The Biology Program at Bard College is seeking two tenure-track colleagues
to join a team of teacher-scholars committed to excellence in teaching and
research. We welcome applicants with expertise in any area of biology;
successful applicants will add new dimensions to research and curriculum
currently represented in the Biology Program (
Applicants should demonstrate commitment to integrating cutting-edge
research programs with undergraduate education. The biology research
laboratory, housed in the Reem-Kayden Center for Science and Computation,
houses equipment including DNA and protein electrophoresis instruments,
multiple imaging systems, an array of PCR / qPCR machines, multiple
fluorescent microscopes, a confocal/two-photon microscope, an atomic force
microscope, Oxford Nanopore Minion sequencers, a patch clamp
electrophysiology set up, and a vivarium supporting a zebrafish facility. The
campus also includes a field station with access to the Hudson River, and
over 1200 acres of forest and old fields.

Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in a biological field. Prior teaching
experience is highly desirable. Bard is an institutional member of National
Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), and faculty members
will be supported through a formal college-wide mentoring network. Our
program has a commitment to inclusive excellence, and will be hiring
faculty who will add to these initiatives through their research, teaching,
mentoring and/or lived experience. These positions are part of an ongoing
expansion of Bard’s Division of Science, Mathematics and Computing.

Bard College is a highly selective liberal arts college located 90 miles
north of New York City on the Hudson River. Applicants should submit a
cover letter, a CV, description of research plans, and a teaching
philosophy that highlights courses you might teach at Bard, how you plan to
integrate research and teaching, and ways you create an inclusive learning
environment. Please submit three names of references prepared to write
letters. Submit materials to: Biology Search Committee ( Review of applications will begin
March 15 and continue until the positions are filled. Bard College is an
equal opportunity employer and we encourage applications from individuals
who contribute to our diverse community and further Bard's mission
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