Re: [Open Babel] newbie questions

2009-10-01 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> How can I tell what version of OpenBabel I have installed? Is there > a command I can run? babel -v # gives version info babel -H # gives the full help text > When a new version comes out, do I have to uninstall the old version > before installing the new one? How DO I uninstall it if I d

Re: [Open Babel] Period of Random number generators?

2009-10-05 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Anyone knows what is the period of OBRandom? I am trying to simulate > a long-time system, so I want to know that. Is it 2^32? It's not that great of a random number generator. (We'll be replacing it in the future.) My suggestion? If you want a good random generator in C++, use boost: http:

Re: [Open Babel] Get mol2 file from obminimize

2009-10-07 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I am struggling with the geometry optimization routine "obminimize" > within Open Babel. It works perfectly, but I wonder how I can put > the resulting structure back into a *.mol2 file, since the result > only appears in the command window. You can redirect output to the terminal, e.g.:

Re: [Open Babel] Get mol2 file from obminimize

2009-10-14 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:00 AM, wrote: > But the terminal output geometry from obminimize is always in PDB > format, isn't it?! Good point. :-) I'm happy to add an output format flag to obminimize. If people want patches, I'd be glad to send them -- but it otherwise woul

[Open Babel] ANNOUNCE: Avogadro 1.0 Release

2009-10-23 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
I am very proud to announce the availability of Avogadro 1.0. Avogadro is a free, open source, cross-platform molecular editor designed for flexible use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Packages are available for Mac OSX,

Re: [Open Babel] (no subject)

2009-10-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> One more thing, why do we have two different codes obprop and > obrotamer, is it possible to include print rotatable bonds by > running obprop , can we do that. The definition of rotatable bonds is slightly different. The obprop program uses a general rule -- think of it as indicating the

Re: [Open Babel] babel : cannot read input format (any of them!)

2009-10-27 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Also, I noticed that babel -V returns :"Open Babel 2.2.1 -- Mar 1 > 2009 > -- 19:20:41" instead of 2.2.3 Please run the following commands: uname -a which babel ls -l /usr/local/bin/babel I'm obviously surprised that you had problems with the Mac package, since I compile it the same wa

Re: [Open Babel] split a multiple-structure file in multiple single-structure file

2009-10-27 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> OpenBabel can export this way from a file containing all structures. Yes, usually. I could give you an example if you told me a bit more about the specifics of the formats involved. But let's take this for an example: babel file.sdf -xk "#n B3LYP/6-31G* Opt" -ocom -m That should split the

Re: [Open Babel] SMARTS to SMILES

2009-11-10 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Thanks for your reply, i was using smiles to view the > structure, so few are in smarts. I just wanted to convert smiles to smarts > and smarts to smiles. SMILES is a subset of SMARTS, so any SMILES string can be used as a SMARTS. The reverse is not true. I can design many SMAR

Re: [Open Babel] Is RXN format is still supported

2009-11-11 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have tested a few RXN files on Openbabel GUI on Windows but 0 result has > been output. One of the RXN file is attached. RXN format is definitely supported for reaction conversion (e.g., to CML reaction formats). What exactly are you trying to do in the GUI? Thanks, -Geoff

Re: [Open Babel] OpenBabel OBLogP for Perl

2009-11-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
; John Evans Professor > > Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry > University of Denver > FW Olin Hall 202 > 2190 E. Iliff Ave > Denver, CO 80208 > 303-871-2995 > FAX 303-871-2254 (chem) > > > &

Re: [Open Babel] Why Openbabel output non-standard MDL Molfile (SDF) format?

2009-11-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> According to Openbabel's wiki this format is following the specification of > Symyx CTFile at But > I have observed it does not. I perhaps should adjust the wiki to point out that the CTFile specification has changed repeatedly. I haven

Re: [Open Babel] Open Babel Error in reading PDB file

2009-11-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote: > But OB only generates a warning for them, which seems acceptable. > (Though it would be nice to also know the line number of the problem.) I think we can arrange line numbers in the warning. :-) > Also, your suggestion "It would be more appli

Re: [Open Babel] New chemical software

2009-11-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
Great! I just added it to the list of Open Babel projects. I hope you'll find some interested users, it certainly fits in with a number of interesting projects. Best regards, -Geoff -- Let Crystal Reports handle the repo

Re: [Open Babel] Obminimize

2009-11-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Could anyone help me to get energy minimal value for more than 2 > decimal places, i need atleast 5 decimal places. For example I highly doubt the molecular mechanics energies have more than 2-3 decimal places of accuracy in either the model or implementation. (Yes, the implementati

Re: [Open Babel] povray output

2009-11-27 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Does anyone have any experience with converting molecular files to the povay > format? There is a "" file which should be placed somewhere in your PovRay installation. This processes spheres vs. ball-and-stick, etc. If you can't find yours in the installed Open Babel, you can get i

Re: [Open Babel] nucleic acids in pdb files

2009-12-02 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> How else could one identify which atoms in a nucleic acid residue are > backbone, sugar or purine/pyrimidine? The code is a little strange -- I hadn't looked at it before. The real work is happening in residue.cpp::GetAtomIDNumber() which processes the properties based on the atom labels. I d

Re: [Open Babel] Error messages when compiling OpenBabel-2.2.3

2009-12-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> When typing "make" on the terminal, I got some error messages as follows: > > make[3]: *** [forcefieldghemical.lo] Error 1 The problem is that the key error would be on the 3-4 lines above this, so we cannot know for sure the problem. It would also help to know what Linux distribution you ar

Re: [Open Babel] first draft of new output format: MNA

2009-12-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Jolotium is no longer a correct name but the Russians may still prefer it for > political reasons or something. Maybe it's worth adding it to > OBElementTable? > Again, I think it would be more of a political statement than a useful > feature. :) Open Babel generally doesn't keep the full

Re: [Open Babel] chirality in smiles

2010-01-11 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> generated by babel? One can highlight chiral atoms inside smiles using > an asterisk when one does not wan't to give the absolute configuration. There is currently no option to do this. The code could be modified, but I'm not sure which software would accept the resulting SMILES. Traditionally

Re: [Open Babel] 2D structure diagram generation from atom connectivity

2010-01-27 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
>> I have seen in previous posts to this mailing list that >> pybel.readstring("smi", "CCO").draw() would do the job for ethanol. >> >> My questions are: >> Which is the algorithms that works beyind the scenes? depict? > > The ab-initio 2D coordinates are generated by the MCDL algorithm by Trepal

Re: [Open Babel] hybridization

2010-02-04 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Somebody told me that openbabel can get the hybridization of a molecule. > Anybody can tell me how I can get it? I'm not quite sure what you mean by "hybridization of a molecule." I assume you mean, hybridization of atoms in the molecule. Yes, you can write a simple program to get the hybridi

Re: [Open Babel] Unexpected result - by obprop

2010-02-04 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Jan 26, 2010, at 12:20 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote: > you get a different bonding pattern. See attached. It appears that babel is > having issues with the bonding pattern (due to aromaticity detection?) of the > tricycle. This is clear. I'm sorry, since I'm a bit late coming into this. Can s

Re: [Open Babel] Molecule ' s Energy

2010-02-15 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Then I recognized the OBFieldForce class (example used in the obenergy tool) > and I got rather large energy values in kJ/mol for molecules of at most 240 > amu. Finally I built in the energy minimizing step (using the > pFF->ConjugateGradients(1)), but only the energy values of small > m

Re: [Open Babel] [OpenBabel-scripting] OBConformer question

2010-02-15 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> As far as I can tell, using a weighted rotor search calculates the energy > for the scorings but doesn't do minimization. It's useful to start with a pre-minimized structure, but yes, a weighted rotor search will do some number of steepest descent optimization steps for each generated conform

Re: [Open Babel] Canonicalization

2010-02-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> appearance) index of the SDF file atoms and the (order of appearance) > index of the atoms in the newly created SMILES string. This would no longer be a canonical SMILES -- it would be a "regular" SMILES, where there may be several SMILES strings with different ordering. There are ways to crea

Re: [Open Babel] Canonicalization

2010-02-21 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> babel -isdf yournoncanonicalsdf.sdf -osmi yoursmilesfile.smi -xcx > > The -xc part should output canonical smiles, and -xx gives me the > X-coordinate of the atoms in the order they appear in the canonical > SMILES string. Is this usage safe/correct? Is the canonicalization > algorithm in -osmi

Re: [Open Babel] configure file missing

2010-03-12 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I'm trying to get canonical smiles generation to work properly and someone > recommended I install the SVN version of openbabel. I used svn to download > the source, but there was no configure file included and I was therefore > unable to proceed. Please help. The "trunk" development versio

Re: [Open Babel] Doing an energ/force calculation with openbabel

2010-03-12 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I'm trying to design a calculator for use with ASE (Atomic Simulation > Environment: which uses openbabel to get > energies using UFF and ghemical (for now). For this, I have a couple of > questions. Two quick notes, since I see Noel answered some of the other que

Re: [Open Babel] Doing an energ/force calculation with openbabel

2010-03-13 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Forces on individual atoms will do just fine. I didn't find them in the > documetation, however. Can you give me a pointer? Some information is in the OBForceField class with GetCoordinates() Yo

Re: [Open Babel] several general questions on OpenBabel usage

2010-03-15 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> 1) Is it possible to compare two databases using obgrep, I mean if I have > not only SMARTS pattern, but for example > the datasets of ligands which I want to use against other dataset? It sounds like you want to perform some sort of "diff" between two databases? That's an interesting use,

Re: [Open Babel] (no subject)

2010-03-23 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
Well, if you're having problems, please submit a bug report, and attach the file that's causing the error. Thanks very much, -Geoff On Mar 22, 2010, at 1:43 PM, wrote: > Respected sir, > > I am

Re: [Open Babel] Atom hybridization matching

2010-03-24 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> We are looking to pointers/examples, explaining atom hybridization matching > "^" , implemented in OpenBabel . Is there additional information to the one > found at page? I suspect your question is "how do you determine hybridization?" The rules are given in

Re: [Open Babel] Openbabel Segmentation fault

2010-03-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have installed openbabel version openbabel-2.2.2 locally on my linux > system. There were no errors after installation. What version of Linux are you using? Do you know what compiler version you are using? Thanks very much, -Geoff ---

Re: [Open Babel] nucleic acids in pdb files

2010-03-31 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
TJ > Also, it appears the residue names DA, DC, DG, DT and DU are commonly used in > pdb files. > I think these are the deoxy versions of A, C, G, T, U. > Is there any chance of getting these processed properly and maybe adding > those to OBResidueIndex namespace? Yes, the DA, DC, DG, DT, and D

Re: [Open Babel] Visualizing results from obprobe

2010-04-05 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
n Babel developers: Cheers, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: -- Downlo

Re: [Open Babel] Antwort: How to calcualate atom count and bond

2010-04-21 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have done some coding on the basis of your suggestion. My present code > gives me the Molecular Weight and Number of bonds present in SMILES. Now I > want to know other vital information like how many rings, double bonds and > triple bonds are present in SMILES. My code is as: ... >> FO

Re: [Open Babel] Two questions: Atom names and auto-calculated charges

2010-05-12 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Where does OpenBabel store atom names? I realize not all formats have > named atoms, but some (e.g. PDB) do, and I'm not sure where in the > OBAtom/OBMol/other objects I can find this info. For PDB-related formats, these are stored in the OBResidue:

Re: [Open Babel] installation error

2010-05-18 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
does not work with modern compilers. The latest release is 2.2.3. Best regards, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: http://hutc

Re: [Open Babel] -mt;-D_REENTRANT compiling on OpenSolaris

2010-05-22 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On May 19, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Gleb Sitnikov wrote: > Hello! I am compiling latest (thru svn) OpenBabel code with wxWidgets on > OpenSolaris 2009.06. I got this file "src/CMakeFiles/openbabel.dir/flags.make" ... > Did you note "-mt;-D_REENTRANT"? The fact is OpenSolaris doesn't support -mt > flag

Re: [Open Babel] problem with configuring openbabel-2.0.2

2010-06-01 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I faced a problem when I wanted to configure openbabel-2.0.2 ... > I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 - could this be a problem? If you installed Ubuntu, you can install the Ubuntu openbabel package. The latest source version is 2.2.3. Cheers, -Geoff

Re: [Open Babel] Adding extra information to OBMol

2010-06-07 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> You need create an OBPairData (a subclass of OBGenericData), and apply > it to the molecule using OBMol.SetData. I usually grep the OpenBabel > source for examples of things. There are also working examples in the API documentation, e.g. (see the Detailed Description):

Re: [Open Babel] state of OB features

2010-06-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
Chris and Noel have made comments already, and I generally agree with them. I have only added comments where I felt it was needed. > SMILES support is good, although it doesn't have support for stereochemistry > around double bonds. Excepting this lack, canonicalization is also good and > wide

Re: [Open Babel] state of OB features

2010-06-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Andrew Dalke wrote: > On the topic of documentation quality (which Geoff asked about), how does one > find this out? > Go to and there's mention of FP2, FP3 and > FP4 but not MACCS fingerprints. Point taken. > (BTW, what's the rea

Re: [Open Babel] state of OB features

2010-06-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Andrew Dalke wrote: >> There is automatic recognition of which of several computational >> chemistry programs a .out and .log files came from. > > My understanding of the format support, admittedly incomplete, is that one > specifies the format, and that's mapped t

Re: [Open Babel] MSVCR80.dll error

2010-06-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:24 AM, Robert DeLisle wrote: > If/when you fix it, please post back what you did so that others can benefit. ... > "This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. > Re-installing the application may fix this problem." The other possible issue is th

Re: [Open Babel] Multiple 2D drawings from 3D-zmatrix

2010-06-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have about 50 MOPAC Z-matrix files for which I need 2d > representations for publication. Here's one easy way -- without needing to install anything else. I'm assuming you can use a Linux box with bash, or something similar. I use "curl" but "wget" can also work here with slightly different

Re: [Open Babel] version number in python

2010-06-29 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> If not, would it be possible to add it to the python interface? That > would be very helpful to check if certain features are present or not if > a script is run on another machine. Sorry for the delay. For the development version ("trunk") I added a function for this, which will be incorpora

Re: [Open Babel] Freezing atoms during molecular mechanics

2010-06-29 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I edited "src/forcefield.cpp", adding this line: > rl.SetFixAtoms(_constraints.GetFixedBitVec()); Well, that's not quite kosher, since the constraints will return a temporary variable, and SetFixAtoms wants a reference. It's easy to fix, though. > Hopefully this is an appropriate place to po

Re: [Open Babel] newbie compiling issues

2010-06-30 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> g++ -Wall -L/home/athri/openbabel-2.2.3/src/.libs/ > -I/home/athri/openbabel-2.2.3 ./ex-1.cpp -o ex1 ... > The compiler does not find mol.h [“openbabel/mol.h: No such file or > directory"] Well, if you want the header, you'd need something like: g++ -Wall -I/home/athri/openbabel-2.2.3/includ

Re: [Open Babel] hcounts

2010-07-03 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I am doing a conversion of a multi-mol2 file to the individual mol2 files > with openbabel (openbabel –imol2 $.mol2 -omol2 $.mol2 –m) and in the course > of the conversion I receive the warning message “no hcounts”. Sorry, I just saw this message myself. It's a warning when Open Babel is perc

Re: [Open Babel] Processing a multi-conformational sd-file

2010-07-07 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> isomorph code (identity checking), so in the meanwhile we would have > to specify a convention such as all molecules with the same title are > the same. I've been thinking about this for a while. The easiest detection is that: a) The number of atoms is the same b) The element list is the same (a

Re: [Open Babel] markush structures in openbabel

2010-07-12 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Tim Vandermeersch wrote: >> So far I see only SetAtomicNum to specify atom type, but nothing to set >> the atomic label to something like "R1". > > You can use AliasData for this. See src/formats/mdlformat.cpp for an exact example. Hope that helps, -Geoff ---

Re: [Open Babel] GetMapList not working?

2010-07-14 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I am using OBMol->GetMapList to get the occurrences of fragments in > molecules. I'm not to sure that everything works correctly, though. ... > obconversion.ReadString(mol, "C1(N=C(NC(C)C)N=C(N=1)OC)NC(C)C"); ... > smartsPattern.Init( "N" ); The SMARTS pattern "N" matches only non-aromatic nitro

Re: [Open Babel] pyridinium and MMFF94

2010-07-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> downloaded through SVN (20 July 2010), fails to assign correct atom > types to pyridinium ion; namely, aromaticity is not perceived, and all In what form are you importing the molecule? SMILES? PDB? If there is no assigned formal charge to the pyridinium nitrogen, then there is no guaranteed

Re: [Open Babel] pyridinium and MMFF94

2010-07-21 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
ding them as starting from a > SMILES string? I believe SDFile would work just fine. Best regards, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh Office:

Re: [Open Babel] Modify a molecule

2010-07-24 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> For example, if I read in a mol2 into OB and wish to delete a carbon atom, > replace it with an oxygen and re-write that into a new file (that has all the > carbon’s extra hydrogens deleted and in general a chemically correct > molecule). Something in those lines. > I think that would be som

Re: [Open Babel] cansmi of molfile vs cansmi of cansmi

2010-07-28 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I've attached an example sdf file with 20 structures, all of which show this > behaviour. > I hope someone can take a look and see if I'm doing something odd or how I > might correct this. As Craig said, you're not doing anything odd. Breaking ties is tough, and this type of testing really tax

Re: [Open Babel] OBMolAngleIter() wrong angles?

2010-07-29 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
I always flag a few e-mails for upcoming releases. Do you still want to propose a different ordering for FindAngles / OBMolAngleIter? -Geoff On Apr 23, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Iordan Hristov wrote: >> The Open Babel "FindAngles" method doesn't work like you're expecting. >> Instead, it starts at the

Re: [Open Babel] Extract structures from gaussian output

2010-08-03 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
ope that helps, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: -- The Palm PDK Hot Apps Program offers

Re: [Open Babel] Adding new formats

2010-08-04 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> You didn't say whether you are using the subversion trunk or not - it > sounds like you aren't. See for > information on checking and compiling the development code. Or if you think the PDBQT format is close to ready, you can also send it to Noel or myself and we

Re: [Open Babel] compilation problems: openbabel, EMBOSS & zlib on Centos 5

2010-08-21 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Brian Smith wrote: > get is why openbabel is picking up these libraries at all the e... > definitions are in /usr/local/include/zlibemboss.h and the EMBOSS zlib > library is /usr/local/lib/libezlib*, so why should they ever be found by > openbabel? Well, that's m

Re: [Open Babel] POVRay Export

2010-08-23 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> that are in the openbabel docs directory which uses dioxin as an example > as well as one Ive tried. Ive got the file being found by > povray, I was wondering if there was anything else I needed to do? Generally no. Are you sure there are lights? -Geoff -

Re: [Open Babel] Release candidates available for testing

2010-08-23 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> What is the equivalent of the option "--disable-dynamic-modules" in > configure script for cmake? cmake [...] -DBUILD_SHARED=OFF Hope that helps, -Geoff -- This email is sponsored by Make an app they can't li

Re: [Open Babel] OS X compilation problems, for Python bindings

2010-08-30 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> It turns out that I have v4 of the dylibs Do you have Open Babel installed anywhere else? You mentioned MacPorts. Did you install OB at any point using MacPorts? I'd check /opt for a "v3" dylib. Something is picking that up. Hope that helps, -Geoff

Re: [Open Babel] protonation and structure normalization

2010-09-06 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> openbabel command line, it would seem that the results are different > from those obtained with the AddHydrogens() method embedded in the pybel > library, with the correctforpH option. Well yes, if you're comparing AddHydrogens() with and without correctForPH, then the results are different.

Re: [Open Babel] inchi/inchikey and WriteString

2010-09-09 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> conversion works, but the inchikey WriteString() command that > immediately follows gives the inchi string, not the inchikey. (yes, i'm > using SetOptions("K",conv.OUTOPTIONS)). It would be incredibly helpful if you could post the actual code. Thanks very much, -G

Re: [Open Babel] Trouble compiling python bindings on OS X

2010-09-09 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Sep 9, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Michael Lerner wrote: > gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -arch i386 > -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk > -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/6.2/include > -I/usr/local/include -I../../include > -I/Library/Frameworks/

Re: [Open Babel] meeting a puzzle

2010-09-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Sep 15, 2010, at 11:31 PM, hao wang wrote: > warning:Problem reading a MDL file > cannot read creator/dimension line line Well, you clearly have a non-standard MDL file. Open Babel does its best to translate it, but it wants you (the user) to understand it's not a standard MDL file. Persona

Re: [Open Babel] adding hydrogen

2010-09-20 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Can you teach me how to add hydrogen for each molecule by babel?(I know how > add this for only one molecule) I have many molecules. I want to know a batch > way.thankyou! > How to write the command line for this problem? Well, if you're using the command-line and you have one file with multip

Re: [Open Babel] Iterating over atoms + atom deletion

2010-10-03 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Create a list? :) I'll need to google and find an exemple to copy > paste... hope to find some code easy to understand. There's plenty of code in src/mol.cpp, for example for deleting hydrogens: OBMol *mol; OBAtom *atom; vector::iterator i; vector delatoms; for (atom = mol.

Re: [Open Babel] Reset stereochemistry

2010-10-04 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> For Murcko framework generation using pybel, I would like to reset the > stereochemistry. Even after hydrogen deletion, the E/Z stereochemistry > is conserved. Is there any way to reset the stereo? Well, if you're using Python, there's an easy way to reset the stereochemistry of a SMILES. Just

Re: [Open Babel] more MMFF94 bug fixes

2010-10-05 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
Dear Paolo, > atom types and/or MMFF94 charges. Included is a test.sdf file which > triggers the misassignments, so you may test yourself the results before > and after the cure. Thanks very much! This is a big help. We're also trying to track down some strange mis-assignments of atom types in c

Re: [Open Babel] Constrained Optimization Problem

2010-10-06 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> preliminary random rotor search. If this distance in the input structure is > close (~0.1Å) to the constraint requirement, things turn out fine, but things > go badly wrong when it's not close; the molecule basically blows up, and > other curiosities occur, such as the CG optimization being bo

Re: [Open Babel] Build conformers of a loop.

2010-10-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Oct 6, 2010, at 9:42 AM, françois Bagaïni wrote: > But When I fit the Nterminal ends of both molecules (initial conformer and > the result of the program), the C-terminal end is not superimposed. It looks > as if minimization can't deal with geometrical constraints. What's wrong in > my prog

[Open Babel] Version 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1

2010-10-15 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
, we will be working on fixing up the documentation the website, etc. Let us know what you think -- we look forward to a good release on Oct. 23rd. Thanks, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: http

Re: [Open Babel] Ionization problem

2010-10-17 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
Yes, this would definitely be a bug, although I can see that it's ionizing an alpha-beta unsaturated ketone. But I would ask you to try with 2.2.99 / 2.3.0 rc1, since this will shortly be the newest stable version and has a lot of fixes over 2.2.3. Thanks, -Geoff On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:55 AM,

Re: [Open Babel] Possible bug source... smiles mol2 conversion

2010-10-21 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:13 PM, JP wrote: > A colleague of mine and myself noticed this 'interesting' behaviour earlier > on today - and I thought I'd drop you an email to get your feedback on this. Mol2 has this strange feature that carboxylates are evidently supposed to be marked with "aromati

[Open Babel] 2.3.0rc2 Release Candidate Posted

2010-10-22 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
) unless I hear some obvious flaw in rc2. Thanks very much for all the hard work and contributions, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh Office: (412) 648-0492

[Open Babel] ANNOUNCE: Open Babel 2.3.0 Release

2010-10-26 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
ports, and code. Cheers, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: -- Nokia and AT&T prese

[Open Babel] State of the Art in Synthetic Accessibility?

2010-11-03 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
t can handle de novo molecular design and fused aromatic ring systems. (evil grin) Thanks for any suggestions, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web: http://hutchiso

Re: [Open Babel] State of the Art in Synthetic Accessibility?

2010-11-03 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
o have some level of screening against truly challenging targets. Thanks, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Department of Chemistry University of Pittsburgh tel: (412) 648-0492 email: web:

Re: [Open Babel] Error in DoTransformations

2010-11-04 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
ow what the problem is. Certainly the '-r' option should work to run StripSalts. Can you send us part of the SDF? If it's a secret, feel free to e-mail me personally. Thanks very much, -Geoff --- Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry University of Pit

Re: [Open Babel] OBConformerSearch - setting constraints

2010-11-08 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I was wondering if there is a way to set up constraints that can be used when > OBConformerSearch generates candidate solutions for the GA. Specifically, I > would like to set up 3 pairs of dihedrals that I know to be symmetric from > experimental data & distance between two non-bonded atoms t

Re: [Open Babel] EEM charges in the spectrophore code

2010-11-11 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> generate EEM charges via the OB API? I did a quick Java implementation > and the results weren't too encouraging, so I was hoping to check > another implementation Good question. I was thinking of creating an EEM charge model, which I just added to trunk. I have a test set of a few thousand org

Re: [Open Babel] Aromaticity of indoles

2010-11-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Is there a way in OpenBabel 2.3 to standardise the bonds in molecules in such > way that the bond orders are no longer dependent on the way the molecule was > entered? For example, the two smiles representations of the indole ring, > N1C=CC2=C1C=CC=C2 and N1C=CC2=CC=CC=C12, First off, I need

Re: [Open Babel] Aromaticity of indoles

2010-11-22 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Is there a way in OpenBabel 2.3 to standardise the bonds in molecules in such > way that the bond orders are no longer dependent on the way the molecule was > entered? For example, the two smiles representations of the indole ring, > N1C=CC2=C1C=CC=C2 and N1C=CC2=CC=CC=C12, lead to differences

Re: [Open Babel] Aromaticity of indoles

2010-11-22 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Nov 22, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Craig A. James wrote: > It appears that OpenBabel retains the original single/double bond assignment > and uses that to determine aromaticity of the remaining part of the molecule > after atoms are deleted. But depending on the original Kekule assignment of > bonds

Re: [Open Babel] Error in DoTransformations

2010-11-22 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> >>> babel -isdf test1000.sdf -osdf test1000_nofrags.sdf -r >>> >>> I get 997 of the following errors, and only 3 molecules converted: >>> >>> *** Open Babel Error in DoTransformations >>> Error executing an option To get back to Douglas's question, it's a non-obvious bug in the transformatio

Re: [Open Babel] OBRotor

2010-11-25 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> 2. How is it decided? If this is through OBRotorRules, where should I be > looking to take a look at it. Take a look at tools/obrotamer.cpp for some example code. It uses both OBRotorRules and OBRotorList. > 3. This does not seem like a list of "allowed" torsional values, because when > I us

Re: [Open Babel] using FastSearch class with Python

2010-11-25 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have noticed that the Pybel library doesn't support that similarity search, > but that should. But cannot use the FindSimilar() method because > of the type of the arguments. So basically my question is: > Is there a way to use the method FindSimilar() with Python? I think SWIG

Re: [Open Babel] C[C@@H](O)C(O)=O and C[C@H](O)C(O)=O match?

2010-11-25 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> when substructure matching C[C@@H](O)C(O)=O and c...@h](O)C(O)=O, both > match vice versa. Is that intended behavior? No, that would definitely be a bug. I assume you're using v2.3.0? -Geoff -- Increase Visibility of

Re: [Open Babel] Open Babel 2.3.0 and PDBQT format

2010-11-30 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:33 PM, wrote: > Please, could you tell me the proper flag to import/export PDBQT files? -ipdbqt for input and -opdbqt for output. If the files have an extension of .pdbqt, it should also be automatically recognized without a flag. Hope that helps, -

Re: [Open Babel] Retrieving both Kekule structures?

2010-12-01 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:21 AM, Igor Filippov [Contr] wrote: > I would be very interested in this too, if it's possible in a general > case. There is not currently a mechanism to do this. The code in kekulize.cpp would need to be changed -- right now, it terminates once it's found a successful K

Re: [Open Babel] Retrieving both Kekule structures?

2010-12-02 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I'll have a look into it - I'll keep you updated. I'll point out that the kekulize.cpp code is hairy, in part because we don't wish to break old API. (Fortunately that will change now.) In the 2.3 code, look for expandKekulize() and instead of "return true", you'll want to save that bond assi

Re: [Open Babel] One more MMFF94-related patch

2010-12-14 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I have prepared one more patch (attached) against the latest SVN OpenBabel. > With this patch the mighty OpenBabel can correctly assign MMFF94 types of ALL > of the 761 structures of the CCL.NET MMFF validation suite starting from the > original .mol2 file! Before this patch I had to use a MOL

Re: [Open Babel] openbabel library prints out warning messages

2010-12-15 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I've never seen this before, but it looks like libopenbabel is now > printing warning messages on stderr: > == > *** Open Babel Warning in CreateCisTrans > Error in cis/trans stereochemistry specified for the double bond If you don't like to see warnings, you can ea

Re: [Open Babel] partialcharge methods

2011-01-14 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Browsing openbabel-2.3.0/src/charges seems to confirm that > 'none' is not a charge option. > Is there another way to ignore the charges ? At the moment, not from the user utilities, no. I just added a "none" option to the development trunk. > 'input_file' - use the charges already in the in

Re: [Open Babel] erro on centOS

2011-01-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I installed openbabel-2.3.0 on my centOS system following the instruction > using cmake. The compilation seems fine, no errors. But when I ... > Is it a bug with the compilation? Well, it would help a lot to know what version of CentOS and the g++ compiler you are using. Some older versions o

Re: [Open Babel] bug in car to xyz conversion?

2011-01-16 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> The following informations could be useful: > 1) I exported the file directly from Material Studio > 2) The problem seemsto be size dependent, i.e. conversion works if I cut > down the structure to 150 atoms I suspect this isn't a specific problem with "car" format, rather with bond/aromaticit

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