Messages by Thread
[ccp4bb] Resolution Discrepancy in Data Set
Liliana Margent
[ccp4bb] CBMS Lecture Series - Erik Debler - January 24; 13:30 (EST)
Stojanoff, Vivian
[ccp4bb] Phenix version 1.21 released
Paul Adams
[ccp4bb] problem running ccp4mg: ugly and useless graphics
Frederic Vellieux
[ccp4bb] Permanent position in structural biology at the Micalis institute (Université Paris-Saclay)
Olivier Berteau
[ccp4bb] NOW HIRING: Structural Proteomics position at Human Technopole, Milano
Sebastiano Pasqualato
[ccp4bb] Manual setting of config file in PyRx
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] i2run ProvideAsuContents Problem
[ccp4bb] Structural Biology activities at the ESRF User meeting 2024
Montse Soler Lopez
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News: Resources for Supporting the Extended PDB ID Format (pdb_00001abc)
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Poor correlation coefficient of model to cryo-EM map.
Ketul Saharan
[ccp4bb] Recruiting: Science Coordinator - antiviral discovery (14 Jan)
Frank von Delft
[ccp4bb] Robert Langridge obit
Dr. Kevin M Jude
[ccp4bb] MRC funded - senior research technician position
Ivan Campeotto
[ccp4bb] Applications Open for Director, RCSB Protein Data Bank
Christine Zardecki
[ccp4bb] Instruct-ERIC Structure Meets Function Webinar 29
[ccp4bb] School on Single molecule biophysics in cell lysates, 13-17 May 2024, IBT, Vestec, Czech Republic
Jan Dohnalek
[ccp4bb] How do I restrain B values?
Eleanor Dodson
[ccp4bb] Attractive job opportunity in Berlin - HZB and Humboldt University advertise a postdoc position
Manfred Weiss
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral positions at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Luca Jovine
[ccp4bb] Staff scientist and technician positions available
Alexandra Deaconescu
[ccp4bb] RMSD per residue graph for multiple aligned PDB files
Tomas Malinauskas
[ccp4bb] Can Refmac5 refine temperature factor residue by group?
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News: Time-stamped Copies of PDB and EMDB Archives
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] alternatives to Consurf server
Andre Godoy
[ccp4bb] Glide fails to generate accurate docking pose
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] CCPBioSim Industry Talk - Kuano AI
Sarah Fegan - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] How to make GDP.BeF3 solution ?
Firdous Tarique
[ccp4bb] Open PhD positions in graduate school on microbial substrate conversion
Eckhard Hofmann
[ccp4bb] Input from the community for panel session: Crystallography is Dead! Long Live Crystallography!
Nicholas Pearce
[ccp4bb] "LINK" and "REMARK 290" of pdb file
Qixu Cai
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Research Associate –Invasive fungal and bacterial diseases – (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York)
Qun Liu
[ccp4bb] nearestcell
Kay Diederichs
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Researcher, Membrane Structural and Functional Biology, Caffrey Lab, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Martin Caffrey
Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4BB Digest - 21 Dec 2023 to 22 Dec 2023 (#2023-324) (out of office)
Elisabeth Laurent
[ccp4bb] Relion issue with MPI
Srivastava, Dhiraj
[ccp4bb] Postdoc opportunity at the PSI of Switzerland.
Panneels Valérie
[ccp4bb] Two-year postdoctoral position in time-resolved crystallography at IBS in Grenoble
Elke De Zitter
[ccp4bb] what is isomorphous?
Hekstra, Doeke Romke
[ccp4bb] Several Positions available at EMBL Grenoble
[ccp4bb] 3-year Biochemistry/Structural Postdoc position at Imperial College London
Speck, Christian
[ccp4bb] Postdoc positions in anti-bacteriophage defense system cryo-EM, cryo-ET and protein design
Nicholas M I Taylor
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News: Improved Depositor Experience Using ORCiD
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position in Cambridge UK
Marko Hyvonen
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral opportunities in ultrafast electron microscopy at Columbia University in New York City
Anthony Fitzpatrick
Re: [ccp4bb] extra Fo-Fc density in two Cysteines
Parthasarathy Sampathkumar
[ccp4bb] Doctoral researcher position at University of Oulu
Albert Galera Prat
[ccp4bb] contrast missing issue
[ccp4bb] Query on density fitting to phosphate
Arpita Goswami
[ccp4bb] Viewing samples under liquid nitrogen
Matt McLeod
[ccp4bb] [ CCP4 Study Weekend-2024] (fwd)
Gerard Bricogne
[ccp4bb] dryshipper, MVE vs. CX100?
Guenter Fritz
[ccp4bb] Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference 2024 - Cascais, Portugal
[ccp4bb] RMSF calculation in pymol
Srivastava, Dhiraj
[ccp4bb] BCA 2024 Spring Meeting Abstracts Open Now!
Crawshaw, Adam (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] Goniometer heads
Bernhard Rupp
[ccp4bb] Cryo-EM specialist position at UC Irvine
Celia Goulding
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News - PDB Entries with Novel Ligands Now Distributed Only in PDBx/mmCIF and PDBML File Formats
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Can ALF3OH mimic the transition state?
[ccp4bb] Faculty Positions at UTMB Galveston
White, Mark
[ccp4bb] Call for interesting PAIREF cases for demonstration during the CCP4SW 2024
Kolenko, Petr
[ccp4bb] PhD student and postdoc positions available
Panne, Daniel (Prof.)
[ccp4bb] CBMS Lecture Series - December 13, 13:30 (EST) - Dr Hui-Ling (Sunny) Liao
Stojanoff, Vivian
[ccp4bb] PNCC Screening Access Mechanism - January
Kjirsten Wheeler
[ccp4bb] Fwd: [CCP4] Postdoc position currently available in Leeds
Ville Uski
[ccp4bb] Research Specialist Position at the University of Illinois to Study Ribosome Structure | POLIKANOV Lab
Yury Polikanov
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position at SUNY Binghamton University, New York
[ccp4bb] Regarding MM/GBSA binding energy of docked complexes
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] online conference on membrane proteins
beatrice vallone
[ccp4bb] A little diversion: New Article On Ethics and Evolution in Science and Life
Dr. Arka Chakraborty, PhD
[ccp4bb] 2 fully funded PhD studentships in Newcastle University
Paula Salgado
[ccp4bb] The experiment is still very much needed (though AlphaFold helps a lot)
Tom Terwilliger