» Colin Watson disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> >     I tried to use it. However, it kept complaining about task
> > packages it could not find (?!).
> "Exactly" means an error message I can grep for in tasksel's source.

        Sorry, I didn't get your point.

> >     I didn't know about looking in /var/lib/dpkg/available. Thanks,
> > I'll try it.
> It sounds very much like you've been running 'apt-get update' for a long
> time, so dpkg's available file is out of date. Perhaps there's a
> possible workaround in tasksel, although it's primarily (not
> exclusively) intended for use in new installs.

        Not really. I've made a fresh new potato instalation and made a 
'dist-upgrade' to woody, and then they were gone.


                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a Fujikuro Ayanami Kaji)

Linux User #192809 / ICQ #78493934
[EMAIL PROTECTED],yahoo.com]

        "Se ocorrer qualquer efeito significativo de não linearidade
do resistor para altas correntes, os pontos correspondentes devem ser
eliminados da análise sugerida."

                        -- extraído da apostila de Lab III - IFUSP

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