ยป Miquel van Smoorenburg disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> >             I'm willing to give permission to users to use the sound 
> > hardware on
> >the local machines. However, due to the fact that they are registered
> >users only in the server,
> What do you mean with that sentence?

        They are "real" users only in the server machine. They are "virtual" 
users on the clients. I mean, they are users on the server, and due to the NIS 
the y can login in the clients, even not having a username registered at those 

> >I didn't manage to add them to the system
> >group 'audio', so they could have acces to /dev/mixer, /dev/dsp and
> >/dev/audio.
> Why not? What went wrong?

        It was complaining about not finding a name for groud XXX.

        I tried again a few minutes ago and it worked. But if I issue the 
command 'groups johndoe', I still get the same error message.

                francisco m neto
        "Through Illusion we get to Reality."
                                -- self-quoted

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