
We are a group of ecology PhD students who are interested in better
understanding interdisciplinary graduate programs. We have utilized several
methods to compile a list of all active ecology graduate programs that are
designed to be interdisciplinary (both masters and doctoral) but we would
also like to crowdsource additional programs that may not have been found
by our methods. If you are aware of any programs that incorporate both
ecology and interdisciplinarity, please fill out this short survey:

If you have further questions, please email:
kristen.m.jovanelly...@dartmouth.edu, quin.k.shingai...@dartmouth.edu,
sarah.a.cuprewich...@dartmouth.edu, and/or smriti.pehim.li...@dartmouth.edu

Thank you!

Sarah Cuprewich (she/her)
PhD Candidate - Chaudhary Lab <http://www.balachaudhary.com/index.html>
Environmental Studies Department | Ecology, Evolution, Environment and
Society Program
Dartmouth College
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