» Erdmut Pfeifer disse isso e eu digo aquilo: > On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 12:27:06PM +0000, Victor wrote: > > Of course it works but it reboots the system, doesn't shut it down. That's > > what I want. > > take a look at /etc/inittab and search for 'shutdown' (preceded by some > comment about ctrl-alt-del). There you can change the arguments to shutdown, > i.e. replace '-r' (=reboot) by '-h' (=halt).
I suggest a different approach. Still lon /etc/inittab, you can put another entry, for the keyboard request: kb::kbrequest:/sbin/shutdown -h -a -t0 now The '-a' option tells shutdown to use an authorization file at /etc/shutdown.allow. In this file, you put the usernames you want to be allowed to reboot/halt the machine. When logged in, press Alt+<UpArrow> to halt the system with the Keyboard Request. -- []'s, francisco m. neto (a.k.a Fujikuro) "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu." -- Ayanami Rei