> 1) Is it possible to compare two databases using obgrep, I mean if  I have 
> not only SMARTS pattern, but for example 
> the datasets of ligands which I want to use against  other dataset?

It sounds like you want to perform some sort of "diff" between two databases? 
That's an interesting use, but it's not what obgrep does.

> 2) obconformer generates conformers by Monte Carlo search, what is the 
> difference with 3D obgen in the provided results?? It is just in methods, 
> right?
> But in obgen Monte Carlo conformational search is performed too, so obgen is 
> like obconf, just the molecular mechanics minimization is also performed?

The "obconformer" program starts from an existing 3D structure, while obgen is 
designed to start from a SMILES or other "no-coordinate" format, generate rough 
3D coordinates, and then yes perform some conformer searching and molecular 
mechanics optimization.

> And obminize also makes optimization of the conformation by moilecular 
> mechanics right?


> Is it possible to get a series of conformers using OpenBabel like in omega2 
> software? 

That's not currently the aim of the programs, no.

> 3) As I understand in GUI by conversion into 3D it is supposed that OpenBabel 
> generates 3D structure like it is done in some conformation generators like 
> Corina, Concord etc, or what does that 3D conversion mean?

Yes, it generates an approximate 3D structure.

Hope that helps,
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