> Then I recognized the OBFieldForce class (example used in the obenergy tool) 
> and I got rather large energy values in kJ/mol for molecules of at most 240 
> amu. Finally I built in the energy minimizing step (using the 
> pFF->ConjugateGradients(10000)), but only the energy values of small 
> molecules became smaller - the larger molecules stayed at their high positive 
> energies (i.e. > 1e10).

You've gotten two good answers. The third would be -- what force field are you 
using? In principal, MMFF94 is intended to reproduce heats of formation, 
although Noel indicated a number of problems with this. I have no idea what UFF 
energies are supposed to indicate -- the paper suggests that relative energies 
are supposed to reproduce activation barriers, but I don't think that's been 

If you really want fairly accurate heats of formation, I suggest a 
semiempirical quantum calculation, for example with MOPAC (e.g., AM1 or PM6) 
which has been specifically parameterized for such a task.

BTW, if you read MOPAC output files with Open Babel, then the OBMol energy will 
reflect the heat of formation calculated by MOPAC.

Best regards,

P.S. This particular property will be disappearing in Open Babel v3. Energy is 
a function of the computation method, not the molecule itself.
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