Dear All

We would like to remind you that the call for proposals via peer-review for 
non-proprietary access to Diamond MX beamlines from April until September 2024 
is now open ( The 
deadline for this call is Wednesday 27th September at 17:00 hrs UTC+1/GMT+1.

Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron, provides access for users 
worldwide to a suite of seven MX 
beamlines<>. The beamlines cover a 
very broad range of capabilities including:

  *   high throughput including automated collections 
  *   micro (I04<>, 
VMXm<>) and nano-focus 
(VMXm<>) beams
  *   extremely long wavelengths 
  *   room temperature in situ collection from crystallisation plates 
(VMXi<>) with access to the 
crystallisation facility at Harwell available.
  *   (time resolved) serial synchrotron crystallography 
  *   the fragment-based screening platform 
  *   additionally the suite can handle biological agents up to Hazard Group 3

Experiment sessions on the beamlines are via responsive 
 pre-scheduled visits (either remote or on-site) and automated unattended data 

The route for access through this call to I03, I04, I04-1, I23, I24, VMXi and 
the XChem facility is either via a Block Allocation 
Group<> or 

The nano-focus beamline VMXm is currently accessible via a user commissioning 
call – please contact Gwyndaf Evans for more details.

Additionally, as part of iNEXT-Discovery ( &
 we are supporting access for European based research groups to the following 
modalities within the MX group at Diamond. Before applying directly to 
iNEXT-Discovery please do touch base with the following for advice:

  *   Serial Crystallography @I24 – Robin Owen
  *   In situ data collection from plates @VMXi – Mike Hough
  *   Long Wavelength @I23 – Armin Wagner
  *   Micro/nanofocus crystallography @VMXm – Gwyndaf Evans
  *   Drug discovery: Fragment screening – Frank von Delft

If you have any queries on particular beamline capabilities or techniques 
please contact the relevant principal beamline scientist or myself.

Best regards

Dave Hall on behalf of the MX group at Diamond.


MX Group

Diamond Light Source


United Kingdom

OX11 0DE

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Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom


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