ยป spider disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> i installed potato on my machine, and i had XDM as the window manager.

        First thing: XDM is NOT a window manager. It's a display
manager, which manages authentication and commands run by the user who
is logging in through it.

> i wanted to switch to GNOME, so i put:
>         exec gnome-session
> in my .xinit file (/etc/X11/xinitrd/.xinit --- i hope its the right path...)

        To use GNOME, edit a file named .xsession in your hoe
directory, containind the following line:

        exec gnome-session

        Do NOT put a ampersand in the end of the line, it will screw
up the things. If you want to run any command using the .xsession
file, making it execute every time you log in onto the X session
(using either XDM or startx), put if BEFORE the above mentioned, and
WITH an ampersand at the end if the line. Like this:

# .xsession example file
# created by johndoe @ 22may2001-22:30 (GMT-3)

xscreensaver -lock &
Eterm -O --tint blue --shade 50% &

exec gnome-session


> AND- when i shut down X server there are those messages going, and the last
> one is:
>         shutting down the xdm display manager
> im confused cos i thought i was running gnome dispaly manager....

        In fact you are maybe still using XDM. To use GDM, which is
GNOME's display manager, you must uninstall XDM and install GDM,
because they conflict with each other. 

                francsico m. neto
                        (a.k.a Ayanami-san)

ICQ # 78493934

                "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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