On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote:

> But OB only generates a warning for them, which seems acceptable.  
> (Though it would be nice to also know the line number of the problem.)

I think we can arrange line numbers in the warning. :-)

> Also, your suggestion "It would be more applicable to read columns  
> 13-14 for atom name." has problems. It isn't that simple. Here is the  
> comment from the 2.1 specification draft I have handy, which goes  
> into much better detail than the current 3.x specification online.

Indeed, Open Babel will use columns 13-14 when necessary, but stick to the 2.1 
specification that they prefer the unambiguous data when present. The code to 
work out the element from columns 13-14 is a large set of special cases.

Thanks to Andrew for a very complete description of the issue and OB behavior.

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