Re: DHCP/DNS assistance

2003-02-21 Thread Francisco M Neto
. No!! Don't do that. If you do an apt-get upgrade later it will most likely replace the /etc/init.d script. Instead of that, alter the file /etc/default/dhcp. -- []'s, Francisco M Neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -

Re: Samsung SincMaster 3

2003-02-05 Thread Francisco M Neto
Vertical: 50 - 90 Tem um site muito legal pra achar isso, ele se chama -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Rei

Re: nao consigo montar cdrom

2003-02-05 Thread Francisco M Neto
ead failed, dev=16:40, > iso_blknum=16, block=32 attempt to access beyond end of device > 0b:00: rw=0, want=33, limit=2 > dev 0b:00 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1 > isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=0b:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32 -- []'s, f

Re: Ogg

2003-02-05 Thread Francisco M Neto
deo que é "irmão gêmeo" do ogg - não existe equivalente em mp3). A desvantagem é que é um pouco mais pesado que o mp3, mas mesmo assim eu acho que vale a pena. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling t

Re: US ou NONUS?

2003-02-06 Thread Francisco M Neto
criptografia em qualquer formato pra fora do país. Assim, o non-US contém programas que não poderiam ser distribuídos a partir dos EUA. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris D

Re: OGG para MP3

2003-02-07 Thread Francisco M Neto
vir quando escutar essas músicas... Ah, faça-me o favor. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, em

Re: nao consigo montar cdrom

2003-02-07 Thread Francisco M Neto
spero que isso ajude. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of &q

Re: Configurar rede manualmente e instalar placa sis900

2003-02-07 Thread Francisco M Neto
way Altere os endereços de acordo com a tua rede. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email t

Re: OGG para MP3

2003-02-07 Thread Francisco M Neto
a taxa de compactacao se os > players ainda nao o reconhecem plenamente. Nem o mpg321 toca ogg. mpg321 não toca e nem vai tocar OGG nunca. Ele é feito pra tocar mp3, e ponto. Mas Sonique, Winamp, XMMS e cia. ltda. *TODOS* tocam Ogg.. -- []'s,

Re: apt do Debian

2003-02-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
Olá, » Assim falou Alan Costa em Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 03:27:52PM -0300: > Daí ;) > Queria alguma sugestão de front-end pro apt, alguma mais institiva e fácil de usar. >algo que naumm perca mto tempo. gnome-apt -- []'s, francisco m. neto &qu

Re: Instalando Debian em tri-boot

2003-02-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
;-]). Agora, creio eu, é só instalar o Debian na partição vazia (tomando o cuidado de falar para ele _montar_ e não _inicializar_ as partições onde estão o windows e o Redhat) e se divertir :-) -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS

Re: Problema com APT!!

2003-02-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
vc vai pegar; no caso, woody, non-US main non-free contrib --> Setores dos pacotes que vc quer. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Ass

Re: OGG para MP3

2003-02-11 Thread Francisco M Neto
g321 tambehm... nao deve ser impossivel. :-) -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMA

Re: Voces acreditam nisso ?

2003-02-11 Thread Francisco M Neto
Olás. > Microsoft-IIS is also being used by Interland,, > Intel Corporation and id Software ^^^ A parte irônica é q a iD Software desenvolve os jogos deles em Linux... -- []'s, francisco m. net

Re: Morte ao Linux, será?

2003-02-11 Thread Francisco M Neto
programadores em sã consiência iriam > fazer isso, e porque agora? > > > > > > _______ > Busca Yahoo! > O serviço de busca mais completo da Internet. O que você pensar o Yahoo! encontra. > http://br.busca.y

Re: url boa de temas?

2003-01-17 Thread Francisco M Neto -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Calling EMACS an editor is like calling the Earth a hunk of dirt." -- Chris DiBona on Dirt (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Powerpoint player (extreme programming presentation)

2001-03-12 Thread francisco m . neto
be able to open and play it. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: ?

2001-03-21 Thread francisco m . neto
e much easier if you went to and purchased the debian CD set, and then boot from the first CD. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ #78493934 Linux User #192809 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."

Re: XDM startup screen

2001-01-05 Thread Francisco M. Neto
geometry, colors, fonts and messages for the windows that appear at the login. /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_? --> this file runs some commands like xconsole and xsetroot, that you probably know what is. ;-) There is a file for each display. Xsetup_0 deals with display :0 and so o

Re: Linux 2.4.0 & root fs problem

2001-01-12 Thread Francisco M. Neto
erfs builtin and ext2 as a module...just in case. > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] > -- Abracos e briagdeiros, francisco m. neto

Re: Modules Not Loading

2001-01-12 Thread Francisco M. Neto
ion/Changes, assuming you're at the kernel source root. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi) Linux User #192809 ICQ #78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu" -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-12 Thread Francisco M. Neto
ctly the GNU philosophy: anything is more FREE than Debian. Sorry if my english is not the best in the world. Also, these are only my opinions. -- francisco m. neto (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi) Linux User #192809 ICQ #7849

Re: [0T] need a url that crashes netscape

2001-01-15 Thread Francisco M . Neto
netscape/lock ) then rm -f ~/.netscape/lock > /dev/null fi ----- -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Some nice quote goes here." -- myself

Re: Creative Ensoniq modules..

2001-01-15 Thread Francisco M . Neto
e es1371` it loads those ones. Everything is working fine. I'm using linux 2.4.0. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Some nice quote goes here." -- myself

Re: audio filesystem

2001-01-15 Thread Francisco M . Neto
x27;s. You should read the CD-Writing HOWTO. In fact, you couldn't even mount an audio cd because it has not one, but several "images", each track being one of them. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Some nice quote goes here." -- myself

Re: Creative Ensoniq modules..

2001-01-16 Thread francisco m . neto
.0, and modprobe can't locate the modules, then check your modutils version with insmod --version. Also check if you have that module compiled in your /lib/modules tree. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Some nice quote goes here." -- myself

Re: Netscape 6 for Linux?

2001-02-02 Thread francisco m. neto
xcellent list support. The best working combination (which I use) is mutt + procmail. Works pretty fine. -- []'s, francisco m. neto "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu" -- Ayanami Rei

XFree 4.0 debs?

2001-02-08 Thread francisco m . neto
Hello there! I'm looking for deb packages of XFree 4.0.2, and it doesn't seem to be under the testing tree, neither under the unstable one. Does anyone know if there is a package for it, and where I could get it? -- []'s,

Re: XFree 4.0 debs?

2001-02-08 Thread francisco m . neto
» Christian Terboven disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > Moritz Schulte wrote: > > > "francisco m . neto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > >>I'm looking for deb packages of XFree 4.0.2, and it doesn't > >> seem to be under the test

Re: Ripping MP3s

2001-06-21 Thread francisco m neto
it, since it uses GTK. For CD ripping and encoding, I see no option: cdparanoia and lame, the perfect combination. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: Ripping MP3s

2001-06-25 Thread francisco m neto
alled Debian from it and cdparanoia itself - so I'm > a bit bemused by this turn of events. That used to happen with my old CDROM drive, and then someday it stopped working. -- []'s, francisco m neto

LaserJet 2100TN

2001-08-27 Thread francisco m neto
: -- []'s, Francisco M Neto ICQ # 78493934

Re: LaserJet 2100TN

2001-08-28 Thread francisco m neto
» Alan Shutko disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > francisco m neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > I'm having some problems printing to a HP LaserJet 2100TN. I'm using > > lprng, and a copy of my printcap is below. What am I doing wrong? > > > :rm=143.107

Re: Newbie question

2001-11-19 Thread francisco m neto
tc/apt/sources.list, substituting the 'stable' word for 'unstable'. Then, enter 'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade'. > Thanks ! You're welcome! Please ask if you have some other doubt ou question. -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

Task packages missing??

2001-11-20 Thread francisco m neto
[]'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

Re: Task packages missing??

2001-11-20 Thread francisco m neto
as left to substitute them? -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: Task packages missing??

2001-11-20 Thread francisco m neto
7;t know about looking in /var/lib/dpkg/available. Thanks, I'll try it. -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

Re: Task packages missing??

2001-11-20 Thread Francisco M. Neto
; possible workaround in tasksel, although it's primarily (not > exclusively) intended for use in new installs. Not really. I've made a fresh new potato instalation and made a 'dist-upgrade' to woody, and then they were gone. -- []'s, francisco

NIS and device permissions

2001-11-21 Thread francisco m neto
solve it in a better way? Thanks, -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

Re: NIS and device permissions

2001-11-21 Thread francisco m neto
es ago and it worked. But if I issue the command 'groups johndoe', I still get the same error message. -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

VIA sound chipset

2001-11-27 Thread francisco m neto
ng kernel 2.4.x, it won't even play the file, complaining about "not finding any supported rates". Does anyone have some experience with this chipset? Thank you, -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality." -- self-quoted

Re: SourceForge binaries

2001-03-26 Thread francisco m . neto
the apt-get database get dependency problems when one tries to install some other package that depends on the first package? -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ #78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Which Kernel should I use????

2001-03-27 Thread francisco m . neto
patches? I guess you should use the 2.4.x kernel. Being newer, it probably has better support for both pppoe and vpn. Try looking under the Documentation/ directory for some text that might help you. -- []'s, francisco m. neto

Re: Installing Debian

2001-03-28 Thread francisco m . neto
link to /dev/hdc (in your case), but doesn't finds it, or something like that. -- []'s, francisco m. neto

Re: sis900 problem

2001-04-09 Thread francisco m . neto
all I can give you are the same old words: Try to use aumix to set the sound volume... Verify the connections between your speakers and the sound card... Maybe you forgot to turn the speakers on? > Any ideas? I hope this helps you. -- []'s,

Re: UK mirror

2001-04-09 Thread francisco m . neto
Is the UK being isolated because the HMG signed a £15M deal with > Microsoft? > > Please don't take our mirror away! I experienced the same problems last Friday... and just when I was building the cd images... ugh... -- []'s, francisco m. neto

Re: [OT] (floppy?? and win 95) two questions

2001-04-10 Thread francisco m . neto
e floppy anywhere, but you can't create a rescue CD anywhere. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Installing X4 over 3.3 using Shell script

2001-04-18 Thread francisco m . neto
mething like that), but I guess it *could* work. Christian Terboven built the XF4 debs, and they work very fine. Some time ago, I posted a message asking for those debs, and he gave me their location: (thanks Chris). It works pretty fine (thanks again

Re: CMI8738 audio

2001-04-18 Thread francisco m . neto
uess you're using). Use 'modconf' to set it up, it is under the 'misc' section. > -- > Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.5.10b emulation code) > Kernel: Linux voabaixo 2.4.3 #1 Tue Apr 17 1

Re: debian install

2001-04-26 Thread francisco m . neto
gt; partitians and the mount the root. Am I wrong? /dev/cdrom usually is a symlink to /dev/hd?. Check if it is already there. If not, change to another vc and: $ ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom Just in case. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.

Re: Shutting down as a user

2001-04-27 Thread francisco m . neto
request:/sbin/shutdown -h -a -t0 now The '-a' option tells shutdown to use an authorization file at /etc/shutdown.allow. In this file, you put the usernames you want to be allowed to reboot/halt the machine. When logged in, press Alt+ to halt the

Re: rsync

2001-04-27 Thread francisco m . neto
ybe there are too many ftp connections to that server already, and it's refusing new ones until one (or more) of the actual connections ends. However, ftp and http have different ports (21 and 80, respectively), and there are not too many connections through http to that server. That's w

Re: Shutting down as a user

2001-04-27 Thread francisco m . neto
» David Wright disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > Quoting francisco m . neto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > > I suggest a different approach. Still lon /etc/inittab, you > > can put another entry, for the keyboard request: > > > > kb::kbrequest:/sbin/shutdown -h -

Re: gtk themes

2001-10-11 Thread francisco m neto
There are only a few of them, but it's better than nothing. I was wondering if it was an issue about the color depth, but I changed my video board and the problem continues. -- francisco m neto| "Toke au kokoro ga, | watashi o kowasu." [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Ayanami Rei

Japanese input

2001-10-25 Thread francisco m neto
Hello there, Is there any possibility that I could manage to have a japanese input system working on my box? I don't have an japanese keyboard, but for some reasons I have to create some japanese input. How do I do that? Thanx, -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: Using japanese input systems

2001-11-01 Thread francisco m neto
se some editor like yudit or so to actually do the job. Thank you very much! :-) > > Here ( you can > find other information regarding kinput2 and canna. Thanks! > Shade and sweet water! Sombra e água fresca! ;-) -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: When ROOT->startx, what file executes the window manager program ?

2001-11-12 Thread francisco m neto
y. > > xdm uses .xsession, while startx uses .xinitrc. If I'm not mistaken, startx also uses .xsession. If it doesn't find it, it looks for .xinitrc. It uses the system Xsession as a failsafe. -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through illusion we get into reality."

Re: Stable IM client in debian

2001-11-12 Thread francisco m neto
though it seems to have some problems with updatind users' info, it's pretty stable and reliable. I like it. Also, it has some very cools icon sets, including a "MacOS X-like" and a (perfect) clone of the original ICQ icons. -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through illusion we get to the reality."

Re: Gnome

2001-11-14 Thread francisco m neto
exec gnome-session -- []'s, francisco m neto "Through Illusion we get to Reality."

Re: i810 sound?

2001-09-06 Thread francisco m neto
q ES1371 (rev 6). > Slow devsel. IRQ 11. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=12.Max > Lat=128. > I/O at 0xdf00 [0xdf01]. > > Did you try the es1371 sound module? I am not using sound support on > this machine so I can't confirm this works. Yes, it works. I use it. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: DHCP over cable

2001-09-11 Thread francisco m neto
l, I'm not a [EMAIL PROTECTED] customer, but I use a cable ISP as well, and what I did to get it working was: 1) Have the following lines in /etc/network/interfaces: iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp 2) apt-get install dhcpcd And it worked fine. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: Solidarity

2001-09-11 Thread francisco m neto
too. As usual, innocent people pay for mankind's stupidity. -- []'s, francisco m neto


2001-09-12 Thread francisco m neto
ould not open host invalid reply from server. Could not read reply from control connection: Connection refused ncftp> Why is this happening? -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: .config in kernel source?

2001-09-20 Thread francisco m neto
h > everything the first time through and configure things the way you like. However, if you want to use the configurations used for the debian kernels, you can use the file /boot/Config-, where "" is the kernel-version. This file comes in the kernel-image-* packages. -- []'s, francisco m neto

X won't start in woody

2001-09-25 Thread francisco m neto
kages that depend on it won't complain)? Thanks, -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: X won't start in woody

2001-09-26 Thread francisco m neto
u!! I was just asking myself if there was a package like that. It seems to do. :-) -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: Taking an image from a joliet+rock ridge cd.

2001-10-10 Thread francisco m neto
» [EMAIL PROTECTED] disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > I originally thought that I could use dd to take an image of anything. > I'm easily making joliet+rock ridge cds with cdrecord. > Now, afterwards I'm only able to view those joliet+rock ridge cds on windows > machines and dd is unable to take im

Re: QuickTime

2001-10-10 Thread francisco m neto
s case if you want _full-screen_. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: php4

2001-10-10 Thread francisco m neto
ttpd.conf file and uncomment the lines that have "php4" on them. Take a look at the Apache documentation, for I am not sure if that's all you have to do. -- []'s, francisco m neto | "Toke au kokoro ga, | watashi o kowasu." [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Ximian on Woody

2001-10-10 Thread francisco m neto
gree with that. I tried it through apt-get AND through their installlation tool. Through apt-get, I just gave up after all the problems I ran into. And their installer keeps complaining about not having full support for Woody. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: how to zip/compress a directory?

2001-05-04 Thread francisco m . neto
-Gun.xpm > pixmaps/Ant.xpm > Broken pipe > [EMAIL PROTECTED] share]$ > is that permission problems Probably. Try tar cvzf ~/pixmaps.tar.gz pixmaps. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

DDS backups

2001-05-07 Thread francisco m . neto
in advance. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: xmms and audio cd playing

2001-05-07 Thread francisco m . neto
hus leading to the digitalized audio generation. Probably there's a lot of wrong concepts on this "explanation", but I think it shows the basic idea. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: DDS backups

2001-05-08 Thread francisco m . neto
> # always eject to prevent overwriting the tape.. > # cause you forgot to change the tape > # > mt -f $TAPE rewind > mt -f $TAPE eject > # > # end of file -- []'s francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Startx error with XFree86 4.3 & i810

2001-05-11 Thread francisco m . neto
- A special device file in /dev, /dev/agpgart, create it with 'mknod /dev/agpgart c 10 175'; - The module i810.o loaded in the kernel. Probably what is left for you is the second item, the i810 module. Try 'modprobe i810'. You will also need the agpga

Re: config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-15 Thread francisco m . neto
X working when I installed XFree86 version 4, which has explicit support for i810. Intel made a Xserver for i810 but I couldn't manage to get that thing working... -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934

Re: XFree86

2001-05-15 Thread francisco m . neto
To run the mouse using both gpm and XFree, do two things: 1) Tell gpm to use repeat rate ms3; 2) Set your XFree mouse protocol to IntelliMouse and set the mouse device to /dev/gpmdata (don't know if it works for other protocols). -- []'s francisco m.

Re: config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-15 Thread francisco m . neto
Correct me if I had done something silly. ;-) Silly thing you've done: you chose wmaker ;-PPP -- []'s, francisco m. neto, compulsive afterstep/gnome user (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934 "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: cp binary cd to hd

2001-05-18 Thread francisco m . neto
ere is a lot of symlinks between the sections of the CD. cp is not aware of the existence of symlinks, you must tell him that they are there: $ cp -d -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) ICQ # 78493934

Re: XDM or GNOME???

2001-05-22 Thread francisco m . neto
» spider disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > i installed potato on my machine, and i had XDM as the window manager. First thing: XDM is NOT a window manager. It's a display manager, which manages authentication and commands run by the user who is logging in through it. > i wanted to switch to

Re: XDM or GNOME???

2001-05-23 Thread francisco m . neto
s the window manager by itself. -- []'s, francisco m neto (a.k.a Ayanami-san) "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei

Re: Newbie floppy disk access question

2001-05-23 Thread francisco m . neto
ou should mount the floppy to: mount /floppy Then you'll be able to access the contents of the disk. When you're finished using it, do: umount /floppy It will finish the logical connection between your system and the floppy. -- []'s, fra

Re: Odp: XDM or GNOME???

2001-05-23 Thread Francisco M. Neto
and sorry for this LONG letter sorry for bothering you.. Don't be sorry. That's why the list exists, to provide us manners to help each other using Debian Linux always better. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi) Linux User

Re: First Debian Install Question

2001-05-30 Thread francisco m neto
X was > properly configed). I don't know exaclty what you want to do, but you should try xf86config for a start. There is also a tool named xf86cfg, but I've never used it. -- []'s, francisco m neto

Re: thunderbird vs clawsmail

2021-06-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
Testing unless you tell it to. Have a look at the link below; I'd be happy to help if you have questions. [1] -- []'s, Francisco M Neto 3E58 1655 9A3D 5D78 9F90 CFF1 D30B 1694 D692 FBF0

Re: Debmirror

2021-06-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
ot some ideas? >> > I already know this one. > But there seem to be a problem with debmirror not copying some files. > I found a bug report relating to this. > > I've now tried using apt-mirror. > I'll see if I get the same. You also might be interested

Re: Debmirror

2021-06-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
e. Eh, I hadn't seen this message when I sent my last reply. My apologies. Maybe apt-mirror is the better alternative then. Other sync programs might work too (ftpsync, rsync) but they might be less effective since they don't know about debian mirrors. -- []

Re: Debmirror

2021-06-10 Thread Francisco M Neto
tood and used. Oh, I'm not looking for that. I was just trying to help the OP. Cheers! -- []'s, Francisco M Neto 3E58 1655 9A3D 5D78 9F90 CFF1 D30B 1694 D692 FBF0

Re: Find packages from a specific maintainer

2021-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
of the maintainer and clicking on the 'DMD' link will take you to their dashboard. In the dashboard you can see all the packages that person is involved with. Cheers, -- Francisco M Neto

Re: upgrade to testing

2021-06-15 Thread Francisco M Neto
Hey there, I don't want to just add a meme here, but someone give this man a medal. On 2021-06-15 18:03, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote: > > If you want to update to what is _currently_ Debian testing - now is a > relatively safe time to do so because it's in a state of freeze before it > is rel

Re: Journal

2020-09-03 Thread Francisco M Neto
n't > want to publish anything, I recommend using your text editor of > choice in a directory structure, with one file per day or week > or month depending on your desire. I never heard of Pelican. What's the difference between it and other solutions like Wordpress

Debian Releases

2019-05-17 Thread Francisco M Neto
As the first in a series of (maybe 2) posts about Debian's release cycle, I'vecreated the following post. I would love to receive any feedback on it. -- []'s, Francisco M Neto GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0 signature.

Re: Debian Releases

2019-05-17 Thread Francisco M Neto
On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 21:35 +0100, Joe wrote: > Don't forget: > > I'm gonna cover that on the next post ;-) -- []'s, Francisco M Neto GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Debian Releases

2019-05-20 Thread Francisco M Neto
rward to it, thanks > > On 5/17/19 1:55 PM, Francisco M Neto wrote: > > On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 21:35 +0100, Joe wrote: > > > Don't forget: > > > > > > > > I'm gonna cover that on the next post

Re: Debian Releases

2019-05-21 Thread Francisco M Neto
Hello! On Tue, 2019-05-21 at 16:06 +0100, Paul Sutton wrote: > On 21/05/2019 03:19, Francisco M Neto wrote: > > > > I've writted the second part, and it should be going up tomorrow > > morning: > > > >

Re: Debian 10 user accounts

2019-05-24 Thread Francisco M Neto
datory in case of multi-user systems), avoids using the root shell and is overall safer agains hacking/cracking. Interesting reads: Cheers!

Another one

2019-06-11 Thread Francisco M Neto
eers, Francisco -- []'s, Francisco M Neto GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Another one

2019-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 08:22 +0100, Tixy wrote: > On Tue, 2019-06-11 at 17:38 -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote: > > I've posted another blog about my adventures with the Debian Release > > Cycle. Or, > > rather, how I'm hoping to estimate Buster's release date. &g

Re: Output from apt-get update.

2019-06-12 Thread Francisco M Neto
s, > as opposed to point to the domain name. It's also worth checking if there's anything under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -- []'s, Francisco M Neto GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0 signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: How Buster release may affect Unstable?

2019-07-05 Thread Francisco M Neto
. Well... maybe? I mean, certain developers or maintainers may be aware of the release cycle and delay their uploads into unstable until after the new stable is released. In that case, Sid should experience an unusually high number of updates over the next few weeks. -- []'s, Franc

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