ยป Wayne Brown disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> Hi,
> I have done this successfully but am wondering what impact this may have in
> the future, as apt still thinks I'm using 3.3. I would like to install Gnome
> and wonder if this will impact on it. Any advice please?

        I think it's a problem. I did it once, and it messed up my
whole system. The point is that, when you do an 'apt-get update', it
will update the package database for the newest version of X - version
3.3. When you do 'apt-get upgrade', it will try to install that
version of XFree, and it will conflict with your new installation of
XF4 that supposedly doesn't exist, and, at the same time, it won't
find the XFree that the database says is there.

        I don't know what kind of problem it could give if you did an
'apt-get install task-gnome' (or something like that), but I guess it
*could* work.

        Christian Terboven built the XF4 debs, and they work very
fine. Some time ago, I posted a message asking for those debs, and he
gave me their location: people.debian.org/~cpbotha/xf402_potato/
(thanks Chris). It works pretty fine (thanks again! :-) if you use

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a Fujikuro)

        "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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