
ยป Mark Devin said this and I say that:

> I was wondering if you have gotten the sound card on that board to
> work?  It is Cmedia's CMI8738 audio controller.

        If I'm not wrong, this is the same chipset from Soundblaster
PCI 128. The kernel module for this chipset to work is es1371, which
IS available on 2.4.2 and comparatively works even better that the
original driver from Creative.

> I have compiled the drivers OK in a 2.4.2 kernel and they load alright.  But
> absolutely no sound from the speakers with xmms or other programs.

        Here all I can give you are the same old words:
        Try to use aumix to set the sound volume...
        Verify the connections between your speakers and the sound
        Maybe you forgot to turn the speakers on?

> Any ideas?

        I hope this helps you.

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a Fujikuro)

ICQ #78493934

        "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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