I always flag a few e-mails for upcoming releases. Do you still want to propose 
a different ordering for FindAngles / OBMolAngleIter?


On Apr 23, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Iordan Hristov wrote:

>> The Open Babel "FindAngles" method doesn't work like you're expecting. 
>> Instead, it starts at the first atom (0 in Pybel notation) and looks for two 
>> neighbors.
> If that was the case in H-O-O-H we would get the correct angle sequence H-O-O 
> but we get O-H-O for the first angle.
>> Instead, you seem to be expecting that it finds the first atom, then goes to 
>> a neighbor, and then to the next.
> Well, I think people who will use the iterator would expect nothing more or 
> less than the angles that actually appear in their molecules. As it is right 
> now we get some mangled version of the angles with the atoms permuted. If the 
> intent of OBMolAngleIter() was to return a  sequence of atoms that form an 
> angle only when rearranged that should be noted in the documentation. But why 
> should the method rearrange the sequences it finds and not return them in the 
> correct order (like H-O-O)? That must be a bug.

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