cambridge postdoc position at MRC-LMB
Yorgo Modis
Re: [ccp4bb] [ccpem] CCPEM Refmac servalcat error
Bernhard Rupp
[ccp4bb] PDBe Coordinator Position at EMBL-EBI
David Armstrong
[ccp4bb] Problems with CCP4i2 on WSL2 - crashes upon report
Jan Gebauer
[ccp4bb] error while trying to run pandda.inspect
[ccp4bb] large file size
Bailey, Douglas (NIH/NCI) [E]
[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar - 08/31/2023
Christina Zimanyi
[ccp4bb] Reminder: Deadline for BAG applications, for Beamtime at ESRF ID29 - Serial crystallography beamline on September 10th
Daniele de Sanctis
[ccp4bb] Senior Scientist position at Immunocore (UK)
Vijaykumar Karuppiah
[ccp4bb] CentOS 7 end of life (july 2024)
Fred Vellieux
[ccp4bb] Docking analysis
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] re-open the results from a previous DIALS User Interface session in CCP4 cloud?
David Lawson (JIC)
[ccp4bb] How to fix ARG planarity outliers?
Vladyslav Yadrykhinsky
[ccp4bb] IUCr2023 Serial crystallography breakthroughs & sample delivery WORKSHOP at La Trobe Uni next Monday: 21st Aug.
Nadia Zatsepin
khaja faisal tarique