Messages by Thread
Ecolog-L JOB OPENING: Visiting Scientific Specialist, Environmental Assessments Researcher
Wagner, Stephanie
Ecolog-L Graduate Student Scholarships and Work Study at Antioch Univ.
Michael Akresh
Ecolog-L Summer REU Opportunity in Aquatic Moss Ecology
Heili Lowman
Ecolog-L SCCS-NY 2025 Call for Workshop Proposals
Riley Trist
Ecolog-L Coral Restoration Assistant Specialist, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara
Adrian Stier
Ecolog-L Environmental software usability questionnaire
Hastings, Yvette
Ecolog-L MSc/PhD Opportunity. Carleton University
Carmen Galan Acedo
Ecolog-L New Science, Career Growth & Networking -- Join Us April 4-6
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Director, Smithsonian’s Great Plains Science Program, Bozeman, Montana, IS-13
Ellen Welti
Ecolog-L Job Post: Research Field Assistant (Watershed Science)
Elliot Hendry
Ecolog-L Introductory distance sampling workshop 05-16 May, registration now open
Eric Rexstad (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Re: Position Announcement: Assistant Research Professor in Agroforestry at the University of New Hampshire
Heidi Asbjornsen (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Course: Online.GenomeAnnotation.19-22May
Ecolog-L Spring School in Bioinformatics – Online, March 31 - April 4
Ecolog-L Post-baccalaureate internship at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Bennett, Shelley (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Internship in diamondback terrapin research on Poplar Island
Levasseur, Patricia (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L predatory conferences
David Inouye
Ecolog-L HIRING - Virginia Tech Invasive Species Cluster Hire
Harriman, Hallie
Ecolog-L Summer research assistants in Insect Ecology at Penn State, Tooker lab
John Tooker
Ecolog-L St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve, Resource Restoration Specialist (ESI)
Shoemaker, Dylan
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral position in quantitative biogeography at UNC-Chapel Hill
Xiao Feng
Ecolog-L Course: Comparative Genomics (ONLINE; April 7-11)
Ecolog-L Summer Research Assistant – Coastal Ecology and Restoration in San Francisco Bay
Margot Buchbinder
Ecolog-L Earn a Professional Certificate in Earth Data Analytics from the University of Colorado, Boulder
earth . lab (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Job Posting: Forest Pathologist – Assistant Professor
Noel, Lauren
Ecolog-L Course live online: Evaluating and validating species distribution models with R, May, 2025
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
Ecolog-L Remote Sensing/Spatial Ecology Intern
XU, Jin (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L "Caterpillars Count!" arthropod monitoring
Hurlbert, Allen Hartley (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE07) Prof. Luca Borger and Prof. Garret Street
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L SEV-LTER postdoc (last week to apply)
Tom Miller
Ecolog-L Analysis of Animal Movement Data in R course
Ecolog-L Register! 3/19 SCBNA Student Affairs Webinar #6: Fundraising for Conservation Nonprofits
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L Visiting Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Smith College
Marney Pratt
Ecolog-L April 10 -- Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture (online)
Liu, Jianguo (Jack)
Ecolog-L Hiring: Institute for Applied Ecology - Administrative Assistant for Finance and Southwest Office
Corinthia Warner
Ecolog-L 2025 Summer Courses at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Audrey Pope
Ecolog-L Project Lead - California Sentinel Site Network for Long-Term Biodiversity and Climate Monitoring
Gary Bucciarelli (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L on ecological empathy, nature connection and human systems
Erik Hoffner
Ecolog-L Summer field courses 🌍🌈👍
Ecosystem Field Studies
Ecolog-L Course: Machine and Deep Learning Methods in Population Genomics and Phylogeography
Ecolog-L Fully-funded PhD Position in Vertebrate Biogeography and Evolution
Antonin Machac
Ecolog-L Early Bird Registration Closes March 14 for the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Conference
Jody Peters (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Job: GIS Analyst, Alabama Natural Heritage Program, Auburn University Museum of Natural History
Jonathan Armbruster
Ecolog-L 2025 AMLC Scientific Meeting - Abstracts, Registration, and Hotel Info
Haley Oleynik
Ecolog-L Teaching R to Undergraduates in Ecology
Teresa Mourad (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Job Posting: Temporary Biological Science Research Technician 1
Sinclair, Cailin Alexander (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: ISEE Webinar Tomorrow, 12 March at 3 PM CET
Ecolog-L PhD position in freshwater macroecology at Dalhousie University in Canada
Juan David Carvajal
Ecolog-L Wildlife Wednesday: grizzly bear behavior in Alaska
Jeff Stetz
Ecolog-L Graduate student influencers on social media
David Inouye
Ecolog-L Course: Introduction to Python, April, 2025, live online
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
Ecolog-L Job Opening: Co-coordinador – Programa de Manglares
Osa Conservation
Ecolog-L Job Opening: Sea Turtle Program Coordinator
Osa Conservation
Ecolog-L Internship Opening: Sea Turtle Short-term Field Internship
Osa Conservation
Ecolog-L Internship Opening: Sea Turtle Long-term Field Internship
Osa Conservation
Ecolog-L Online Course: Functional Trait Space Analyses in R (8-10 September)
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Visual Exploration, Analysis, and Presentation of Spatial Data using the ‘tmap’ Package (TMAP01)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor of Geospatial Analysis @ Virginia Commonwealth Univ.
Daniel McGarvey (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoc and Technician Positions Available at the Microbial and Ecosystem Ecology Unit, OIST
岩岡ちかえ (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Director, University of Florida Center for Coastal Solutions
Kaplan, David A
Ecolog-L Accuracy of bee identifications in iNaturalist and other such databases?
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L Protocols for differential staining of secretory and nervous tissues on insects for light and transmission electron microscopy
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L SCBNA in a Joint Scientific Societies Letter to Congress with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L AGU lawsuit
David Inouye
Ecolog-L Webinar: Landslide Risks in a Changing Climate
Emily Longano
Ecolog-L Atlanta Botanical Garden job posting
Kelly Coles
Ecolog-L Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics in R course - online, March 17-19
Ecolog-L Job Posting: Plant Ecology Seasonal Technician, Jones Center at Ichauway, Newton GA
Lisa M. Giencke (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Listserv posting
Elise Eifler
Ecolog-L PhD scholarship on intertidal shellfish restoration at the University of Auckland
Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher
Ecolog-L ESF Forest Pathology Forest Health Assistant Professor position
John Drake (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L VAP Environmental Science opportunity
Mauer, K. Whitney (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Seeking postdoctoral researcher: Bridging AI and wildlife ecology
Gaynor, Kaitlyn
Ecolog-L Seeking volunteer project
Jessica Guo
Ecolog-L New series: Quantitative Methods in Ecology | Foundations of Frequentist Statistics | First workshop March 13
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral positions in ecosystem modeling/ microbiome disturbance responses
Bouskill, Nick (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Hiring Seasonal City of Boulder Ecological Restoration Crew Member
Master, Joy (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Nevada-Utah PJ Field Project Manager
Lindsay Chiquoine
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor, tenure-track, Agroecology/Agroinformatics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Nicholas Jordan (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L scientist and postdoc invasion science positions available in Prague
Andrew Liebhold
Ecolog-L International Conference on Ecology and Transportation 2025 -- Early Registration ends March 7th
Fraser M Shilling (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Nevada-Utah PJ Field Botanist position
Lindsay Chiquoine
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor of Biology/Environmental Science (Tenure Track)- University of Rio Grande
Wayne Rossiter (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Understanding Forest Carbon Management Online Professional Course [Offered in English and Spanish]
Papa, Chad
Ecolog-L Full Time Temporary Faculty Position in Fire and Forest Science and Management at Cal Poly Humboldt
Jeffrey M Kane
Ecolog-L Smithsonian Internship in eastern Montana on grassland insects and plants, summer 2025
Calla Sopko
Ecolog-L Tree Seedling Nursery Internship
asnelson at (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L M.S. Assistantship - Interior Douglas-fir Drought Resistance Genetic Variability
asnelson at (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Lab Manager opening, Brosi Lab UW Seattle
Berry Brosi
Ecolog-L Plant Ecology Internships at Archbold Biological Station, FL
David, Aaron (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L National Ecological Observatory Network's March Science Seminar - Integrated Community Models by Elise Zipkin
Tanya Maslak (US) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Hiring: Postdoc in urban ecology at the Technical University of Munich
Monika Egerer
Ecolog-L REU Deadline Extended for Nelson Lab Coastal Ecology Project at UGA
Herbert Leavitt (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor/Tenure-Track – Ecohydrology
Parris Rhonda (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Wildlife biologist job opportunity
Steve Rust
Ecolog-L Postdoc examining copepods and drivers of North Atlantic right whale habitat use at Stony Brook University
Lesley Thorne (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Hiring: Aquatic Monitoring Crew Lead, fieldwork in CA
Andrew Christensen
Ecolog-L Are we preparing Earth system science (ESS) practitioners for the trends of the future?
Marie Faust
Ecolog-L March 20 -- Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture (online)
Liu, Jianguo (Jack)
Ecolog-L Online Course: LiDAR Data Analysis in R (9-11 June)
Ecolog-L Hiring: Aquatic Monitoring Technician, fieldwork in OR and WA
Andrew Christensen
Ecolog-L Plant Ecology Internship - Smithsonian Institution
Rooney, Brigit R. (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Fall 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) Program at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Audrey Pope
Ecolog-L JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Environmental Scientist II - KY Division of Water
Arnold, Colin (EEC)
Ecolog-L NEPA appears to be on the chopping block.
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L PhD scientists who forged a career off the beaten track
David Inouye
Ecolog-L NSF downsizes summer REU program
David Inouye
Ecolog-L VAP in Biological sciences at Smith College
Paulette Peckol
Ecolog-L 2 MS positions in herpetological conservation (Sandmeier lab, Colorado State University-Pueblo)
Ecolog-L March Community-building and Knowledge-sharing Opportunities!
Daita Serghi
Ecolog-L Only 2 Seats Left – Analysis of Animal Movement Data in R (24-28 March)
Ecolog-L [Fixed link] Temporary Field Technician - Plant demography - Crested Butte, CO
Will Petry (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Online Graduate Certificate in Forest Carbon Science, Policy, and Management
Papa, Chad
Ecolog-L PhD scholarships Western Australia - Plant community completeness in ecological restoration
Erik Veneklaas (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Temporary Field Technician - Plant demography - Crested Butte, CO
Will Petry (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L SCCS-NY Call for Abstracts: Application window open March 1 – April 1
Riley Trist
Ecolog-L Interdiscipllinary Field Research Course in Alaska
Joey Boots-Ebenfield
Ecolog-L 2 Postdoctoral Positions in Population Viability Modelling and Conservation Genomics
Jamie Gorrell
Ecolog-L Individual-based modeling short course, Chicago, May 26-30th
Steve Railsback
Ecolog-L Intensive hierarchical modelling course
Guillaume Blanchet
Ecolog-L arthropod histology/ultrastructure
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L seeking Field Technicians for Hawai'i VINE Project
Corey E Tarwater
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE07)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L Register! 3/5 SCBNA Conservation Education Workshop: Operationalize Macroblitz
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L Register soon for the 2025 Gordon Research Conference on the Movement Ecology of Animals
Briana Abrahms
Ecolog-L Postdoc: Coupled ecological and biogeochemical responses to environmental variability
Amanda Spivak (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L EMAPI 2025 - Last day to submit your abstract!
Hulme, Philip
Ecolog-L Hubbard Brook 2025 REU: Lepidoptera community + Black-throated Blue Warbler
Dayna De La Cruz
Ecolog-L Help out with the IdBlitz portion of our BioBlitz!
Barnes, Elizabeth E (AGR)
Ecolog-L DEADLINE EXTENDED! Unique Summer Field Course Opportunity with the TIERA Program
Carey, Catie Mae M
Ecolog-L Bat Capture and Handling Lead Technician - 1 position
Litt, Andrea
Ecolog-L Bat Capture and Handling Technicians - 4 positions
Litt, Andrea
Ecolog-L Online course: R/Bioconductor for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics (March 17-19)
Ecolog-L Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R course - online, May 12-16
Ecolog-L Call for Abstracts: Humpback Whale World Congress (HWWC2025) – "Coexisting with Whales, for our Ocean"
Lyne Morissette
Ecolog-L Data on pesticide application in the USA
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L Summer Field Herpetology course
Stephen Mullin (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Post-doctoral position at the National University of Singapore in mathematical biology: the evolution and ethics of punishment
Ryan Chisholm
Ecolog-L March 3 Statistical Methods Webinar: Ecological Modeling with AI and Python
Jody Peters (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Please share your thoughts on Open Access Publishing and Data Sharing
Adrienne Sponberg (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L HIRING: Part-time, Permanent Biological Technician in Greenfield, MA
Kate Abbott
Ecolog-L Postdoc position at Cornell
Kathryn Fiorella
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral position: Soil Carbon in Clemson Experimental Forest
Jason Fridley
Ecolog-L Join The Wildlife Society's Coastal and Marine Wildlife Working Group!
Henry, Hannah Aline (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Temporary Forestry Technician - Augusta, GA / Aiken, SC Areas
Jacqueline Jacot (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Funding Support Available -- Contributed Abstracts Due Tomorrow at 5:00 PM ET
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Early-Bird Deadline Friday, Feb 28th for BurnP3+ Wildfire Workshop
Alex Filazzola
Ecolog-L Restoration Program Manager
Javan Bailey
Ecolog-L Live Online course: Introduction to Python, April, 2025
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
Ecolog-L PhD position on bees at Imperial College London, UK
Gill, Richard J
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE: Introduction to the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation
CWS Admin
Ecolog-L Seeking Collaboration on Seagrass Restoration & Sustainable Aquaculture
Connor Ramming
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Research Scholar - Prescribed Fire and Forest Landscape Conditions
Jelena Vukomanovic (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Wyoming toad field technician
Melanie A. Murphy
Ecolog-L Lecturer in Environmental Science, Trinity College (Hartford, CT)
Pitt, Amber L.
Ecolog-L Two TT faculty positions in Biology at Bard College
Cathy Collins (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Introduction to Machine Learning in R - online, March 3-7
Ecolog-L NEON Full-Time Job Opportunity - Tucson, AZ
Duchesne, Bryce (US) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Course: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis in R/Bioconductor - Online 3-6 March
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Scholar position investigating natural climate solutions
Kristina Bartowitz
Ecolog-L 2/27 SCBNA Policy Webinar #4: Wildlife Agency Decision Making
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L Planetary Health Postdoctoral Position, University of Vermont
Elise Lauterbur (she/they)
Ecolog-L Visiting Faculty in Environmental Science
Kurt Smemo
Ecolog-L ESA 2025 Ecological Forecasting Outstanding Publication Award - Deadline Mar 1
Dietze, Michael (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Wildlife Monitoring Internship 2025
Gao, Weiqian (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Germany-U.S. coastal conservation/climate solutions exchange
Erik Hoffner
Ecolog-L Help us compile a list of interdisciplinary ecology graduate programs!
Sarah Cuprewich
Ecolog-L Whitebark pine summer field technician
asnelson at (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Analysing Biodiversity Through Time and Space Using R course - online, 9-13 June
Ecolog-L Hiring: 1 Senior Forest Ecology Technician, 2 Junior Technicians
Roland Eckhart
Ecolog-L EMAPI 2025: Last Week to Submit your Abstract on Plant Invasions
Hulme, Philip
Ecolog-L Call for Abstracts: 4th Humpback Whale World Congress
Lyne Morissette
Ecolog-L Environmental Planning Program Director Position, Eastern Sierra, California
Melissa Boyd
Ecolog-L Assembly and Annotation of Genomes - online course
Ecolog-L Seasonal technicians in entomology/agroecology at Purdue University (Indiana)
Mateos Fierro, Zeus
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Research Position in Coral Reef Ecological Oceanography
Nyssa Silbiger
Ecolog-L GA position in MS Environmental Science at DePaul University (Chicago, IL)
Jess Vogt
Ecolog-L Research Technician position at University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC)
Michael Cramer (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Seeking Full-Time Senior Research Technician with experience in plant ecophysiology (application deadline extended Feb 28)
Mandy Slate
Ecolog-L Hiring 3 Positions: Junior Specialist - Hydro-Ecology Of Montane Streams and Meadows (Recruit #2)
Christine Parisek (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship - Water and Soil Quality - Southern Illinois University
Pease, Brent S (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Hiring: Riparian and Wetland Soils and Hydrology Technician, fieldwork in OR or northern CA
Kyla Zaret
Ecolog-L Hiring: Riparian and Wetland Crew Lead, fieldwork in OR or northern CA
Kyla Zaret
Ecolog-L JOB: Sustainability Senior Program Manager (Climate Resilient Landscapes)
Adrian Carper
Ecolog-L Trans in STEM Climate Survey- fill out and share
Rin Krichilsky
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Researcher at Texas A&M
Maya Almaraz
Ecolog-L Tenure Track Position in Biological Sciences at Loyola University New Orleans
Frank Jordan (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Research Associate in Marine Population Dynamics, Larval Connectivity, and Coastal Restoration
Castorani, Max (cnc4a) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Researcher or PhD Assistantship: Remote sensing for monitoring disaster impacts on agricultural land
Yin, He
Ecolog-L Asst. Professor: Water Quality and Climate Change, Michigan State University
Latimore, Jo
Ecolog-L Job posting: Biology Teaching Lab Coordinator
Frank Jordan (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L MS Position: mammal population changes and forecasting - Auburn University
Jonathon Valente
Ecolog-L Sustainable Agriculture & Biodiversity Field Course – Greece Summer 2025
IFR Info
Ecolog-L Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Ecological Modeler
Stabach, Jared (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Summer Courses at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Audrey Pope