ยป ahoj disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

> thanks a lot for help!
> i installed gdm and deinstalled xdm, and now it says : starting gdm display
> manager, and this gnome login window goes out. so i think in that phase
> everything went good.

        I'm glad you've got it.

> but ive got some questions about this file: .xsession
> i created it in the directory /home.
> did you mean /home directory is this: /home like /etc or /bin ???
> or you meant /home directory by the main directory, the root directory where
> all other dirs are placed (such as /etc, /floppy, /home, /cdrom/// and so
> on)

        None of them. I meant your user home directory. For example,
if your username is 'johndoe', it should be created under /home/johndoe.

> and i think it didnt changed. i know for sure that i dont have xdm now (the
> /etc/X11/xdm directory is empty)
> but i dont think it its the gnome i was thinking about.
> 1. i still cant change size of any window

        I'm also having this problem, but I still couldn't manage to
get an answer about how to make it work correctly. I think it's an
window manager issue.

> 2. as a pointer ive got this black X. shouldnt there be an arrow???

        A few messages ago in the list somebody have already pointed
out how to do that. I guess it's something like:

        $ xsetroot -pointer left_arrow

        I'm not sure, take a look at the archives.

> and sorry for this LONG letter.... sorry for bothering you..

        Don't be sorry. That's why the list exists, to provide us
manners to help each other using Debian Linux always better.


        francisco m. neto
                (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi)

Linux User #192809 / ICQ #78493934
[EMAIL PROTECTED],yahoo.com]

        "The worse of all mistakes if not to be aware of no mistake."
                                -- Albert Einstein

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