ยป Steve R. Hastings said this and I say that:

> I am interested in why people prefer Debian to other Linux 
> distributions.  Please explain the top few reasons why you chose Debian 
> rather than something else.
> Perhaps we can collect the responses together, edit them, and put the 
> result up on the debian.org web page.  I have looked and looked, both on 
> the Web and in the book store, and I have found few explanations of why 
> people prefer a particular distribution.  (There is lots of "why you 
> should use Linux" but not much of "why I use Debian rather than 
> something else".)

        Okay, then.
        Here is how it happened to me.

        I started using Linux just about 1 1/2 year ago, I was 
interested because, amongst a lot of Windoze NT machines in the 
computing room at the Physics Institute (where I study), I saw some
displays with a "strange" screen (it was xdm) I had never seen
before. A friend of mine, who was used to that system, told me it was
another OS called Linux, that it was free (he told he that meant I
would not pay anything to use it, and any copy would be perfectly
legal). I was used to the Windoze world, and so I didn't believe
it. And I believed it even less when he told me it would not give me
those blue screens...
        Anyway, I decided to give it a try (oh, the old times when I
thought computers could not be fun...). At first, it impressed me by
the visual style of the thing, I just loved all those configurations I
could set for it (I fell in love with Afterstep :-P). I didn't know
the distros existed yet.
        The system where I got my first account was a Debian Slink,
and thanks to its administrator it was well-configured, and that gave
me a good first impression. And I got really impressed when, after 6
months, it had never let me down. In the previous 6 months, using NT,
the system failed me about 5 times a week...
        Some time later, I began using other distributions and
installing Linux on some machines. The first thing I tried was
Conectiva Linux, a brazilian "distribution", that in fact was just
copied from (ack!) Red Hat (don't even try that thing, unless you want
to have some problem). Then I tried Mandrake, Red Hat (which I just
HATED), Corel, Caldera... anything impressed me like Debian. 
        Anyway, if you want to know why I use (and STRONGLY recommend)
Debian, here it goes:

        1) If Linux is already a thousand times more stable than
"that" OS, Debian is even more stable than any of them;
        2) Even if the affirmation that Debian MAY not have up-to-date
packages, the dpkg/apt-get stuff is the best package managing system
ever, and that makes easy to make a ultra-stable server and a
development desktop-box;
        3) I feel comfortable using it - its structure is the one that
works with me (I can navigate without any problem in the system)
        4) It follows strictly the GNU philosophy: anything is more
FREE than Debian.

        Sorry if my english is not the best in the world.
        Also, these are only my opinions.

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi)

Linux User #192809
ICQ #78493934


                "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu"
                                        -- Ayanami Rei

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