ยป Benjamin Pharr said this and I say that:

> At 11:28 PM 1/11/01 , Kenward Vaughan wrote:

> >Have you just upgraded to the 2.4.0 kernel?  If so, you need to make sure
> >you have the latest modutils package as well, as the older version doesn't
> >recognize the 2.4.0 modules directory structure.
> Is the most recent modutils Debian package up to date with 2.4.0?

        No. You must get the debs OR (and I recommend that) get the sources and
build it yourself.
        To get the complete list of packages needes by kernel 2.4.0,
see ./Documentation/Changes, assuming you're at the kernel source root.

                francisco m. neto
                        (a.k.a ikari himura keiichi)

Linux User #192809
ICQ #78493934


                "Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu"
                                        -- Ayanami Rei

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