ยป Steve R. Hastings said this and I say that: > I am interested in why people prefer Debian to other Linux > distributions. Please explain the top few reasons why you chose Debian > rather than something else. > > Perhaps we can collect the responses together, edit them, and put the > result up on the debian.org web page. I have looked and looked, both on > the Web and in the book store, and I have found few explanations of why > people prefer a particular distribution. (There is lots of "why you > should use Linux" but not much of "why I use Debian rather than > something else".)
Okay, then. Here is how it happened to me. I started using Linux just about 1 1/2 year ago, I was interested because, amongst a lot of Windoze NT machines in the computing room at the Physics Institute (where I study), I saw some displays with a "strange" screen (it was xdm) I had never seen before. A friend of mine, who was used to that system, told me it was another OS called Linux, that it was free (he told he that meant I would not pay anything to use it, and any copy would be perfectly legal). I was used to the Windoze world, and so I didn't believe it. And I believed it even less when he told me it would not give me those blue screens... Anyway, I decided to give it a try (oh, the old times when I thought computers could not be fun...). At first, it impressed me by the visual style of the thing, I just loved all those configurations I could set for it (I fell in love with Afterstep :-P). I didn't know the distros existed yet. The system where I got my first account was a Debian Slink, and thanks to its administrator it was well-configured, and that gave me a good first impression. And I got really impressed when, after 6 months, it had never let me down. In the previous 6 months, using NT, the system failed me about 5 times a week... Some time later, I began using other distributions and installing Linux on some machines. The first thing I tried was Conectiva Linux, a brazilian "distribution", that in fact was just copied from (ack!) Red Hat (don't even try that thing, unless you want to have some problem). Then I tried Mandrake, Red Hat (which I just HATED), Corel, Caldera... anything impressed me like Debian. Anyway, if you want to know why I use (and STRONGLY recommend) Debian, here it goes: 1) If Linux is already a thousand times more stable than "that" OS, Debian is even more stable than any of them; 2) Even if the affirmation that Debian MAY not have up-to-date packages, the dpkg/apt-get stuff is the best package managing system ever, and that makes easy to make a ultra-stable server and a development desktop-box; 3) I feel comfortable using it - its structure is the one that works with me (I can navigate without any problem in the system) 4) It follows strictly the GNU philosophy: anything is more FREE than Debian. Sorry if my english is not the best in the world. Also, these are only my opinions. -- francisco m. neto (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi) Linux User #192809 ICQ #78493934 http://socrates.if.usp.br/~einstein "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu" -- Ayanami Rei