Hey there,

        I don't want to just add a meme here, but someone give this man a

On 2021-06-15 18:03, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> If you want to update to what is _currently_ Debian testing - now is a
> relatively safe time to do so because it's in a state of freeze before it
> is released as Debian 11. Look at the release notes for Bullseye and the
> posts on Debian Planet for "what's new in Bullseye" and update carefully.
> [Change /etc/apt/sources.list to suit: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ;
> apt-get autoremove ; apt-get dist-upgrade ; apt-get autoremove is one
> sequence that will get you there.
> if you want to upgrade to what will be the new Testing, I'd honestly suggest
> waiting six weeks or so, upgrading to Bullseye as it comes out and _then_
> upgrading to Bookworm.

        The above is the best advice anyone could get in regards to
upgrading to testing or not.

> Just my €0.02

        Honestly worth a lot more.

        There are a lot of people that are not that familiar with Debian,
and sometimes it's comprehensible that they don't look for search
engines right away; a lot of times the answers that come up on a search
apply to derivatives. Ubuntu is so ubiquitous these days that I've seen
plenty of people that just follow instructions meant for it, but under

        So it's (from a certain point of view) comendable that they come to
this list instead. After all this is _the_ Debian User Group; and it's
sad that sometimes they are met with less-than-tolerant responses.

        Although I can completely understand (and to some extent, relate to)
the way some people feel when a discussion list is sometimes treated as
a support desk, a more welcoming response is more likely to create a
more conscientious Debian user.

That was MY €0.02.


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