ยป Abner Gershon disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> I am trying to load a tar file driver from floppy
> disk. There is a file "floppy" in my root directory.
> This is empty. How do I find the file on my floppy disk?

        It's not a file. It's a directory you should mount the floppy

        mount /floppy

        Then you'll be able to access the contents of the disk. When
you're finished using it, do:

        umount /floppy

        It will finish the logical connection between your system and
the floppy.

                francisco m neto
                        (a.k.a Ayanami-san)

ICQ # 78493934

                "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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