» David Wright disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> Quoting francisco m . neto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >     I suggest a different approach. Still lon /etc/inittab, you
> > can put another entry, for the keyboard request:
> > 
> > kb::kbrequest:/sbin/shutdown -h -a -t0 now
> > 
> >     The '-a' option tells shutdown to use an authorization file
> > at /etc/shutdown.allow. In this file, you put the usernames you want
> > to be allowed to reboot/halt the machine. 
> >     When logged in, press Alt+<UpArrow> to halt the system with
> > the Keyboard Request.
> Think hard before you actually do that. Alt+<UpArrow> is a
> key combination that is very easily struck. (Of course, it's
> also one that your fingers may be wired for if, like me, you
> navigate your virtual destops with it.) By all means try it
> if you never seriously use VCs.

        Hmm... not really, I don't think I would strike these keys
easily, because I navigate through the vc's with Alt<vc-number>. In
fact I just use the arrow keys to command history in my shell, so for
me it's never been a problem.

        BTW, is there some way to set up a customized key-sequence to
run some command in inittab?

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a Fujikuro)

        "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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