ยป Adriano Peluso disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> Now, I try to run "rsync --verbose --progress --stats --block-size=8192 
> ftp://trumpetti.atm.tut.fi: :pub/debian-cd/2.2rev2/i386/binary-i386-1.iso"
> but I get this error message:
> " Impossibile stabilire la connessione
> -> www.fulltrading.it connessione rifiutata"
> It' written in Italian as you can see. I don't know if the pseudo package 
> is localized in Italian or what.
> fulltrading.it is the domain I belong to and I'm in Italy, of
> course.

        That's natural. Your domain has the italian language version
of the ftp client you're using.

> The strange thing is that when I connect to that server with Explorer I get 
> in and I see the image file I'm interested in.
> What's going on?

        Maybe there are too many ftp connections to that server
already, and it's refusing new ones until one (or more) of the actual
connections ends. However, ftp and http have different ports (21 and
80, respectively), and there are not too many connections through http
to that server. That's why you can see the image with the browser, but
can't downloads it through ftp.

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a Fujikuro)

        "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu."
                        -- Ayanami Rei

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