This relates to how XXE itself treats CSS values that it does not
support, and it in particular relates to the Emulate Browser view for
XHTML documents (though in principle and perhaps also in practise, it
does also relate to the Semantic View, when one alter the way XXE
displays elements).
Hussein Shafie, Sun, 20 Jan 2013 10:20:07 +0100:
> On 01/19/2013 03:18 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> Hussein Shafie, Wed, 02 Mar 2011 15:37:32 +0100:
> We fully support HTML5 in its XML form. Our XML editor cannot support
> HTML5 in its HTML form.
Well, polyglot markup *is* a
Hussein Shafie, Mon, 21 Jan 2013 09:27:35 +0100:
> On 01/21/2013 04:38 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> When I created a file with that template, I got the following:
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
this is a question for the HTML5 editors …)
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
ot exactly all the problems you had
> when I started the new copy of XXE v5.5.0.
> rm -rf ~/.xxe5/cache/ solved these problems. However, we cannot
> expect a normal user to do this.
> This is indeed very, very, annoying. We'll try to solve this issue
> for the next
Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
e looked for a solution for years (why aren’t there more solutions
for this?), and ... I am very happy that XML Mind XML Editor provided
the solution!
Leif Halvard Silli
On 26 Nov 2015, at 11:31, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 11/25/2015 09:18 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
... snip ...
* **Feature request:** My only gripple/grapple/issue in that regard
that, when both the main/mother document and the included/child
are 'fragments
On 26 Nov 2015, at 17:34, Steve Litt wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:18:25 +0100
"Leif Halvard Silli" wrote:
This causes a problem: You are responsible for a collection of Web
- such as a Web site - and you would like to hand over responsibility
of creating maintainin
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
on, Git will ”convert them back
to CRLF on a Windows machine when they are checked out”. But the fact
that XMLmind will, upon opening the checked out file, reconvert the CRLF
to LF, does not sound extremely problematic ...
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
t about an option to preprocess the
document so that whitespace gets physically collapsed/stripped? (For me,
it would be OK to delete it, without warning users, but that might be
too drastic, since it would be a new behavior ... despite that it seems
in line with the XXE philosophy ...)
leif hal
(as in: defaulting to
macintosh text encoding rather than UTF-8).
Just my (almost free) 2 cents.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">
Style element example:
body {background:lime}
Hope this helps someone ...
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
up looking something like this - which still works:
<?xxe-sn rmbeo5stba
</tt><tt>document.title =
Thank you.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
lternatively, that I can exclude elements.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Glad to hear that I discovered a real issue - looking forward to be bug
fix. And, yeah, I unistall the «Edit source» add-on until the issue is
fixed. I understand what you say about improving the search/replace
facility. Getting the «Edit source» add-on fixed will keep me going.
I wil
, they, by convention, why not let the language of the index.html
file govern the default language?)
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
whether any of them contains a (xml:)lang
Word processors sometimes uses e.g. flags to symbolise the language of
the text (fragment) and they also allow you to change the language by
clicking on that flag. May be XMLmind could do something similar?
Leif Halvard Silli
Thanks for this. This is a saver. (Even if I hope my wish gets
implemented) I will definitely do this.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 3 Aug 2016, at 10:08, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 08/03/2016 09:46 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
It would have been a massive help if we were able to, quickly, see
language a certain fragment of the text is (defined to be). Today,
is typically a tedious multistep process:
BRIEF VERSION: Is it possible to tell XMLmind to save backup files in a
particular folder? If this is already possible, then this could be a
practical way to solve our problem, right now, (if we exclude the option
of disabling the file backup function).
Currently, backup files
XMLmind 7.1 claims the below document to be invalid - complaining that
the figure element breaks " [cvc-complex-type.2.4]". What XMLmind (seems
to) think to be incorrect is the lack of any other element but the
figcaption element. To put it differently, XMLmind expects figure to
contain at leas
ignores the "Unique Particle Attribution". Sounds good enough
for me!
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
source code in external editor.
Known issue? Or could it be some misconfig on my side?
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 22 Sep 2016, at 9:49, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 09/21/2016 07:34 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Hi. I run OS X El Captain 10.11.6 and XMLMind XML Editor 7.1.
For some reason, when editing in source code mode, it has become
difficult to see what I am editing.
"it has become
attach a small screenshot and the about-info from
XMLMind XML Editor.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition 7.1.0
Copyright © 2002-2016 Pixware SARL, all rights reserved.
For meir info, berre gå til
(Minne nytta 75 Mb, i alt 144 Mb, på det
from - version
8 update 101. And it does not seem like I have Apple Java installed at
On 22 Sep 2016, at 10:17, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
On 22 Sep 2016, at 9:49, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 09/21/2016 07:34 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Hi. I run OS X El Captain 10.11.6
On 22 Sep 2016, at 17:29, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Leif Halvard Silli also wrote:
Btw, yes, my MacBook has a retina monitor. However, I often connect
my MacBook to an external monitor - which does not have a retina
screen. Right now I am not connected to that monitor. I will hook up
to that
white/empty so I had to close the document. As much as I can tell, I
must do the rest of my table editing in other tools.
Does this sound like a priority issue to the developers? If so I can
offer more detailed reports.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
-rendered by XML Mind. My only theory right now is that
it had something to do with the (complex - or not) stylesheet I used.
On 17 Oct 2016, at 10:47, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/14/2016 01:08 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Issue: Editing of complex tables is, I would say, impossible in
But, again speaking about the Mac, then MacOS (and OSX) allows us to add
shortcuts to *any* submenu of *any* program. Unfortunately, this does
not work for XML Mind. Would it be possible to get support for that
feature in the XML Mind editors? For instance NeoOffice (which
On 23 Oct 2016, at 4:16, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
1. For instance: Imagine that we have a 3 column row which contains 2
cells with rowspan="2" and one cell with rowspan="1". In such a case,
the on the next line woujld only contain a single cell element:
On 21 Oct 2016, at 9:29, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/20/2016 07:58 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Sorry, I was very busy. Tomorrow or so, I will send you a copyrighted
file, off list, for you to look at. I was, in fact, able to edit that
table in XML Mind. However, I did have to use the Command
On 23 Oct 2016, at 4:44, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
On 23 Oct 2016, at 4:16, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
1. For instance: Imagine that we have a 3 column row which contains
2 cells with rowspan="2" and one cell with rowspan="1". In such a
case, the on the next line woujld o
On 22 Oct 2016, at 22:17, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
PS: The "Known problem" below may interest you because you have
reported it.
* On the Mac, double-clicking on a file which should be opened by XXE
On 21 Oct 2016, at 9:44, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/20/2016 08:18 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
On 18 Oct 2016, at 18:47, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Maïlys C. wrote:
After an upgrade to version 7 in last july, it is no longer
possible use
the shortcut "ctrl + shif
On 23 Oct 2016, at 12:43, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/23/2016 04:49 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Again, this feature is suppored by jEdit. So it must be possible to
somehow get it to work. That being said, this featuer is not
by NetBeans:
(, XMLmind
XML Editor uses the most up-to-date Java APIs
(, those which are involved
in the above bug.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor
On 23 Oct 2016, at 16:52, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/23/2016 03:49 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
The association of ".xhtml" files with XMLmind XML Editor works fine
as explained in the blog page and XMLmind XML Editor is indeed started
when the user double-clicks on a ".xht
On 23 Oct 2016, at 17:17, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
On 23 Oct 2016, at 16:52, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Why? Because of this bug:
We have spent a fair amount of time trying to solve this very
annoying problem and failed to find any workaround
ect "Increment Row Span" on a td, suffice to
press Cmd-A (A like Again) to repeat this command on other td or th.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
The (x)HTML conversion from DocBook fails to add a lang (and/or a
xml:lang) attribute to the element.
Is it possible to add this via a customation of the XSLT stylesheet?
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 11 Feb 2017, at 10:14, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 02/11/2017 04:55 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
The (x)HTML conversion from DocBook fails to add a lang (and/or a
xml:lang) attribute to the element.
That's right. Moreover we didn't find any XSLT stylesheet parameter to
force t
as well):
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">
<style><?xxe-sn foo BAR?>/*<![CDATA[*/
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum
This hack relies on the fact that XMLmind XMLeditor inserts
/**/ as the last content of every style element. This means that all
On 5 Mar 2017, at 5:53, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
... snip ...
1. insert a style element *before* the document’s title element
... snip ...
3. Inside the above style element, add the following content:
Lorem ipsum
</pre></blockquote><pre style="margin
ed in code editors as well including
in the source mode of the XMLmind editors.
In a summary: The common thing is that space character insertion is
needed when two elements are joined/mergd. Sometimes it is not needed,
but that is the exception.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Su
editor rather than in XMLmind
XML editor.
(Was tested in XMLmind XML editor verison 7.3)
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
an empty paragraph element gets inserted.
(Most WYSIWYG editors aleready implement that behavior.)
It would be nice to get the same behavior in XMLmind XML editor.
Report is based on XXe version 7.3.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
for the users with this proposal.
leif Halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
indicates that fixing the problems does, in principle,
not need to be linked to the Find tool.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
following generic command:
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 25 Apr 2017, at 16:55, Hussein Shafie wrote:
> OK. Your RFE will be implemented in XXE v7.5.
> On 04/22/2017 12:17 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
[ ... ]
>> Proposal: As long as the root element is in the XHTML namespace, the
>> preview opotion should be available.
/@extensions from:
extensions="xhtml xht"
extensions="xhtml xht html htm"
On 04/22/2017 12:16 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Opening .html and .htm files in XMLmind XML editor (XXe) itself,
from within the ‘Open
are also commercial and open source apps that permit you to
modify the shortcuts of other apps - but I have not tested whether
anyone works with XXe.
* What can we hope for in this regard?
Best regards from
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 25 Apr 2017, at 17:59, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 04/22/2017 12:16 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
I use xinclude inside XHTML documents. But I find it very difficult
alter the file names of the included files.
If I embed ‘fileA’ inside ‘motherDoc’, and if I change the
file name of
On 25 Apr 2017, at 17:44, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 04/25/2017 01:50 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
In XMLmind XML editor, when the Find function locates an expression,
next line (below the expression) is typicall hidden behind the
(or what we should call it) at the bottom of the
On 26 Apr 2017, at 9:30, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 04/25/2017 11:06 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
There is a logic.
It's Insert before = Cmd-H, Insert [here] = Cmd-I, Insert after =
Cmd-J (Hence HIJ) on all platforms but the Mac. See Quick reference
May be it is just me, but I think that code becomes easier to read if
it is not escaped more than necesary. So would prefer that behavior ...
It also safes a few code bytes ...
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
In the 'Set image dialog' of the image map tool(s), there is, in the
upper right corner, a place to tick off «Preview images». However, I
do not understand what that thing does. I see no difference whether I
enable or disable the «Preview Images» feature.
Leif Halvard Silli
On 27 Apr 2017, at 9:58, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 04/26/2017 11:51 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
However, the parser of XMLmind XML editor does not conform to
I have noticed that when DOCTYPE is excluded, then the document
rendered - within XXE - in quirks-mode
On 28 Apr 2017, at 17:11, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 04/28/2017 03:55 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
On 27 Apr 2017, at 9:58, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Ok. Is there an easy way to report this bug to Oracle?
There is no easy way to report a bug to Oracle. They require you to
write in Java a self
production'. Instead they point out that «The above requirements apply
in XML documents as well.»,
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
ance A'. (This
is because, case of duplicate id/name values, the web browser will use
the content of the map element that occurs first - this is standard
handeling of fragment ids: When more than one occurs, the first one will
be used - and XXe works the same way.)
With regards from
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
urs in HTML documents; all this
cannot happen with DITA or DocBook "image maps", where an image and
its map are more "tightly coupled".
Due, perhaps, to HTML’s untight concept, it is, I believe, a somewhat
common confusion for authorsw, even when working directly with the
an'. The issue can probably be solved via CSS: givings
these elements a slightly increased line-height would probably solve the
issue. But on the other side, there might be an issue with the default
'Serif' font that XXE is using.

to indicate that I would like to use the existing 'nn' localization as
basis for a translation in another language, all the the target elements
become empty. (Which
goes away, meaning that both the Cmd-S shortcut and
'File|Save' then behave the same, expected, way.
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Is this an XXE issue, an
XSL-FO converter issue, a DITA converter or e.g. a DocBook XSL issue?
Incidently, most or all of these terms are translated in a XXE
localization. For instance, the localization for 'Chapter' could be
taken from
On 17 May 2017, at 14:22, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
But, praying for my own sick mother, when setting the root element to
Norwegian Bokmål (xml:lang='nb') or Norwegian Nynorsk (xml:lang='no')
Typo: I meant, of course, xml:lang="nn".
or unspecified Norwegia
On 17 May 2017, at 17:35, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 05/17/2017 02:22 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
A Docbook or DITA (at least DITA Book map) documents with the root
element set to e.g. Frenchh (xml:lang="fr") will, when converted to -
for example - XHTML, display user readable phras
topic elements with xml:id="topic1", xml:id="topic2" and
However, in the very topic file examples (as well as in the realized
document example), the word 'topic' is shortened to just 't', resulting
in xml:id="t1", xml:
On 21 May 2017, at 12:29, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 05/21/2017 11:01 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
There is a couple of ID reference errors in Section 3 («What is an
of «DocBook Assemblies and Topi
bottom located? Assemblies
and maps can contain very many topics. Hence it is useful if one can
avoid "mousing around".
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Thanks. More info for me to tackle here. Thanks again. Leif
On 28 May 2017, at 9:45, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 05/26/2017 05:38 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
Usecase: Imagine an English assembly (or map) for translation to
The user wants to split the window and keep English text at
On 28 May 2017, at 9:32, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 05/28/2017 01:43 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
By specifying , I expeceted to get the Table
Contents heading of the realized document to be generated in French
(when converting to HTML).[1]
But that did not happen: It was generated in
the problem, I have to restart XXE.
If I use XXE for some hours, finally this seems to happen. But I do not,
yet, have any idea about exactly when or why it occurs.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
In MacOS, when renaming a folder using the ‘Browse Files’ tool of
XMLmind XML Editor, for all the files contained in that folder, the meta
data regarding creation date, modification date, 'added to current
folder date' and 'last time opened' are all reset to the current time.
Such metadata are
y the interface invites to
misunderstanding: I myself would prefer to keep that list even if I,
right now, want to temporarily disable its effect. If XXE interfae will
not remember the character list for me, I must store as a snippet
Leif Halvard Silli
On 17 Jul 2017, at 22:37, Leif Ha
tside …” feature:

Screenshot of disabled ”Save characters outside …” feature:
~~ Character references: ~~
* In addition to characters outside the
On 21 Jul 2017, at 10:18, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 07/21/2017 09:30 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
1) Changed message from:
"Always save these characters as entity references:"
"In addition to characters outside the encoding, save the
ed to rely on other interfaces than XXE
for moving files inside my Google drive.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 4 Aug 2017, at 17:25, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 08/04/2017 03:19 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
You said you fixed this last time I reported it.
Definitely not the same issue. You reported an issue about renaming a
folder on your Mac:
spell checker (I use the HunSpell checker) is operating both in unstyled
view as well in styled views. But in source view, it does not work.
Thus, for unknown documents, I expected the spell checker to function in
unstyled view - but not in source view.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor
On 6 Aug 2017, at 17:15, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 08/06/2017 10:09 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
And that, in turn, means that I can just as well let XXE interface
the local Google Drive folder on my harddisk. And thus, since I need
that app, the Google Drive plug in is not all that
On 6 Aug 2017, at 17:42, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 08/06/2017 03:14 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
I expected XXE to support the xml:lang
<> in any
document - even in documents of which XXE have no clue.
However, when working on one
the latest version cannot be concidered experimental.)
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
s, without workarounds.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
dita maps.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
use some external tool to
create the data URIs - which in turn means some form of editing outside
XMLmind XML editor. (Or to stop using our LMS/CMS for certain types of
leif halvard silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
implemented ... !
Best regards,
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 11 Oct 2017, at 17:32, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 10/11/2017 01:34 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
What if the XMLmind editors allowed me to create links from valid
in 3 simple steps:
1. Insert/Write/Identify a valid URL in your XMLmind document
Dita, XHTML);
* E.g
ot;, "Part", "Section" since this too is
taken care of by the original document.
If there is no such possibility, I would kindly like to ask for it.
Leif Halvard Silli
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
On 13 Nov 2017, at 17:06, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 11/13/2017 03:52 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
I am ”upgrading” a EPUB 2 book to EPUB 3 by way of XMLmind
new, super Ebook production ability. However, the book I am working
has its own enumeration of its parts, chapters
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