Bob and all,

        This doesn’t seem to be complete - I hadn’t known of this, but it fails 
at about 9 minutes in, when we are supposed to start watching a video diary? - 
at least that’s how it is for me.  Does anyone have another experience of it?


> On 3 Oct 2023, at 15:10, Sweet, Robert 
> <> wrote:
> Dear Burak,
> Thanks for sending this link around; I've already captured a copy for myself. 
> I believe we've not met, but I've been a scientist at Brookhaven Lab for most 
> of my career, and have built and operated x-ray beamlines for 40 years. Larry 
> Shapiro and his group have been users here, I think since he was a grad 
> student somewhere (don't remember) when he started. 
> ... Beginning to remember some of the movie, I believe there's a short 
> segment of the film shot at our NSLS beamline X29. Maybe it was a climactic 
> scene.  I'll try to re-watch it later.
> Anyway, more immediate information is that 6-8 yrs ago Larry moved his lab in 
> NYC to a new building at the corner of 125th st and Broadway. My wife and I 
> now own a weekend flat near there where we can see Larry's building out the 
> windows. We visited him in his office once, I guess. 
> I knew the characters in the movie, though they have drifted away long ago.
> Thanks for prodding my memory, 
> Bob
> =================================================
>   Robert M. Sweet               E-Dress:
>   Biophysicist Emeritus, acting as Scientific Advisor, 
>    CBMS: The Center for BioMolecular Structure at NSLS-II 
>   Photon Sciences, Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. 
>   Upton, NY  11973     U.S.A.  
>   Phone:   631 338 7302  (Mobile)
> =================================================
> ________________________________________
> From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Burak Veli 
> Kabasakal <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 7:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] naturally obsessed - the movie
> Dear Chris and all,
> I had seen this movie when I was a graduate student at UC Davis, then my PhD 
> advisor at Imperial College, James Murray had shown it to our group. Now, I 
> show this movie to my research students. It is really a must-see movie for 
> people who are doing PhD or planning to do PhD, especially in structural 
> biology.
> I have an mp4 copy, I can share it via a google drive link:  
> Best regards,
> Burak
> Chris Ulens <<>>, 3 Eki 
> 2023 Sal, 13:02 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
> Dear members of the ccp4bb,
> I have a somewhat unusual question. For many years I have shown the movie 
> “Naturally Obsessed - the making of a scientist” for educative purposes in my 
> classes at the faculty of medicine in KU Leuven. I just noticed that the 
> movie is no longer freely downloadable. 
>  PBS responded to me that they no longer have the distribution rights. Could 
> anyone point me toward a downloadable movie or perhaps a DVD so I can show it 
> in my class this semester?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Chris
> ———
> Prof. Chris Ulens
> Laboratory of Structural Neurobiology
> Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
> Facuty of Medicine
> Herestraat 49, PB901
> 3000 Leuven
> Belgium
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